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Bell Ringer Activity  The following questions will test your background knowledge about a wave of immigrants to the United States at the turn of the 20.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Activity  The following questions will test your background knowledge about a wave of immigrants to the United States at the turn of the 20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Activity  The following questions will test your background knowledge about a wave of immigrants to the United States at the turn of the 20 th century. You will learn more about this topic in the upcoming lessons. 1.Why did immigrants come to America at the turn of the 20 th century? 2.Most European immigrants to America were processed at which site in New York? 3.How did most people travel to America at the turn of the 20 th century?

2 “Old” immigration In the early 1800s, millions of Irish and Germans immigrated to the United States. The many Catholics among them encountered religious prejudice. Main Idea

3 I. Early Immigration A.Irish Immigration 1.Potato a.Poor people relied on the potato as their staple, or major, food crop. b.1845-1849 a disease struck the crop, and severely restricting the potato harvest. 2.Most arrived with no money and few skills a.Settled in Northeast b.Took jobs as servants or unskilled laborers

4 3.Those who could afford to travel found passage in “steerage.” a.A dark confined area below the main deck of a ship (barely 5 ½ feet high) located near the steering system. b.Little fresh water and food (had to supply for themselves) c.Overcrowded and poorly ventilated d.Lack of sanitation led to outbreaks of contagious diseases e.About 25% of those in steerage died during the voyage f.Herman Melville describe steerage as “an open cesspool.” 4.Landed at the bottom of the social and economic ladder a.Took jobs as laborers and servants b.Post Civil War, contributed to the construction of America’s growing network of canals, railways, rural highways, city streets, sewers, and waterworks.

5 B.German Immigration 1.Second largest group of immigrants to arrive 2.Causes a.Failure of political reforms led to violence b.Repression c.Harsh tax laws d.Military service e.Failed revolution of 1848 f.Scarcity of jobs 3.By 1860, over 1.5 million had arrived in the United States 4.Most had enough money to buy land and settle in Ohio and Pennsylvania

6 II. Nativism A.Discrimination 1.Presence of different cultures 2.Different languages 3.Different religions B.Nativism 1.Hostility toward foreigners 2.Anti-Catholic a.Protestant ministers preached anti-Catholic sermons b.Riots erupted

7 C.Nativist groups 1.Leads to the rise of nativist groups a.Supreme Order of the Star-Spangled Banner b.American Party 2.Groups agenda a.Never vote for a Catholic b.Pushed for laws banning immigration c.Pushed for laws banning Catholics from holding public office d.Membership was secret 3.Know-Nothings a.Groups eventually became know as the Know-Nothing party b.When questioned about their involvement, they were obliged to answer, “I know nothing.’

8 Review Questions 1.Why did so many Irish and German immigrants come to the United States at this time? 2.What was the main pull factor that brought Irish immigrants to the United States? 3.Why did nativism become so strong in the mid-1800s? 4.Explain the significance of nativism. 5.Explain the significance of Know-Nothings. 6.How did the Great Irish Famine affect the United States? 7.What factors do you think pulled Irish and German immigrants to the United States? 1.6

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