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Facilitating: In-Class Presentations, Discussions, and Activities

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1 Facilitating: In-Class Presentations, Discussions, and Activities
Susan M. Stein DHEd, MS, BS Pharm, RPh To Do the VooDoo That You Do So Well

2 Learning Objectives Identify and analyze effective presentation styles and facilitation formats Evaluate effective active learning Describe effective and concise course and syllabus design Analyze rubric evaluation tools

3 Facilitating Guidelines
Scale: you should ease students into your goal. Give them small items first then grow Engage students: learn their names and call on them at least once per term Group work: assign responsibilities and set ground rules to increase effective interaction Keep it simple: use the time you allotted, don’t go over Summarize and feedback loops Blah, Blah, Blah with Blinds

4 Facilitating Guidelines
Engage students: fear factor Scale: ease them in Group work tip: assign responsibilities, set ground rules Move around the room: direct attention Guiding terms: avoid providing answers Keep it simple: use time allotted Close the loop: summarize and provide feedback Detail Driven

5 Why are You Here: Teaching Learning
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled” – Plutarch …in any way you can 

6 In The News: Before we get started…
Florida: DEA action at 2 pharmacies New York: Fraudulent Prescriptions Oregon: Pharmacy Tech stealing Avoid a Jinx…Use Live Links

7 Example Activity: Think-Pair-Share
Identify two concepts that you are passionate about in your field of study Pair with a partner, share and discuss Be prepared to discuss with the class Clear as a Spring Day

8 Example Activity: Think-Write-Pair-Share
Using the Lecture Design Map as a guide… Create one activity for your lecture Write two assessment questions to directly address this activity Switch with the person next to you, assess Jolly Good

9 Activities Cafeteria Short-Mid Time, in class Longer Time, in class
Outside Class Pause, summarize, discuss Debates Online discussions Clickers Role Playing Study groups Buzz Groups Fish Bowl Assignments (solo, group) Minute Paper Horseshoe Muddiest point Think Pair Share Snowball

10 Activity: Project Buzz Group
Divide into groups focused on one of 4 groups: course/syllabus design, teaching and facilitation methods, active learning techniques, rubric design. Identify what project you will work on Divide into and discuss with a small group Present to groups and incorporate input prn Be prepared to verbally present to entire group

11 Student Push-Back Patience and Persistence: Don’t give up
Explain: understanding  participation Form a Faculty Learning Community Incrementally introduce > engaging activities Provided guided directions, expectations: exams require thinking not just memorizing Hold students accountable

12 Challenges in Human Wiring
View the following video and count the following: Number of times the ball is passed between the white players (with or without bouncing) Link:

13 Activity: Participants Present
Your colleagues will be presenting examples of the following: Teaching Methods Active Learning Methods Rubrics Please provide input for your colleagues: What do you like about it? How would you improve it?

14 Thumbprint Reenergize: embrace, renew and feed your passion to teach…we need you!  Create Your Style of teaching: you must be who you are Challenge students and yourself: you are both capable of more than you think Nothing goes well all the time: learn from it and move on

15 Questions, Comments?

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