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Crossing the Threshold Workshop 3 Sarah Shujah (York) Whitney Kemble (UTSC) Tuesday August 19, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Crossing the Threshold Workshop 3 Sarah Shujah (York) Whitney Kemble (UTSC) Tuesday August 19, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crossing the Threshold Workshop 3 Sarah Shujah (York) Whitney Kemble (UTSC) Tuesday August 19, 2014

2 Workshop Outline Learning outcomes Small group discussion Class activity Teaching activity w/ mini poster session Wrap up

3 Learning Outcomes Discuss the two highlighted ACRL Threshold Concepts in order to develop a better understanding of the Concepts and Framework. Create strategies and/or learning outcomes for the highlighted Threshold Concepts in order to implement them in your own teaching practice.

4 Searching as Exploration Information discovery is nonlinear and iterative, requiring the use of a broad range of information sources and flexibility to pursue alternate avenues as new understanding is developed. Information has Value The creation of information requires a commitment of time, original thought, and resources that need to be respected by those who use or adapt it. Information may be valued differently based on its creator, audience, or message.

5 Find Your Match: Speed Searching Group A’s have a research task Group B’s are a type of resource Move around and talk to each other to find your match! Mortensen, 2013. The New York Times.

6 Find Your Match: Speed Searching

7 Teaching Activity Think of a class that you teach Choose one of today’s concepts, write a learning outcome and create an activity for it Share your work in the mini poster session

8 Wrap Up Please fill out the evaluation form THANK YOU!!!

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