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Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment Committee Goals and Objectives for Action.

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Presentation on theme: "Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment Committee Goals and Objectives for Action."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment Committee Goals and Objectives for Action

2 Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment: Priority Area Goals Air Quality 1.Reduce exposure to criteria air pollutants in ambient air, particularly ambient ozone and particulate matter 2.Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all sources in NYS by at least 7% from 2013 levels 3.Reduce asthma hospitalization and ED visits for children and adults with poorly controlled asthma by reducing home exposure to common asthma triggers that contribute to preventable exacerbations 4.Reduce CO poisonings in New York State Water Quality 1.Increase the percentage of State residents that receive optimally fluoridated public drinking water (baseline: 72.4%) 2.Reduce public health impacts created by contaminated private drinking water wells 3.Implement measures to address water quality challenges posed by land development and climate change Food Safety 1.Address Leading Contributing Factors to Foodborne Disease Outbreaks 2.Increase New York State’s Foodborne Disease Surveillance and Response Capacity 3.Modernize New York State Food Safety Regulations Injuries/Occupational 1.Reduce fall risks among older adults 2.Reduce sports-related injuries and illnesses among youth 3.Reduce injuries among high-risk occupational groups (e.g. construction, health care, transportation) 4.Increase the effectiveness of youth violence and suicide prevention 5.Improve surveillance of work-related injuries and illnesses Place/Community Environments 1.Improve the design of the built environment to promote physical activity, sustainability and adaptation to climate change.

3 Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment: Priority Area Goals Air Quality Reduce exposure to criteria air pollutants in ambient air, particularly ambient ozone and particulate matter Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all sources in NYS by at least 7% from 2013 levels Reduce asthma hospitalization and ED visits for children and adults with poorly controlled asthma by reducing home exposure to common asthma triggers that contribute to preventable exacerbations Reduce CO poisonings in New York State

4 Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment: Priority Area Goals Water Quality Increase the percentage of State residents that receive optimally fluoridated public drinking water (baseline: 72.4%) Reduce public health impacts created by contaminated private drinking water wells Implement measures to address water quality challenges posed by land development and climate change

5 Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment: Priority Area Goals Food Safety Address Leading Contributing Factors to Foodborne Disease Outbreaks Increase New York State’s Foodborne Disease Surveillance and Response Capacity Modernize New York State Food Safety Regulations

6 Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment: Priority Area Goals Injuries/Occupational Reduce fall risks among older adults Reduce sports-related injuries and illnesses among youth Reduce injuries among high-risk occupational groups (e.g. construction, health care, transportation) Increase the effectiveness of youth violence and suicide prevention Improve surveillance of work-related injuries and illnesses

7 Promote a Healthy and Safe Environment: Priority Area Goals Place/Community Environments Improve the design of the built environment to promote physical activity, sustainability and adaptation to climate change.

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