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The C Language.

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1 The C Language

2 Topics to Cover… ISR’s High Level Languages Compilers vs. Interpreters
The C Language 1st C Program C Style C Preprocessor printf Function eZ430X Header Files 2nd C Program BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

3 Interrupt Service Routines
Well-written ISRs: Should be short and fast Should affect the rest of the system as little as possible Require a balance between doing very little – thereby leaving the background code with lots of processing – and doing a lot and leaving the background code with nothing to do Applications that use interrupts should: Disable interrupts as little as possible Respond to interrupts as quickly as possible Communicate w/ISR only through global variables (never through registers!!!) BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

4 Interrupt Service Routines
Who empties the trash? Interrupt Service Routine Disable Interrupts Main Routine Global Variable BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

5 Levels of Abstraction High Level Languages Problems Algorithms
Assembly code Machine (ISA) Architecture Machine code Microarchitecture MSP430 Architecture Circuits Logic gates, multiplexers, memory, etc. Devices Transistors BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

6 Outline of Second Half of this Course
During the second half of the course, you will be introduced to fundamental high-level programming constructs: Variables (Chapter 13) Control structures (Chapter 14) Functions (Chapter 15) Arrays and Pointers (Chapter 16) Simple data structures (Chapter 17) Input and Output (Chapter 18) Recursion (Chapter 19) BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

7 High Level Languages High Level Languages The closer a language is to your original specification, the easier the program is to write. Many, many programming languages LISP - LISt Processing PROLOG - logic programming MATLAB - matrix and vector manipulations BASIC – interpreter for small computers APL – matrix and vectors FORTRAN – formula translation COBOL – business and accounting PASCAL - procedural …. BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

8 High Level Languages Allow us to use symbolic names for values
Programmer simply assigns each value a name Allow us to ignore many memory details, the compiler takes care of … register usage variable allocation loads and stores from memory callee/caller protocol stack management for subroutine calls BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

9 High Level Languages Provide abstraction of underlying hardware
Hide low level details (ISA) from programmer Uniform interface (not tied to ISA) to program Portable software (works on different ISAs) The compiler generates the machine code if ((a >= '0') && (a <= '9')) { sum = sum * 10; sum = sum + (a - '0'); } else ... BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

10 High Level Languages Provide expressiveness Human-friendly orientation
Express complex tasks with smaller amount of code English-like and human readable if-then-else… while… for... switch… if(isCloudy) get(umbrella); else get(sunglasses); BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

11 High Level Languages Enhance code readability Can read like a novel…
if written with readability in mind Readability.. is very important life cycle costs are more important than initial programming costs Easier to debug Easier to maintain main() { readInput(); checkForErrors(); doCalculation(); writeOutput(); } BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

12 High Level Languages Provide safeguards against bugs
Rules can lead to well-formed programs structured programming (no GOTO statements) Compilers can generate checks array bounds checking data type checking Many languages provide explicit support for assertions something that should be true - if it isn’t, then error assert(accountBalance >= 0); BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

13 Compilation vs. Interpretation
Compilers vs Interpreters Compilation vs. Interpretation Interpretation: An interpreter reads the program and performs the operations in the program The program does not execute directly, but is executed by the interpreter. Compilation: A compiler translates the program into a machine language program called an executable image. The executable image of the program directly executes on the hardware. The interpreter and compiler are themselves programs BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

14 High-Level Language Program read & execute program text
Compilers vs Interpreters Interpretation Algorithm High-Level Language Program c = a + b; by hand Interpreter read & execute program text BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

15 Interpretation Program code is interpreted at runtime
Compilers vs Interpreters Interpretation Program code is interpreted at runtime lines of code are read in interpreter determines what they represent requested function is performed Interpretation is common: + LISP + BASIC + Perl + Java + Matlab + LC-2 simulator + UNIX shell + MS-DOS command line Interpretation can be slow... interpret() { while(1) // do forever readInputLine(); if(line[0..3] == "mult") doMultiply(); else if(line[0..2] == "add") doAdd(); else ... } BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

16 Assembly language program Machine language programs
Compilers vs Interpreters Compilation Algorithm C-language program c = a + b; by hand Assembly language program ADD r4,r5 compiler The assembly language stage is often skipped… Compiler often directly generates machine code. Machine language programs assembler to machine for execution BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

17 Compilation Compilers convert high-level code to machine code
Compilers vs Interpreters Compilation Compilers convert high-level code to machine code compile once, execute many times resulting machine code is optimized may include intermediate step (assembly) slower translation, but higher performance when executed Is an assembler considered a compiler? assemblers do convert higher level code to machine code, but… they are usually in a class by themselves BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

18 The C Programming Language
The C Language The C Programming Language Developed 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs C first developed for use in writing compilers and operating systems (UNIX) A low-level high-level language Many variants of C 1989, the American National Standards Institute standardized C (ANSI C, most commonly used C) “The C Programming Language” by Kernighan and Ritchie is the C “Bible” C is predecessor to most of today’s procedural languages such as C++ and Java. BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

19 Compiling a C Program C/C++ Code Assembler Code Object Code
The C Language Compiling a C Program C/C++ Code Assembler Code Object Code Machine Code BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

20 Compiling a C Program The C Language C Source Code C Compiler
C Preprocessor Preprocessed source code Source Code Analysis 1st Pass Code Generation 2nd Pass Symbol Table Linker Object module Library & Object Files Executable Image BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

21 A First Program //************************************
1st C Program A First Program Tells compiler to use all the definitions found in the msp430x22x4.h library. A .h file is called a header file and contains definitions and declarations. //************************************ // blinky.c: Software Toggle P1.0 #include "msp430x22x4.h" void main(void) { int i = 0; WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // stop WD P1DIR |= 0x01; // P1.0 output for (;;) // loop P1OUT ^= 0x01; // toggle P1.0 while (--i); // delay } All programs must have a main() routine. This one takes no arguments (parameters). Stop WD w/Password Set P1.0 as output Loop forever Delay 65,536 Toggle P1.0 BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

22 Comments Use lots of comments
C Style Comments Use lots of comments /* This is a comment */ // This is a single line comment Comment each procedure telling: /* * * ProcedureName – what it does * * Parameters: * * Param1 – what param1 is * * Param2 – what param2 is * * Returns: * * What is returned, if anything * * */ Use lots of white space (blank lines) BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

23 A Second Program Define a macro called STOP. Anywhere the word STOP appears in the program below, it will be replaced by a 0. This substitution is done by the C preprocessor before the compiler ever gets the program to compile. #include <stdio.h> #define STOP 0 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int counter; int startPoint; printf("\nEnter a positive number: "); scanf("%d", &startPoint); for(counter = startPoint; counter >= STOP; counter--) { printf("\nCount is: %d", counter); } return 0; Declare some integer variables Print a prompt Read in an integer Loop from startPoint down to 0, printing counter as you go... ECEn/CS 124 Chapter 11

24 Indenting Style Each new scope is indented 2 spaces from previous
C Style Indenting Style Each new scope is indented 2 spaces from previous Put { on end of previous line, or start of next line Line matching } up below if(a < b) { b = a; a = 0; } else a = b; b = 0; Style 2 if(a < b) { b = a; a = 0; } else { a = b; b = 0; Style 1 Style is something of a personal matter. Everyone has their own opinions… What is presented here is similar to that in common use and a good place to start... BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

25 More On Indenting Style
C Style More On Indenting Style For very long clauses, you may want to add a comment to show what the brace is for: if(a < b) { /* Lots of code here... */ } // end if(a < b) else } // end else BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

26 Preprocessor commands are not terminated with ‘;’
C Preprocessor The C Preprocessor #define symbol code The preprocessor replaces symbol with code everywhere it appears in the program below #define NUMBER_OF_MONKEYS 259 #define MAX_LENGTH 80 #define PI #include filename.h The preprocessor replaces the #include directive itself with the contents of header file filename.h #include <stdio.h> /* a system header file */ #include "myheader.h" /* a user header file */ Preprocessor commands are not terminated with ‘;’ BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

27 eZ430X System Functions eZ430X.h and eZ430X.c Setting system clock
eZ430X Header Files eZ430X System Functions eZ430X.h and eZ430X.c int eZ430X_init(int clock_speed); // init system void ERROR2(int error); // fatal error Setting system clock #include "msp430x22x4.h" #include "eZ430X.h" #define myClock CALDCO_8MHZ #define CLOCK // SMCLK = ~8 mhz void main(void) { eZ430X_init(myClock); // init board ERROR2(5); } BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

28 C I/O I/O facilities are not part of the C language itself
eZ430X Header Files C I/O I/O facilities are not part of the C language itself Nonetheless, programs that do not interact with their environment are useless The ANSI standard defines a precise set of I/O library functions for portability Programs that confine their system interactions to facilities provided by the standard library can be moved from one system to another without change. The properties of the C I/O library functions are specified in header files <stdio.h> (C standard library) "eZ430X.h", "lcd.h" (eZ430X) BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

29 Output in C printf( format_string, parameters ) Output: Hello world
printf Function Output in C String literal printf( format_string, parameters ) printf("\nHello World"); printf("\n%d plus %d is %d", x, y, x+y); printf("\nIn hex it is %x", x+y); printf("\nHello, I am %s. ", myname); printf("\nIn ascii, 65 is %c. ", 65); Output: Hello world 5 plus 6 is 11 In hex it is b Hello, I am Bambi. In ascii, 65 is A. Decimal Integer Hex Integer Newline Character String BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

30 LCD lcd.c Prototypes int lcd_init(void); void lcd_volume(int volume);
printf Function LCD lcd.c Prototypes int lcd_init(void); void lcd_volume(int volume); void lcd_backlight(int backlight); int lcd_display(int mode); void lcd_clear(int value); void lcd_image(const unsigned char* image, int column, int page); void lcd_blank(int column, int page, int width, int height); void lcd_cursor(int column, int page); char lcd_putchar(char c); void lcd_printf(char* fmt, ...); BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

31 LCD LCD - 100 x 160 x 4 pixels display Hello World! Y (0-99) 
printf Function LCD LCD x 160 x 4 pixels display Page 10 Page 9 Page 8 Page 7 Page 6 Page 5 Page 4 Page 3 Page 2 Page 1 Page 0 Page 12 Page 11 // 5 x 8 pixel Characters lcd_cursor(40, 5); lcd_printf("Hello World!"); Hello World! Y (0-99)  X (0-159)  BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

32 A Second Program 2nd C Program #include the lcd functions
// File: ftoc.c // Date: 02/15/2010 // Author: Joe Coder // Description: Output a table of Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures. #include "msp430x22x4.h" #include "eZ430X.h" #include "lcd.h" #define LOW // Starting temperature #define HIGH // Ending temperature #define STEP 10 // increment int main(void) { int fahrenheit; // Temperature in fahrenheit float celsius; // Temperature in celsius WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT eZ430X_init(CALDCO_1MHZ); // init board lcd_init(); // Loop through all the temperatures, printing the table for(fahrenheit = LOW; fahrenheit <= HIGH; fahrenheit += STEP) celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8; printf("\nf=%d, c=%.1f", fahrenheit, celsius); } Use #define’s for magic numbers Use meaningful names for variables 1 digit to the right of the decimal point. BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

33 BYU CS/ECEn 124 The C Language

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