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IEEE Teacher In-Service Training Program Region 9 17-18 August 2007 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE Teacher In-Service Training Program Region 9 17-18 August 2007 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE Teacher In-Service Training Program Region 9 17-18 August 2007 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

2 Program Background and Scope

3 What are we trying to accomplish? l Train IEEE volunteers to train pre- university teachers l The teachers will use the lesson plans in their classes l Thereby bringing engineering and engineering design into the classroom

4 What are we trying to accomplish? l Train IEEE volunteers to approach schools and school systems l in order to make the teacher training possible l Make this activity sustainable and long-term l Definition of success: l You have trained teachers to use TISP in the classroom l The teachers have adopted TISP in their regular classes

5 The Long-term Goals l Develop Section and Student Branch “champions” who will create collaborations with local pre- university community to promote hands-on experimentation related to engineering l Enhance the level of technological literacy of pre- university educators l Encourage pre-university students to pursue technical careers, including engineering l Increase the general level of technological literacy of pre-university students

6 Why Participate in a Teacher In-Service Program? Increase the level of technological literacy of: l Teachers l Students l The local school community l Make all of them see the importance, beauty and human side of engineering

7 Why Participate in a Teacher In-Service Program? l Improve the image IEEE and the engineering profession l …in the eyes of pre-university educators and students l Promote engineering as a program of study and career choice l Encourage IEEE member participation l Make students who will not become engineers aware of engineering

8 Have fun Why Participate in a Teacher In-Service Program?

9 Activities To Date l More than 55 presentations l More than 1400 pre-university educators have participated l Science, technology and mathematics educators l These educators represent more than 150,000 students

10 Here is what teachers told us: l They would use the concepts presented by TISP in their teaching l Using TISP would enhance the level of technological literacy of their students l [90% agreement]

11 What you need to do… l Organize a group of volunteers (3-5) to offer TISP workshops l Prepare a demonstration and a presentation l Approach a school or school system personnel responsible for schools l Present and explain the program and offer to conduct a workshop for teachers of mathematics, science and technology

12 l EAB will financially support student branches attending this training l This support is for the purchase of materials and supplies needed to conduct a TISP session with teachers l This support is for at least one year after this training How to pay for TISP?

13 Re-useable materials and hardware. Counting the Cost

14 Counting the Cost Expendables

15 Stay in Touch with Us… l IEEE Educational Activities Board 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 l l l

16 Questions or Comments?

17 Rotational Equilibrium: A Question of Balance Teacher In Service Program (TISP) Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Piura, Peru and Cape Town, South Africa Nico Beute, South Africa Section August 2007

18 What are we going to do today? l Simulate a TISP activity l Provide an opportunity for Section Champions in Region 9 to experience first hand what we are trying to do with teachers l Motivate Section champions to conduct TISP sessions with educators throughout the pre-university educational system l Learn from educators what is required

19 Lesson content l We will build a Mobile to meet specifications l Including basic calculations of design parameters l In teams of 2 l We will develop specifications for a second Mobile and then build it

20 Lesson Plan Document l Overall summary l Alignment to education standards l Teacher resources l Materials required l Theory l Concepts and definitions l Answer key l Student resources l Student worksheet

21 How does this lesson align with Educational Standards in South Africa ?

22 Alignment to National Curriculum Statements l Critical Outcomes l As a result of the activities, all learners should develop and demonstrate the ability to; l identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking; l work effectively with others as members of a team, group, organisation and community; l organise and manage themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively; l collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information; l communicate effectively using visual, symbolic and/or language skills in various modes; l use science and technology effectively and critically showing responsibility towards the environment and the health of others; and l demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem solving contexts do not exist in isolation.

23 Learning Outcomes of Mathematics: Grade 10 l As a result of the activities, all learners should develop and demonstrate the ability to; l Generate as many graphs as necessary, initially by means of point- by-point plotting, supported by available technology, to make test conjectures and hence to generalise the effects of the parameters a and g on the graphs of the functions.(10.2.2) l Investigate, generalise and apply the effect of the following transformations of the point (x; y): l A translation of p units horizontally and q units vertically; l A reflection in the x-axis, the y-axis or the line y = x. (10.3.4) l Demonstrate an appreciation of the contribution to the history of the development and use of geometry and trigonometry by various cultures through a project. (10.3.7)

24 Learning Outcomes of Physical Science: Grade 10 l As a result of the activities, all learners should develop and demonstrate the ability to; l plan and conduct a scientific investigation to collect data systematically with regard to accuracy, reliability and the need to control one variable. (10.1.1) l seek patterns and trends in information collection and link it to existing scientific knowledge to help draw conclusions. (10.1.2) l Communicate information and conclusions with clarity and precision (10.1.4) l Apply scientific knowledge in familiar, simple contexts. (10.2.2)

25 Learning Outcomes of Mechanical Technology: Grade 10 l As a result of the activities, all learners should develop and demonstrate the ability to; l present assignments by means of a variety of communication media. (10.2.5) l describe the functions of appropriate basic tools and equipment (10.3.2) l explain the use of semi-permanent joining applications (10.3.5) l distinguish between different types of forces found in engineering components by graphically determining the nature of these forces (10.3.6)

26 Learning Outcomes of Civil Technology Grade 10 l As a result of the activities, all learners should develop and demonstrate the ability to; l present assignments by means of a variety of communication media. (10.2.5) l describe the properties and the use of materials in the built environment. (10.3.2) l describe functions, use and care of basic tools and equipment. (10.3.3) l demonstrate an understanding of applicable terminology. (10.3.5) l distinguish between different types of forces found in load bearing structures. (10.3.6) l list different manufacturing process or construction methods. (10.3.7) l identify quantities of materials for small projects. (10.3.9) l explain the use of different joining applications. (methods) (10.3.10)

27 Today’s activity: Build a Mobile

28 Focus and Objectives l Focus: demonstrate the concept of rotational equilibrium l Objectives l Learn about rotational equilibrium l Solve simple systems of algebraic equations l Apply graphing techniques to solve systems of algebraic equations l Learn to make predictions and draw conclusions l Learn about teamwork and working in groups

29 Anticipated Learner Outcomes l As a result of this activity, students should develop an understanding of l Rotational equilibrium l Systems of algebraic equations l Solution techniques of algebraic equations l Making and testing predictions l Teamwork

30 Concepts the teacher needs to introduce l Mass and Force l Linear and angular acceleration l Center of Mass l Center of Gravity l Torque l Equilibrium l Momentum and angular momentum l Vectors l Free body diagrams l Algebraic equations

31 Theory required l Newton’s first and second laws l Conditions for equilibrium  F = 0 (Force Balance)Translational   = 0 (Torque Balance)Rotational l Conditions for rotational equilibrium l Linear and angular accelerations are zero l Torque due to the weight of an object l Techniques for solving algebraic equations l Substitution, graphic techniques, Cramer’s Rule

32 Mobile l A Mobile is a type of kinetic sculpture l Constructed to take advantage of the principle of equilibrium l Consists of a number of rods, from which weighted objects or further rods hang l The objects hanging from the rods balance each other, so that the rods remain more or less horizontal l Each rod hangs from only one string, which gives it freedom to rotate about the string 3 August 2006

33 Historical Origins l Name was coined by Marcel Duchamp in 1931 to describe works by Alexander Calder l Duchamp l French-American artist, 1887-1968 l Associated with Surrealism and Dada l Alexander Calder l American artist, 1898-1976 l “Inventor of the Mobile”



36 Lobster Tail and Fish Trap, 1939, mobile Hanging Apricot, 1951, standing mobile Standing Mobile, 1937 Mobile, 1941

37 Alexander Calder on building a mobile "I used to begin with fairly complete drawings, but now I start by cutting out a lot of shapes.... Some I keep because they're pleasing or dynamic. Some are bits I just happen to find. Then I arrange them, like papier collé, on a table, and "paint" them -- that is, arrange them, with wires between the pieces if it's to be a mobile, for the overall pattern. Finally I cut some more of them with my shears, calculating for balance this time." Calder's Universe, 1976.

38 Our Mobiles l Version 1 l A three-level Mobile with four weights l Tight specifications l Version 2 l An individual design under general constraints

39 Version 1 l A three-level four-weight design Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

40 Materials l Rods made of balsa wood sticks, @30cm long (dowel rods, skewers can also work) l Strings made of sewing thread or fishing string l Coins or washers l 240 weight paper l Adhesive tape l Paper and pens/pencils

41 Tools and Accessories l Scissors l Hole Punchers l Pens l Wine/water glasses l Binder clips l 30cm Ruler l Band Saw (optional) l Marking pen l Calculator (optional)

42 Instructions and basic constraints l Weights are made of two standard washers taped to a circular piece of cardboard l One washer on each side l If you wish to do it with only one washer it will be slightly harder to do l Each weight is tied to a string l The string is connected to a rod 5mm from the edge

43 5 mm

44 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 5 mm Rods of level 3 and 2 are tied to rods of level 2 and 1 respectively, at a distance of 5mm from the edge of the lower level rod

45 Designing the Mobile Level 3 l W x 1 = W y 1 l x 1 + y 1 = 290 Level 2 l 2W x 2 = W y 2 l x 2 + y 2 = 290 Write and solve the equations for x i And y i (i=1,2,3) 290 mm

46 Level 1 3W x 3 = W y 3 x 3 + y 3 = 290

47 Solve Equations for Level 1 3 W x 3 = W y 3 (1) x 3 + y 3 = 290(2) From (1): y 3 = 3x 3 (3) Substitute (3) in (2): 4x 3 = 290 or x 3 = 72.5mm (4) From (2) y 3 = 290 – x 3 or y 3 = 217.5mm(5) By substitution

48 Level 1 (Experimental vs Calculated) Calculated: 4W x 3 = 2W y 3 W=2.05 gram 2 X 3 = Y 3 X 3 + Y 3 = 305 3X 3 = 305 X = 102 Y = 203 Experimental: X = 110 Y = 195 F=4W+2W = 6W 4W 2W

49 Level 1 (Including bar weight) Bar weighs 2.75 g Washer: 2.05 g X + Y = 305 4*2.05 X + 2.75/305*X * X/2 = 2*2.05 Y + 2.75/305*Y * Y/2 8.2X+0.0045X 2 = 4.1(305- X)+0.0045*(305-X) 2 = 1250.5-4.2X+418.6- 2.745X+ 0.0045X 2 (8.2+4.2+2.745)X = 1250.5+418.6 X=110 Y=195 Same as Experimental value F=2W+W = 3W Y*bX*b 2W 4W2W a a

50 Hints l Sewing thread is much easier to work with than fishing line l Use at least 40cm strings to connect levels l If you are very close to balance, use adhesive tape to add small amount of weight to one of the sides

51 Solve Equations for Level 1 3 W x 3 = W y 3 (1) x 3 + y 3 = 290(2) From (1): y 3 = 3x 3 or 3x 3 -y 3 =0(3) From (1) and (2) using Cramer’s rule Using Cramer’s Rule

52 Solve Equations for Level 1 Generate points for: Y 3 = 3X 3 Y 3 = 290 - X 3 Using Graphics

53 Numerical values for graph 00290 50150240 100300190 150450140 20060090 x3y3y3x3y3y3

54 The intersection is at x=72.5mm y=217.5mm x and y in mm

55 Graphic solution from handout

56 Activity 1: Build Version-1 Mobile l Record actual results l Compare expected values to actual values l Explain deviations from expected values

57 Version 2 l Design a more complicated mobile l More levels (say 5) l Three weights on lowest rod, at least two on each one of the other rods l Different weights l First, provide a detailed design and diagram with all quantities l Show all calculations, specify all weights, lengths, etc. l Then, build, analyze and provide a short report

58 Report l Description of the design, its objectives and main attributes l A free body diagram of the design l All forces and lengths should be marked l Key calculations should be shown and explained l A description of the final product l Where and in what areas did it deviate from the design l Any additional insights, comments, and suggestions

59 Questions for Participants l What was the best attribute of your design? l What is one thing you would change about your design based on your experience? l What approximations did we make in calculating positions for strings? How did they affect our results? l How would the matching of design to reality change if we… l Used heavier weights l Used heavier strings l Used strings of different lengths connected to the weights l Used heavier rods l To educators: l How does this lesson plan relate to what you teach l Can you implement this lesson plan in your classroom?

60 Questions, comments, reflections

61 How to Begin a TISP activity? Two pronged approach: l Build relationships with schools and school districts l Teachers, headmasters, principals, superintendents l Build interest in the membership

62 The IEEE Volunteer and TISP IEEE Members are very generous with their time IEEE Members are very willing to share their experiences Educational Outreach events get enthusiastic volunteer support

63 Two types of TISP volunteers TISP Champions - take responsibility to establish and maintain a TISP program in “their” school system TISP Trainers - energetic supporters of the initiative, willing to interact with teachers and serve as “coaches” during TISP presentations You need BOTH

64 Teacher In-Service Program The South African Experience August 2007 Nico Beute

65 National Development needs l Shortage of engineers in South Africa as in many developing countries l Engineers are needed to provide the infrastructure needed for development l Need for career guidance l Enlarge pool of school leavers equipped to study engineering l High drop out rate of engineering students l Many other careers need maths, science and technology l Improve problem solving skills of learners

66 The Immediate Objectives l Train IEEE volunteers to train pre- university teachers, so that the teachers can be more effective in bringing engineering and engineering design into the classroom. l Train IEEE volunteers to approach the school system in order to make the teacher training possible. l Make this activity sustainable and long- term.

67 TISP in South Africa l Training workshop held on 4-5 August 2006 l Approximately 90 participants l 60 engineers l 30 from education departments l Excellent participation of Education Departments both during planning stage and follow up workshops l About 400 teachers were involved in the programme during 2006

68 We tried to meet the needs of South African Education Departments l We listen to what educators say l We try to understand educational principles l We co-operate with educators, and do not try to tell them what to do l Practical examples help the school child to understand difficult concepts l Show them what an engineer does

69 What we have achieved and what we want to achieve in South Africa l Workshop on 4 and 5 August was attended by 60 keen engineers and 30 officials from the National Department and most provincial Education departments l After the workshop we sent questionnaires to participants asking if they are still committed l Engineers in South Africa are ready and keen to help our teachers. This is proved by the feedback after the workshop l We now have regular planning meetings for follow up workshops for teachers l The educational challenge in the technological field in SA is enormous - but we are ready to face it

70 Purpose of TISP Workshops For Educators and Engineers to join forces to: l Present Selected Lesson Plans l Evaluate Lesson Plans l Suggest improvements l Plan Training Sessions l Identify Presenters for Training Sessions

71 Presenters for Teacher Training In-Service Programmes for 2007 IEEE / SAIEE / SAIMechE / DoE VenueLesson PlanPresentersSponsor TISP Workshop Cape Town 5&6 Aug 2007 1.CAD 2.Give me a Brake 3.Give Binary a Try 4.The Dumpy Level 5.Bridge Building 1.Jaco Myburg and Willem Goodchild 2.Hugh Jeffery and Benny Trollip 3.Vaughn Stone and Jan Randewijk 4.Andre Fourie 5.Johan van Staden Tri-CAD Education SAIMechE SAIEE & WCED Gauteng Education Subject advisor training Gauteng 3 - 7 Sept 2007 1.CAD 2.Give me a Brake 3.Give Binary a Try 4.The Dumpy Level 5.Bridge Building 1.Jaco Myburg 2.Jan Mostert and 3.Rina Mostert and Suliman Loonat 4.Andre Fourie 5.Johan van Staden Subject advisor training Cape Town 10 – 14 Sept 2007 1.CAD 2.Give me a Brake 3.Give Binary a Try 4.The Dumpy Level 5.Bridge Building 1.Jaco Myburg 2.Hugh Jeffery and 3.Vaughn Stone and Jan Randewijk 4. Andre Fourie 5.Johan van Staden Teacher Training Gauteng 24 – 29 Sept 2007 1.CAD 2.Give me a Brake 3.Give Binary a Try 4.The Dumpy Level 5.Bridge Building 1. Jaco Myburg 2. Jan Mostert and 3. Mdu Ngema and Suliman Loonat 4. Andre Fourie 5. Johan van Staden Teacher Training KwaZulu Natal 24 – 29 Sept 2007 1.CAD 2.Give me a Brake 3.Give Binary a Try 4.The Dumpy Level 5.Bridge Building 1.Jaco Myburg 2.David Kyereahene-Mensah and 3.Vaughn Stone and 4.Johan Fourie 5.Johan van Staden

72 What leads to success? l Involve Education Departments l It needs a driver – l an engineer and someone in education l on national scale, on regional scale l Be a catalyst- involve others l eg SAIEEE, SAIME, ECSA, Companies & University l Get volunteers who believe in it l Target volunteers l Get funding – travel & material l IEEE,SAIEE, SAIME, Companies, Universities l Get an active planning team

73 Remember l We do it for our youth l The future of our country

74 We have Many New Lesson Plans Give Binary A TryComputer arithmetic and ALU design Hand Biometrics TechnologyBiometrics Sail AwayWatercraft design Simple Kitchen MachinesSimple Machines Dispenser DesignsDesign: user satisfaction, costs, materials Engineering Ups and DownsElevators Build a Big WheelFerris Wheels If you cannot find what you want consider creating it!

75 Plan Times and Places l Special Events l Teacher conferences l Meetings of teacher organizations l Places l College Campuses l Teacher conference venues l If you need funds for a special event you can almost always get it if you ask well ahead of time

76 Follow-up Activities/Metrics l Count the number of educators who participated in your teacher in-service program l Be sure that teachers complete the 12 item questionnaire l EAD will tabulate the results l Follow-up with teachers to determine the level of implementation of the concepts and activities l Consider a sign in sheet to include an email address l Consider sending a follow-up postcard/e-mail to attendees

77 Questions or Comments

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