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Oligarchy/Plutocracy Name: The Foley Land Currency: Tristen Religion: “In Foley we trust” Who is our god? Shannon Foley Background: Growing up, Shannon.

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Presentation on theme: "Oligarchy/Plutocracy Name: The Foley Land Currency: Tristen Religion: “In Foley we trust” Who is our god? Shannon Foley Background: Growing up, Shannon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oligarchy/Plutocracy Name: The Foley Land Currency: Tristen Religion: “In Foley we trust” Who is our god? Shannon Foley Background: Growing up, Shannon faced many racial obstacles in her life. Whether it involved her directly or not it still affected her the same way. She wanted to show people that being different, no matter your race, should not be shunned but instead be embraced. To get this point across as fast and efficiently as possible she made a book on commonality of races instead of segregating and to embrace diversity in actuality and not the fabricated opinions that people think

2 Human Rights Advocate MINI CONSTITUTION: Rights of your citizens (Keith) - For the protection and satisfaction of our god, the death penalty will be not be invoked, even if the criminal is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Unless it is an act of pedophilia which would result in instant death. (Foley requirement). Everyone will be allowed a weapon of choice, but if used to kill an innocent, the weapon will automatically explode destroying the wielder. Everyone can voice their opinion and and get a free shirt saying “ My voice mattered” but in the end it doesn't matter what they say but as long as they believe it did there would be no argument over freedom of speech. All children are required to take self-defense classes at age 6, and sex-ed at age 11. Citizens will have the right to have an affair with their significant other’s best friend, if that significant other commits adultery for any reason. Citizens will not have the right to be disruptive in a public, isolated area nor take care of hygienic foot or finger matters unless in the privacy of their own household. Employees at any jobs no matter what it may be, must wear a uniform of light blue and yellow. If one hits it, they shall not quit it, meaning if there are actions that occur that involves the development of a child, no parent shall abort or abandon. When urges to wear sandals arise, citizens will only be able to wear them barefoot. NO SOCKS. Citizens will not be able to tear down nature in order to make businesses or parking lots.

3 Punishments for Breaking Laws Punishments for breaking laws (Chris) - While there are rewards for obeying the laws of The Foley Land, of course there will be consequences for when a law or laws are broken. The goal of these penalties is to make an individual realize their errors and correct them to make a better society. The punishments that will be listed are a further expansion of the "Chart of Consequence". Any act of pedophilia will result in an instant death of that individual. If one commits adultery to their significant other, that would result in the decrease of the pay of their trade. Failure to accommodate the required employee uniform will result in suspension of work hours and a possible fine. Child abandonment will result in that parent having to take classes that rehabilitate and teach how to be a parent. That parent will also have to interact with their child or children on a daily basis after being away from them for an extended period of time..

4 CHART OF CONSEQUENCE LAWREWARDPUNISHMENT One cannot clip nails in public places. Free manicureCommunity service (picking up everyones nail clippings) One must keep voice volume to a minimum. Ice creamVoice control classes All workers will wear light blue and yellow uniforms. Casual fridaySuspension of work hours and possible fine One is not allowed to wear socks with sandals. New pair of shoesYou have to wear clown shoes One must always value children Parents day off: all day expenses off at any local resort Children is taken away from you and you will take classes to improve parenting skills One must embrace nature in a positive way. Free one week vacationLive in the woods and have to fend for yourself for a week One shall not lose cultural interest. A stickerShipped back to country to learn the culture One must attend daily therapy sessions if a crime is committed. MonasteryCan only speak at therapy/ solitary confinement No death sentence is permitted unless given the option. No reward (being alive is your reward) Unless pedophilia which results in instant execution


6 Economist Minimum Wage: 9 smackaroos For the development of our community, welfare will not be completely destroyed, but instead only go to the families that are on the verge of extreme poverty. The idea behind welfare is to build an individual's economic strength, and to have them want to better themselves instead of depending on the money of welfare and ultimately abusing it. Occupations will not be handed out, they will be earned. It will not matter what connections you have or what your social status is like. If an individual is a hard worker and dependable they will get the job. Period. To further benefit our economy, and to make sure everyone has a fair chance, education like colleges and high schools will be, not free, but more affordable for families with struggling incomes. Technology will not be the basis of our lives, but rather an aide to help further ourselves in life. It should be considered more of a luxury than a right and there will be set hours throughout the day where certain technology can be used

7 UTOPIA QUESTIONS Will your utopia follow alienationists or hyperrealists? Why? We will be an alienationist community. This fits our society because we also mourn at the loss of communication skills in our society. Our society does not allow anyone to be alienated from anyone else and promotes communication. What types of technology will you allow? Why? We will allow all types of technology because for some occupations like scientists or doctors it is needed but also we do not want to go back to the stone age without any types of technology or advancements. There will just be a limit on how much time will be used on technology. About 2 hours a day. What types of technology will you prohibit? Why? All technology will be used! We feel that technology is important but in certain aspects of life and it should not control the mind and/or lives of the people.

8 PROPOSAL Proposal: We propose to you the greatest society the world will ever see. With Shannon Foley as our leader, our god and our mentor, we can follow her in living in a successful world. WELCOME TO THE FOLEY LAND LADY'S AND GENTS! FREE COFFEE FOR ALL.

9 Our Nation's Flag

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