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EXCEL Database or Spreadsheet Information or Calculation.

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Presentation on theme: "EXCEL Database or Spreadsheet Information or Calculation."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXCEL Database or Spreadsheet Information or Calculation

2 EXCEL: Flat Database Information in lists that can be sorted and filtered

3 EXCEL: Spreadsheet Calculations – formulas use addresses, not always numbers

4 Open the Program Excel  Option 1  Click on Shortcut Icon on Desktop  Option 3-Office 2003  Start>Programs>Microsoft Office>Excel  Option 2-Office XP  Start>Programs>Microsoft Excel  Option 4  Start> New Office Document>Spreadsheet

5 All open as a Book with 3 worksheets. Think of a copybook with sheets of paper. If you change something on one sheet that effects another the other sheet needs to be changed.

6 Excel Functions

7 Excel Book  Book has sheets (worksheets)  The sheets have Cells.  The cells have addresses using Column and Row headings

8 Click on cells and watch the address bar change.

9 Menu Options in Excel



12 By Cells or by whole rows or columns

13 Menu Options in Excel

14 Spell Check

15 Menu Options in Excel Sorts And Filters

16 Menu Options in Excel Sorts And Filters

17 Menu Options in Excel

18 Insert Columns or Rows  clicking on the Insert>column or row from the screen print above. Or  pressing on a letter or row number (not the cells in the spreadsheet) and use the right button on the mouse to open window, click on Insert with the left button

19 Delete Columns or Rows  by clicking on the Edit>Delete>column or row from the screen print above. Or  pressing on a letter or row number (not the cells in the spreadsheet) and use the right button on the mouse to open window, click on Delete with the left button

20 Cell Formulas Window = sign

21 Formula Bar Function Capability: fx Select a Function

22 Cell Formulas Window = sign Use Cell Addresses

23 PRINT  Use File>Page Setup to  Change Page Orientation  Change Margins  Change Headers or Footers  Determine what on the Sheet prints

24 PRINT  Use File>Page Setup


26 PRINT Sheet Gridlines Row and Column Headings Direction, if more than one page

27 Let’s Look at some samples…  Go to folder with Student Samples

28 Gradebooks: Simple Excel Spreadsheet  PACT Training Disk samples are already formatted  Go to page 16  Select Elementary Teacher Tools and Techniques> Gradebooks in Excel

29 Let’s try to Input Data  Go to folder with Trip Payment instructions

30 Gradebooks:  terrymorley2002  pwd office

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