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Haiti's Health Problems. Interesting Facts  About half of the population practices Voodoo.  Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Haiti's Health Problems. Interesting Facts  About half of the population practices Voodoo.  Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haiti's Health Problems

2 Interesting Facts  About half of the population practices Voodoo.  Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.  Soccer is the national sport.  Creole is mainly spoken.  "We are the World" was recorded in 2010 to help earthquake relief efforts.

3 Some Background 86% of Haitians are living in slum conditions. 1/2 of Haitians don't have access to toilets. 1/3 of Haitians don't have access to tap water. In 2010, a massive earthquake struck Haiti, reducing the capital and surrounding areas to rubble.

4 The Cholera Epidemic Brought by a team from Nepal. Introduced in October 2010 How many cases have been reported? How many deaths? About 470,000 Almost 7,000

5 Cholera Info A bacteria that affects the intestinal system Ways of transmission: Food Water Sewage Raw or undercooked shellfish Cholera can kill within hours if left untreated. There is a simple vaccine to treat and prevent cholera.

6 Before the Outbreak In villages: People drank from the Artibonite River Some water purification systems were in place. Right before the outbreak, they broke down.

7 After the Outbreak People began getting sick within a week of being exposed. How do they get clean water? Some walk. Some villages have installed chlorine dispensers.

8 After the Outbreak In cities: People fight over garden hoses. Vendors sell water. Many public kiosks are dry. Aid teams truck in water. Water is running out.

9 Help How are they helping themselves? They have been giving out vaccines, but not enough. My Suggestion Huge tents full of vaccines Like flu clinics in the US.

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