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Central America and The Caribbean

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1 Central America and The Caribbean

2 Natural Environments of this area:
This groups of Islands are known as the West Indies. Central America is a isthmus that links North and South America. The major island groups are the Greater Antilles. The smaller islands are known as the Lesser Antilles. 2

3 Mexico

4 Let us learn about these features together!!!
Viva Mexico! Mexico is part of a region we call Middle and South America. The region includes Central America and the Caribbean islands as well as South America. Mexico and the region’s other countries share many cultural and historical features. Let us learn about these features together!!!

5 Natural Environments…
Mexico is three times the size of Texas. Most of Mexico is on a plateau called the “Mexican Plateau” Political Map of Mexico

6 The 3 Great Mountain Ranges
The Sierra Madre Oriental (east), Occidental (west) and Sierra Madre del Sur. (South) Occidental Oriental Madre del Sur

7 Mexico City At the Southern end of the Mexican Plateau we have Mexico City. The air is thin and many tourists find when they first get there they have a shortness of breath and lack of energy.


9 Volcanoes south of Mexico City
Highest volcano is Orizaba. 18,700 feet. This area of the world is tectonically active so with volcanoes also come earthquakes. 20 million people live within 50 miles of this active volcano.

10 What is a isthmus? A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas. In the southern part of Mexico the land becomes a isthmus. The isthmus of Tehuantepec

11 The Yucatan Peninsula

12 The Yucatan…. Mexico’s flattest region.
Located in southeastern Mexico. Limestone lies beneath the surface making it hard for this area to retain water. Few rivers Many caves and sinkholes due to Erosion

13 What is a sink hole?

14 The Weather of Mexico Three factors help explain Mexico’s climate.
1. High-pressure system creates dry weather 2. Northeast tradewinds (bring humid air from the ocean) 3. Elevation (rain-shadow effects)

15 Rain-Shadow Effect

16 The Rivers of Mexico… Mexico has no major rivers.
Rivers provide country with hydroelectric power and water for irrigation.

17 Mineral Resources Mexico is leads in production of silver.
Petroleum is Mexico’s most valuable natural resource.

18 Did you know? Every fall, thousands of monarch butterflies migrate to the mountains of Mexico. Some of the butterflies travel more than 1,800 miles to their winter home.

19 La Cueva de villa luz This cave has helped scientists discover what life could have been on Mars and the ocean floor. Home to unique ecosystems. There is no light.


21 The Caribbean

22 This part of the world is famous for many reasons:
Popular movies filmed here….

23 Great Music The Great Bob Marley

24 The great sunsets…

25 Scuba diving… People are happy when they can scuba dive in the Caribbean.

26 On to more important things: (get your pencils ready)
History and Culture: Europeans shaped this area of the world. 1492 Christopher Columbus came to this group of islands and called it the Indies….he was wrong, but the name stuck. This area is known as the WEST INDIES The Great Christopher Columbus

27 Who came after Columbus?
Spanish settlers came and settled all over the Greater Antilles. To help with farming the Europeans brought Africans over…and that is how slavery began in the Americas.

28 The Slave Trade Triangle

29 Who lives in the Caribbean now?
Slavery ended in the 1800’s and slowly each colony in the West Indies was overthrown by the African slaves the Europeans brought over.

30 The happy people of the Caribbean
Most people in this area are African. The dominate religions are: Roman Catholic, Protestant, voodoo, The official language is: Spanish, English, French, or Dutch. (it depends who colonized the country)

31 What exactly is voodoo? Is it really about have a doll and poking needles into it to punish a particular person?

32 The real story of voodoo…
Voodoo is a Haitian version of traditional African religious beliefs that are blended with elements of Christianity. Followers believe that good and bad spirits play an important role in daily life. The word “voodoo” comes from the West African word "vodun," meaning spirit. A ceremonial voodoo dance

33 The Economy of the Caribbean Islands
They have market economies (except for Cuba) Tourism is huge in this area and brings in large amounts of money. Agriculture is a vital part of the economy as well.

34 The Caricorn Similar to the European Union but located in the Caribbean. It helps the countries united on important issues concerning their economies and growth. The only problem is the biggest island, Cuba, refuses to be apart of the union.

35 The Great Blue Hole A cirular limestone sinkhole.
Lies of the coast of Belize Many divers come to explore its interesting formation. 35

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37 The Blue Hole Ceremonial Dance

38 In July 29, 1968 Costa Rica’s Arenal Volcano erupted.
Killed more than 70 people and destroyed the village of Pueblo Nuevo. Today the volcano regularly produces ash and lava. Tourists come and watch the spectacular night time eruptions. 38

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40 That’s it folks…come visit the Caribbean!

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