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Temperate Deciduous Forest

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1 Temperate Deciduous Forest
By Coco, Jack, Jake, and Sara

2 Coco The Botanist

3 Jack The Geographer

4 Jake The Zoologist

5 Animals & Their Diets Carnivores: Dhole, Tawny Owl, & Duckbill Platypus Herbivores: White Tailed Deer, Beaver, & Bison Omnivores: European Hedgehog, Muskrat, & Eurasian Red Squirrel Decomposer: American Burying Beetle

6 Dhole The dhole’s diet is mainly made up of: Lizards Frogs Rodents

7 Tawny Owl The tawny owl’s diet is mainly made up of: Rodents

8 Duckbill Platypus The duckbill platypus’s diet is mainly made up of:
Annelid worms Insect larvae Freshwater shrimp

9 White Tailed Deer The white tailed deer’s diet is mainly made up of:
Shoots Leaves Cacti Grasses

10 Beaver The beaver’s diet is mainly made up of: Tree barks Twigs Leaves
Water plants

11 Bison The bison’s diet is mainly made up of: Grasses Sedges

12 European Hedgehog The European hedgehog’s diet is mainly made up of:
Slugs Earthworms Beetles Caterpillars Mushrooms Fruits

13 Muskrat The muskrat’s diet is mainly made up of: Water plants
Small shellfish

14 Eurasian Red Squirrel The Eurasian red squirrel’s diet is mainly made up of: Pine cones Larch Spruce Fungi Shoots Fruits Bird eggs

15 American Burying Beetle
The American burying beetle is a decomposer. Its diet is mainly made up of: Dead plants Dead animals

16 Food Chains

17 Food Chain # 1 My first food chain has rodents and birds as it s primary consumers. The secondary consumers are foxes and owls. The primary producers are everything shown in the bottom section of the chart (fruit trees, etc.)

18 Food Chain # 2 My second food chain has insects as its primary consumer. The secondary consumers include opossums, birds, and skunks. The producers includes everything at the bottom section of the chart (Fruit trees, etc.)

19 Hibernation, Food Storage, and Migration
Special Adaptations

20 Hibernation Hibernation is a sleeplike state that helps animals conserve their heat to survive through the winter. It also reduces their need to eat and allows the animal to use very little energy.

21 Migration Migration is a behavior that many birds follow. It is when a bird leaves somewhere cold to go somewhere warmer for the winter.

22 Food Storage Food storage is a behavior that influences animals to store food for the winter. This gives them something to eat while in their hibernation state.

23 How Biotic and Abiotic Factors help Animals Survive

24 How Biotic Factors Help Animals Survive
Herbivores eat only plants to survive. Carnivores eat only other animals to survive. Omnivores eat both plants and animals for survival. Decomposers eat dead plants and animals to live.

25 How Abiotic Factors Help Animals Survive
Rocks give small animals places to hide from predators. The soil allows plants and trees to grow to feed animals. Water is what allows all living things to survive. The sun is what gives the plants that feed the animals energy. The air is what allows all living things to breath. Rain is another way animals can get water to survive. Hills are homes to some animals. The temperature has to be right for plants and animals to survive.

26 Credits

27 Sara The Meteorologist

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