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Maryland, Land of Sanctuary Don’t miss out on this opportunity! COLONIZE NOW!

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Presentation on theme: "Maryland, Land of Sanctuary Don’t miss out on this opportunity! COLONIZE NOW!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maryland, Land of Sanctuary Don’t miss out on this opportunity! COLONIZE NOW!

2 The Start of Something Grand

3 A Colony’s Beginnings In 1608, the courageous Captain John Smith claimed Maryland for England. King Charles I of England gave the land to his friend, Lord George Calvert, a most ingenious man. Calvert was required to pay two Native American arrowheads a year and half of any gold or silver discovered there, but since there was almost no gold and silver, Calvert got to run the colony the way he wanted – which is the way you want it.

4 Okay, so I know what you’re thinking: Maryland flat out ROCKS, but why did they bother founding it in the first place? Well, I’ll tell you why…

5 Religious Freedom! Lord Calvert had recently been converted to Catholicism, and he wanted Maryland to be a haven from persecution; to him the colony would be a “Land of Sanctuary” for those seeking religious or political freedom. You, too, can practice as you please in our pleasant colony!

6 The Friendly Folks of Maryland

7 DIVERSITY! Most of us here are Catholics, but we welcome persecuted Protestants; Quakers, Baptists, Puritans, and Wesleyans are all encouraged to settle. Native American slavery now outlawed! We’re civilized in Maryland. We do have slaves, but not so many as those barbarous Southern Colonies.

8 Maryland’s Climate and Geography: An Eden in the New World

9 Babylon by the Bay Like to fish and farm? Maryland features Chesapeake Bay, the largest bay in the United States, surrounded by fertile lands. You’ll never go hungry with all these options around.

10 SEASONAL VARIETY We have cold winters, with rain and some snow, while our summers are hot and humid. The climate’s variety will always keep you on your toes! There’s something for everybody in Maryland.

11 $$ Money Making $$ Opportunities in $$ Maryland $$ CHA-CHING!

12 Farming Opportunities Corn Wheat Tobacco Fruit Trees Flax

13 Other Opportunities Lumber Shipping Cattle Fishing Mining

14 Got Religion?

15 So Do We! Most of us here are Catholic, but remember, this is the Land of Sanctuary. We grant religious freedom to all our inhabitants.

16 This is how we rule…

17 Politics and Government We are mostly independent from England and have self- government. “The Man” won’t get you down in Maryland. Lord Calvert, our original Proprietor, has more power than most colonial leaders. Not only will he have your back, he can also print money, create an army, or declare war, all without the permission of the king. Maryland has representatives elected by free men. LORD CALVERT

18 Special Thanks to… Writing: Mr. Haug Other Jobs: Mr. Haug

19 Special Bonus Slide!!! The Economy of GEORGIA It’s All About the Farming: Cotton, Indigo, Tobacco, and Rice are major cash crops grown on plantations with the help of slave labor. Oh, slavery…yeah. Well, remember how Oglethorpe wanted GA to be a place where people could work off debts? That proved inconvenient once we realized how much $ we could make off these crops, so we just did away with that rule. Some settlers are independent small farmers who grow their own food and trade with Native Americans. We have a few tradespeople: shoemakers, brickmakers, tailors, blacksmiths, and pottery makers.

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