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Keeping a Healthy Weight The Overweight Epidemic.

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1 Keeping a Healthy Weight The Overweight Epidemic

2 The Ideal Body Myth What is the ideal female body? – Tall and ultra-thin (model like) What is the ideal male body? – Tall, slender, and muscular Is this realistic for the average person?

3 NO!!! Most female fashion models are several inches taller than the average American women and weighs 25% less. Most male models are taller and more muscular than the average American Male.

4 Why should people try not to look like a model? Diets cannot change a person’s height or body shape. Height and overall body shape are determined by your genes. Genes also influence how easily a person gains or loses weight. Models / Celebrities follow strict diets and workout plans. They can also be photo shop.

5 Health Risks of looking like a model Underweight  depleting the body of muscle and fat. Fatigue and injury to bones and joints Cannot store fat-soluble vitamins Loss of calcium Immune system weakens Hormones that regulates growth and brain chemicals that stabilizes mood may go out of balance.

6 The Overweight Epidemic 30 years ago, 1 in 20 teens were overweight. Today, 1 in 5 teens are overweight. 2/3 of adults are overweight Is this a problem?

7 Carrying excess weight has serious consequences: Strains bones, muscles, and organs Breathing and walking take extra effort Heat and humidity increase stress, because fat traps body heat. High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes (Type 2), and certain cancers.

8 Why are Americans gaining weight? Portion Sizes are bigger Access to food is easier Junk food & fast food is cheaper & easier to find People eat out more People eat more calories, but they are less active Genetics Maintaining a healthy weight is challenging

9 Portion Distortion Activity

10 What is a Healthy Weight? Helps you feel good and minimize the risk of developing diseases. Depends on: – Height – Gender – Age – Frame / Body Shape

11 Body Mass Index (BMI) Most health care professionals use this measurement to determine if a person is at a healthy weight. BMI- a measurement of body fat that uses a ratio of weight to height

12 How to Calculate BMI BMI = Weight in lbs. x 703 (Height in inches) ² Example: A 15 year old male weighs 137 pounds and stands 5 feet 6 inches (66in). What is his BMI?

13 Example’s BMI 137 x 703 = 96,311 66 x 66 = 4,356 96,311 / 4,356 = 22 BMI = 22 What does this number mean?

14 Body Mass Index Classifications Healthy Weight 18.5-24.9 Overweight 25.0-29.0 Obesity – Class 1 30.34.9 – Class 2 35.0- 39.9 – Class 3 > 40.0

15 The difference between overweight and obese Individuals with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 are considered OVERWEIGHT. individuals with a BMI of 30 or more are considered OBESE. In 1998 61% of Americans were overweight or obese which increases risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

16 Teens BMI are Calculated Different Calculate BMI using the formula Trace your age until it intersects with your BMI This determines your percentile: 85 th to 95 th = at risk for being overweight 95 th + = overweight Under 5 th = underweight ** You want to be between 5 th to the 85 th percentile.


18 Determine your BMI Answer True / False Questions Calculate your BMI Put yourself on the appropriate chart. Complete “Weight”-ing Room Activity on back

19 Agree or Disagree? Do you think BMI is an accurate way to measure a person for healthy weight, over weight, or obese?

20 What about Athletes or high muscle density individuals? If a man is 7’1’’ 338 lbs what is his BMI? 338/85 2 x 703 BMI = 32.89 Obese How accurate is this?

21 Overweight does not mean fat Overweight may or may not be due to increases in body fat. It may also be due to an increase in lean muscle. For example, professional athletes may be very lean and muscular, with very little body fat, yet they may weigh more than others of the same height. While they may qualify as "overweight" they are not necessarily "over fat," regardless of BMI.

22 6'3"Height6'3" 220 lbsWeight220 lbs 27.5BMI27.5 This is a good reminder that BMI is only one piece of a person's health profile. It is important to talk with your doctor about other measures and risk factors. (e.g., waist circumference, smoking, physical activity level, and diet.)

23 BMI Review: Body Mass Index (BMI) is meant to give an estimation of healthy body size BMI= weight (lbs) x 703 / height² Not Considered- Body frame, Age, Gender and muscle mass. What would be another way to test for a healthy weight?

24 Body Fat Percentage Health Professionals use Body Fat Percentages to get a truer picture of fitness A comparison of the amount of fat and muscle in a person’s body. There are several different methods – How much water a person displaces when submerged in water – How fast an electrical impulse travels through the body.

25 Healthy Body Fat Percentages Male Average- 14 to 17 % Over 17% is overweight Need at least 2 to 5 % to be considered healthy Female Average- 21 to 24 % Over 24% is overweight Need at least 12 % to be considered healthy. vs.

26 A Healthy Weight for You What is the best way to determine a healthy weight for you? – BMI (general idea) – Body Fat Percentages (more accurate) – – Health Care Professional (Family Doctor, Nutritionist, Dietitian) Understand that teens grow at an uneven rate. Gaining weight does not mean getting fat.

27 Managing Weight Achieving a healthy weight takes effort and discipline. Use a calorie budget Calories- measure the energy supplied by food for life processes and physical activities

28 Managing Weight Gaining weight = – taking in more calories than you burn. Lose Weight = – taking in fewer calories than you burn. Maintaining weight = – take in the same amount of calories that you burn.

29 A Healthy Weight-Loss Plan If you eat fewer calories than you need, your body uses its energy reserves  FAT 1 lb. of body FAT = 3,500 calories If you eat 500 calories fewer calories than you need a day, you will lose 1 lb. a week.

30 A Healthy Weight-Loss Plan 1. Behavior Modification 2. Setting Reasonable Goals

31 Behavior Modification Most successful way to achieve / maintain weight loss. Make gradual to permanent changes in eating and activity habits. Limit calorie intake + Increase activity level Talk to your Doctor

32 Setting Reasonable Goals 1. Set a Healthy Weight – Health Professional can help you – Based on your age, height, gender, & body shape 2. Aim to lose weight gradually – Losing 1 to 2 lbs. is reasonable – More likely to loose fat than muscle – Easier for the body to adjust

33 Changing Eating Habits Enjoy a variety of flavors Focus on vegetables, fruits, whole-grains, & dry-beans. Drink enough liquid (water) Do not skip meals Watch your portions Control emotional eating Eat in moderation Check Nutrition Facts Label

34 Increasing Physical Activity Helps Lose Weight – Burns calories – Speeds up your metabolism – Builds muscle which helps burn calories

35 Type of Exercise 1. Aerobic – Uses oxygen – Activity that increases heart rate and breathing rate for at least 20 min. 2. Anaerobic – Without Oxygen – Short, intense burst of activity for no more than 3 min.

36 Aerobic Exercise Examples: Cycling Kickboxing Running / Jogging (long distance) Swimming Jump Rope Elliptical / Treadmill Benefits: Heat & lungs send more oxygen to the blood allowing muscles to work harder Oxygen metabolizes fat

37 Anaerobic Exercise Examples: Sprinting Weight lifting Pull Ups Push Ups Resistance Training (Machines / Bands) Crunches / Abs Benefits: Muscles work hard & quick  Builds Muscles Raises Metabolic Rate

38 How often should you do these exercises? Aerobic- 60 Minutes a DAY Anaerobic- at least 2 times a WEEK

39 Staying with Physical Activity Start slow Choose activities that you like or are interested in. Choose activities that fit your lifestyle, schedule, & budget. Set achievable goals Learn proper techniques to prevent injury

40 FAD DIETS “Commercial weight-loss” plan Popular weight loss method that is not based on sound nutrition principles Promise dramatic results – EX: Lose 10 lbs. a week during your sleep May lose weight but unhealthy eating habits are created which could lead to regaining weight when you are off the diet.

41 Evaluating Weight-Loss Plans Is the program developed by a qualified health professional? Does it include nutritional counseling and an individualized eating plan? Does it align with the dietary guidelines? Does it make reasonable claims?

42 Gaining Weight Eat 3 balanced meals a day and snack frequently (healthy snacks) Add extra calories to your diet Use nutrition facts label to find nutrient dense foods Avoid skipping meals Exercise (increases appetite; weight gain will be muscle not fat)

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