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Software Re-Engineering B88901164 莫澤勇. What Is Software Engineering Development of software systems whose size/complexity warrants a team or teams of.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Re-Engineering B88901164 莫澤勇. What Is Software Engineering Development of software systems whose size/complexity warrants a team or teams of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Re-Engineering B88901164 莫澤勇

2 What Is Software Engineering Development of software systems whose size/complexity warrants a team or teams of engineers Scope study of software process, development and evolution principles, techniques and notations

3 Software Engineering Goal Production, modification and evolution of quality software, delivered on time, within budget, satisfying users’ needs

4 Software Life Cycles 1. 軟體的規格與系統的 架構 2. 寫程式並且作個 Testing 的動作 3. 如何 Update Software Specification And Design Implementation And Testing Update & Maintenance

5 Software Life Cycles Water Fall Model Spiral Model Evolutionary Model Incremental Model Rapid Prototyping

6 What is Waterfall Model

7 開發影音聊天室 – Water Fall App.

8 Waterfall Model Advantage – it allows for departmentalization and managerial control – Each phase of development proceeds in strict order, without any overlapping or iterative steps.iterative Disadvantage – it does not allow for much reflection or revision Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go back and change something that was not well-thought out in the concept stage.

9 Software Evolution Software which is used in a real- world environment must change or become less and less useful in that environment. Techniques : – Forward Engineering Redesign Specification – Software Re-Engineering Reorganize Old System

10 Forward & Software Re-Engineering

11 Examples

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