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Ch10-Ch19. 10.ORGANIZATION Definition  Organizing, Organizational Structure / Design Organization Structure (6 Key Elements)  Work specialization 

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Presentation on theme: "Ch10-Ch19. 10.ORGANIZATION Definition  Organizing, Organizational Structure / Design Organization Structure (6 Key Elements)  Work specialization "— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch10-Ch19

2 10.ORGANIZATION Definition  Organizing, Organizational Structure / Design Organization Structure (6 Key Elements)  Work specialization  Departmentalization Functional, Product, Geographic, Process, Customer  Chain of command Authority, Responsibility, Unity of Command  Span of control  Centralization and decentralization  Formalization

3 10.ORGANIZATION Organizational Design Decisions  Mechanistic / Organic Organization  Contingency Factors Strategy, Size, Technology, Environment Common Organizational Designs  Traditional Designs Simple, Functional, Divisional structure  Contemporary Organizational Designs Team, Matrix, Project, Boundaryless Organization The Learning Organization

4 15.Groups & Teams Understanding Groups  Formal / Informal groups  Stage of group development Group Behavior Model  External Conditions  Group Member  Group Structure Roles, Norms, Conformity, Status, Size, Cohesiveness  Group Process Group Decision, Conflict Mgmt  Group Tasks

5 15.Groups & Teams  Effective Teams Clear Goals Relevant Skills Mutual Trust Unified Commitment Good Communication Negotiating Skills Appropriate Leadership Internal & External Support Group  Effective Team  Type of Teams Problem-solving teams Self-managed work teams Cross-functional teams Virtual teams

6 16.MOTIVATION What Is Motivation Early Theories  Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs  McGregor’s Theory X & Y  Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory Contemporary Theories of Motivation  Three-Needs Theory  Goal-Setting Theory  Reinforcement Theory  Designing Motivating Jobs  Equity Theory  Expectancy Theory

7 17.LEADERSHIP Early Leadership Theories Contingency Theories of Leadership Cutting Edge Approaches to Leadership

8 麥克波特 (Michael Porter) 之價值鏈模型 主要 活動 支援 活動 利潤

9 : 企業價值鏈 : 從原料至產品之活動 (1/2) 主要活動 五個主要活動 原料取得 ( Inbound Logistics ) 生產製造 ( Operations ) 行銷配送 ( Outbound Logistics ) 行銷販賣 ( Marketing and Sales ) 售後服務 ( Services )

10 : 企業價值鏈 : 從原料至產品之活動 (2/2) 支援活動 四個支援活動 基礎建設 ( Firm Infrastructure ) 人力支援 ( Human Resource Management ) 技術發展 ( Technology Development ) 庶務採購 ( Procurement ) 企業獲利的手段 : 利用策略手段降低活動成本

11 戴爾電腦 (Dell) 戴爾電腦 (Dell) 利用價值鏈取得優勢 原料取得生產製造行銷配送行銷販賣售後服務 及時庫存 控管 收到訂單 再組裝 產品配送 外包 客製化 & 低價策略 客戶服務 外包 直銷

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