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INPE: Space and Environment R&D for Brazil in the 21 st Century.

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Presentation on theme: "INPE: Space and Environment R&D for Brazil in the 21 st Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 INPE: Space and Environment R&D for Brazil in the 21 st Century

2 Nature, 29 July 2010

3 Brazil: a natural knowledge economy? Brazil´s innovation system is in large part built upon its natural and environmental resources, endowments and assets.

4 Deforestation cut by 300% (2005-09) 46% of energy is renewable Brazil: a natural knowledge economy Best technology in biofuels World leader in tropical agriculture

5 Agriculture Energy Ecosystems Climate change Weather and natural disasters Space technology adds value to Brazil´s natural knowledge economy Megacities

6 A Vision for INPE in the 21 st Century INPE will be a world-class centre in Space and Environment R&D for the tropical region Brazil will be an environmental power and the first developed nation in the tropics

7 INPE: CONVERTING DATA INTO KNOWLEDGE SATELLITES Earth observation, scientific, and data collection satellites GROUND SYSTEMS Satellite control, reception, processing and distribution of satellite data ANALYSIS AND MODELLING Space Weather, Weather Prediction and Earth System Science SOCIETAL BENEFITS Innovative products to meet Brazil´s needs

8 CBERS GPM_BR Mapping deforestation INPE is unique: we are efficient users of the data produced by the satellites we build and receive Weather forecasts

9 Source: Cybermetrics Lab, Spain INPE: only Brazilian institute in top 40 World Research Centers: Impact and Visibility

10 Space Weather Monitoring at INPE Ionospheric scintillation

11 PCD Supercomputer Global Weather Data Numerical Weather Products Forecast Preparation Media Info Numerical Weather Prediction at INPE

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13 Monitoring Deforestation in Amazonia CBERS image Science (27 April 2007): “ Brazil´s monitoring system is the envy of the world ”. Deforestation Degradation

14 CBERS@INPE: 1 million images (2004-2009) LANDSAT @USGS: 1 million images (Jan-Aug-2009) GMES Sentinels @ESA-EC: Data will be open access (Sep 2009) Open access data policy: a qualified success

15 Camara MUX-Free (OPTO) CBERS onboard computer (OMNISYS) INPE is Brazil´s main driver of innovation in space technology CBERS solar panels (ORBITAL)MMP (CENIC, MECTRON, FibraForte, Atech)

16 LIT – Integration and Tests Laboratory Complete infrastructure for assembly and qualification of satellites 70 000 man-hours per year of industrial tests

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18 Multimission platform Common support for Earth Observation mini-satellites Orbits from 600 to 1200 km Payload:280 kg Plataform: 250 kg

19 Amazônia-1: first MMP mission (launch 2013) Global land imaging every 5 days together AWFI Spectral Bands(  m) 0,45-0,52 B 0,52-0,59 G 0,63-0,69 R 0,77-0,89 NIR Spatial resolution(m) 40 Ground swath(km) 780 Revisit (days) 5

20 LATTES (EQUARS and MIRAX) MIRAX: Hard and soft X-rays EQUARS Stratosphere temperature Ionospheric bubbles GPS occultation

21 NASA Explorer MoO proposal 2011 not selected INPE may support SAO for HXI delivery NASA support is needed for data processing and distribution MIRAX X-ray imager Unique wide-field X-ray imager to be operating 2016-2020 State-of-the-art imaging X-ray detectors from Harvard- SAO/GSFC/Caltech Very high sensitivity and angular resolution

22 Global Terrestrial Ecosystem Observatory (GTEO) Hyperspectral imager 256 bands JPL (instrument) INPE (bus + launch)

23 Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring with GTEO

24 Imaging Spectroscopy Concept

25 Imaging Spectroscopy Remote Measurement via Spectral Fitting

26 Global Imaging Spectrometer Measures the land surface as well as coastal and inland waters at 60 m every 19 days. Full solar reflected spectrum of the Earth from 380 – 2500nm at 10 nm. 60 m – adequate for global terrestrial ecosystems 1000 m Visible to Short Wavelength InfraRed (VSWIR) 1 terabit per orbit

27 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) for Chandrayaan-1 Indian Mission to the Moon TM-1 TM-3 TM2 Offner Spectro- meter Spherical Mirror Convex Multi Facet Blazed Grating Order Sorting Filter and Focal Plane Detector Array Uniform Slit Fold Mirror Baffles Baffle High uniformity and high SNR design by P. Mouroulis Baffle 8 Kg, 15 watts, 24 Month Build

28 M 3 First Spectral Light 19 Nov 2008 Cover of Science 23 Oct 2009 Discovery of OH/H2O in the illuminated regions of the Moon R 2-µm absorption G Brightness B 3-µm absorption OH/H2O

29 MMP readiness status 29 All equipments are qualified Strong space heritage on mission-critical parts

30 MMP qualification in INPE (2008)

31 Planned missions: 2012-2020

32 A visionary of the Brazilian space program... “ We want to build an intellectual elite at the highest level, capable of breaking Brazil's dependence on foreign technology. We need people with knowledge and ideas on how to develop Brazil, who are quick to grasp the future paths of science, and who are conscious of their role in major government decisions ”. Dr. Fernando Mendonça (INPE´s founder) Veja, 12/03/1969

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