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Open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 1 Stimulating Regional Innovation Activities Best Practice from Technology Triangle Thueringen Dr. Bertram.

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1 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 1 Stimulating Regional Innovation Activities Best Practice from Technology Triangle Thueringen Dr. Bertram Harendt State Development Corporation Thueringen mbH, Erfurt Operating Corporation for Technology Centers Thueringen mbH

2 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 2 Instruments of Business Development in Thueringen Service for Investments Industrial sites and Infrastructure Subsidies Investment Fonds Technology Promotion and Transfer Start Up Support Management of Technology Centers esp. for start up`s

3 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 3 LEG Thueringen - tasks:  development and marketing of fallow industrial sites (integrated area management)  regional development  development and management of former military sites  preparation of land for building (infrastructure)  city development and house building  social housing  acquisition of industrial investments, Thueringen marketing accompanying measures for sustainable area development : combination of financial sources (ERDF, EFRE) regional management technology infrastructure development network management management consulting

4 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 4

5 5 Ilmenau Jena Erfurt Technology Triangle Thueringen (T³) Erfurt – Jena – Ilmenau

6 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 6 Erfurt – Capital of Thueringen Before 1990, approx. 60 % of all employees worked in production, 40 % in the service sector. Main Industries:  electrical engineering/electronics/microelectronics  mechanical engineering  solar Industry  food industry  building industry  horticulture and seed cultivation The University Erfurt, the University of Applied Science, institutions and high tech companies, esp. in Microelectronics and Microtechnics are the base for this innovative place. Service companies, transshipment and logistics companies have been newly established. Today, the entire service sector comprises approx. 70 % of all employees production only accounts for about 30 %. Thus, the structural change enabling Erfurt to become the service centre of Thuringia has now been more or less completed.

7 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 7 Erfurt – Development by LEG Thueringen - development of the industrial area Erfurt south east as Competence Center for Microelectronic, Microtechnology, Solar Technology and Services. - site development, facility management, infrastructure development - LEG offers perfect buildings and sites for existing and new companies - Network- and Cluster Management (Solar, Microtechnics) - stimulation of research and development - start up support in cooperation with incubator and application center - acquisition of new investments of matching technologies More than 80 High tech companies with ca. 1.700 employees Promotion of Erfurt South East is running by own industrial association (fiz Erfurt).

8 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 8 Jena – leading Technology Region in Thueringen The history and tradition of scientific and industry in Jena leads to ist role as important high tech core in Germany. Optical technologies, technical glasses and medical equipment from Jena are well known all over the world:  Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH  Jenoptik AG  Schott Jenaer Glas GmbH  Jenapharm Effective cooperation from science and industry boosts Jena to an Bioregion. Several new founded Biotech- Companies emphasis the success.

9 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 9 Jena – Development steps  further development of the Friedrich Schiller University  extension of the University of applied science  force of scientific Institutions  Infrastructure development  Incubator Center  Bioinstrumentezentrum as application center  Beutenbergcampus as Technology Park  site development for industrial investments The promotion of Jena and the surrounding region by the concept and label of „Jenarea 21“

10 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 10 Ilmenau – Traditions gets changed  traditional industries like glass and porcelain with more than 10.000 employees  slump in economic activities after 1990 high unemployment rates break down of traditional industries  Technical University of Ilmenau as main structural facility with international reputation as core of new development  „startup - fever“ in the early 90s: spin offs from the Technical University of Ilmenau  more than 100 high tech companies were founded in Ilmenau and Ilmenau Region This constitutes a claim for the development of Technology Region Ilmenau

11 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 11 Technology Region Ilmenau – development by LEG  LEG Thueringen gets in 1996 the mandate to create the structural change in Technology Region Ilmenau  concepts for technology and science park Ilmenau and industrial areas in the region, also projects like Application Center Ilmenau and the financial facilities were created  build a network between TU Ilmenau, companies, scientific structures and und municipalities  revitalization for 33 Mio. EUR was managed  development of technology and science park and Application Center Ilmenau for 23 Mio. EUR  development of industrial areas in the region is coming up  marketing concept with own trade mark implemented

12 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 12 BATT GmbH (owned by LEG and STIFT Foundation) Management of Application and Technology Centers in Thueringen  Application Center, Ilmenau  Media Center, Erfurt (start in 2007)  Application Center Micromechanics Erfurt  Center for smart constructions, Weimar (start in 2008) Facility management Offices, Clean Rooms, Laboratories process equipment, electronic devises Services for Companies Consulting, Subsidies more:

13 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 13 Companies: PV Crystalox ErSol ASI SeSol ThüSol ANTEC Solar Energy u.v.a.m. „Solar Center“ Erfurt-Süd-Ost TMZ FSU Jena IPHT TU Ilmenau Erfurt/Arnstadt (Production) Cluster Manager Jena/Ilmenau (Research) SolarInput e.V. Example for Cluster policy: Photovoltaic /Solar Industries

14 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 14 Principles (1)  Integration of public support activities  Close cooperation of: - State Development Corporation (LEG) - Technology Foundation (STIFT) - Development Bank (TAB)  same strategic guidelines via the Thuringian Ministry for Economy, Technology and Employment  common ownership of corporations for “special tasks” (e.g. BATT for management of technology centers)

15 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 15 Principles (2)  Support of branches with a strong industrial basis (e.g. cluster initiatives, investment subsidies)  Support of technologies with a sound basis of R&D in Thueringen (e.g. subsidies for projects, start up support)  “regional view” to integrate different instruments/ subsidies in a typical strength of a region  development of the T³ - Technology Triangle Erfurt – Jena – Ilmenau (label and concept)

16 open days, Brussels 11-10-2006Dr. Bertram Harendt 16 LEG Thüringen mbH Dr. Bertram Harendt Mainzerhofstrasse 12 99084 Erfurt Tel: +49 (0)361 - 5603 189 Fax: +49 (0)361 - 5603 335 mail: bertram.harendt@leg- Thank you for your attention!

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