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Hannah Payne Repository Support Officer, WRN Welsh Repository Network: Exploration and experimentation.

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2 Hannah Payne Repository Support Officer, WRN Welsh Repository Network: Exploration and experimentation

3  Centralised models catch-up ◦ Mediated Deposit Bureau ◦ Welsh e-theses Harvesting service

4  12 WRN institutions ◦ 2 with Rep. Mngrs.= highest item counts  Deposit of items outsourced to WRN team  Answering the Qs: ◦ How long does it take to deposit an item? ◦ Does outsourcing deposit increase/ encourage further deposit?

5  Swansea Metropolitan University ◦ RAE data (131 items)  UoW Newport ◦ Publication lists (179 items)  UWIC ◦ Art & Design research outputs (10 items) ◦ Ceramics Archive database (1505 items)

6  Total time taken= 155 hours 31 minutes 18 seconds  Total cost (£14.03 ph)= £2182.01  Averages per item: Time per itemCost per item UWIC (Art items) (direct on repository; no © checks) 11 minutes 45 seconds £2.75 Newport (direct on repository; with © checks) 11 minutes 53 seconds £2.78 SMU (bulkupload with © checks) 15 minutes 9 seconds £3.54

7  SMU record enhancement Item typeAverage time Artefact8 minutes 27 seconds Article7 minutes 26 seconds Book8 minutes 7 seconds Book chapter11 minutes conferenceObject15 minutes 3 seconds Exhibition9 minutes 52 seconds Video15 minutes 7 seconds

8  Not possible to identify extra time taken for deposit checks  Bulk upload deposit took longer than direct deposit  Evaluation: +ve affect @ UWIC ◦ increase in the number of staff from the School of Art and Design who had a) registered to use the repository, or b) asked to deposit material

9  Current collection policy: All PhDs; MPhils; Master’s dissertations attaining distinction, and those in a Celtic language or relating to Celtic studies or interests  Looking to extend role of NLW to central store of digital items traed mawr. ‘Llyfrygell Genedlaethol Cymru. National Library of Wales.’

10  Use of ‘crosswalks’ convert qualified DC to UKETD-DC using METS & MODS  Attached files also harvested  Metadata converted to MARC WRN repositoriesNLWEThOS


12  10 Participating institutions  Deposit license  Takedown procedure  Metadata validation  Metadata only records

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