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ANKOS Meeting 17-18 June 2005 Sara Killingworth Strategic Marketing Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "ANKOS Meeting 17-18 June 2005 Sara Killingworth Strategic Marketing Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANKOS Meeting 17-18 June 2005 Sara Killingworth Strategic Marketing Manager

2 Agenda Digital Commons –What is it? Serials Solutions –Overview of products and services

3 Digital Commons Setting up your institutional repository the easy way!

4 What are institutional repositories? Online stores of information where an institution can publish all its intellectual output to a global community Intellectual output might include papers, journal articles, presentations, audio and video files and any other item the institution wishes to include IRs are by definition “open access” enabling users around the world to access the information in the IR by searching using Google or other search engines

5 The Digital Commons Resource Overview

6 What is Digital Commons? Digital Commons is ProQuest’s Institutional Repository offering, powered by bepress Digital Commons is a ready-made platform into which institutions can load their own documents It includes a number of features to help the institution publish this information effectively ProQuest provides full support including set up, training, upgrades to the service and hosts the service on their servers. Full technical support is available

7 Architectural & Admin Features Acceptance of a wide variety of publication types, including: –Conference papers –Reports –Pre- and post-prints –Presentations –Dissertations –Video and audio files OAI compliant – documents can be immediately found in Google and other web search engines Full-text searching Usage statistics at the publication and paper level

8 End-User Interface Features Email alerts for newly published content Saved Searches Generate bibliographies via export to bibliographic software Top repository downloads page

9 Publishing & Processing Features Automatic conversion of documents to PDF Access/subscription control Customized controlled-vocabulary picklists for data entry Branded publication sites for departments Email interface between author and publication administrator manages schedule and deadlines Monthly readership statistics emailed to authors

10 Stability & Portability Service hosted by ProQuest at secure, redundant ISPs URLs are in institution’s domain –Ex. Upon termination, objects will be delivered for import into a new repository –Currently supporting over 15 XML DTDs for delivery including Dublin Core, OCLC, PubMed, AEA, Swets-Blackwell, Delimited, EndNote

11 Hosting Limitations No Bepress customer has ever reached these limits Disk Usage –Ten (10) gigabytes hard drive space included in the subscription. Bandwidth –Fifteen (15) gigabytes per month baseline. Dynamic Content (CGI) Hits –One hundred fifty thousand (150,000) per month included. $1.00 per 1,000 hits thereafter

12 Serials Solutions The most comprehensive e-journal access solutions!

13 13 Serials Solutions Comprehensive solutions for accessing & managing a library’s entire collection of full-text, electronic serials Includes content available in aggregated databases, publishers and subscriptions agents

14 E-Journal A.M.S. Enable efficient access and management of your e-journal collection Patron-centric E-Journal Portal A-to-Z title list in multiple formats Journal Linker Title Searching Subject Browsing bi-directional linking Librarian-centric Overlap Analysis Library Data Customization Usage Statistics

15 Customized E-journal Portal Hosted by Serials Solutions Library branding & links Title searching A- Z Title browsing Subject browsing Direct database access

16 Usage Stats: Search Stats See, in one easy-to- use place, what is being accessed by patrons Evaluate based upon institutional level access path Benchmarking to evaluate effectiveness of e-serial databases based upon usage across peer group libraries

17 Usage Stats: Click-Through Stats

18 Overlap Analysis Detailed information about each database in your collection. Also shows how databases compare to each other. Note how few unique titles are in this database – is it worth its cost?

19 Article Linker

20 Patron Experience Using Article Linker Patron clicks on “Search for full text” or “Article Linker.”

21 Patron Experience – Results Page Patron selects a link to an article in a database.

22 Patron Experience – Linking to Full-Text Article

23 Full MARC Records Full MARC Records Service – Why?? Almost impossible to maintain all e-serials in catalog Search for serials in OPAC delivers unreliable answer +/- 80% of the time OPAC no longer displays entire collection Under-use of library’s full-text electronic resources

24 The importance of electronic journals Institution type Avg number of print journals** Avg number of electronic journals*** E-journals as percent of all journals Associate* (n=60)8745,61786.5% Baccalaureate* (n=60) 1,3726,84183.3% Masters* (n=60) 3,1787,91071.3% Doctoral* (n=30) 15,0469,83639.5% Large publics (n=25)3,5296,36264.3% * per Carnegie Classification, 2000 ** greater of 1998 IPEDS or 2002 American Library Directory *** Serials Solutions data, September 2003

25 Detailed Record Options CONSER Records 900,000+ holdings in Serials Solution’s database Best available Bibliographic source Updated weekly Non-CONSER Records Fills in gaps in CONSER coverage Records from third party sources, including Gale, Ulrichs and others. Accurate overlay when a CONSER record becomes available

26 Almost unlimited customizations to records Delete fields (010s, 042s, 510s, 530s, 533s, 852s, 853s, 863s; pseudo LC Call numbers; others) Edit fixed fields (006s, 007s, 008s) Add fields (440s, 655s, 710s, 949s; others) Customize fields (506s, 516s, 530s; others) Customize call numbers Add 856s that link to Article Linker Include proxy servers prefixes, library-specific URLs

27 Most Widely Installed Solution... Serials Solutions MARC records are in use with: Innovative Interfaces Endeavor SIRSI DRA Ex Libris Dynix VTLS others

28 OPACLocal DB’s Aggregated DB’s Web Sites


30 User Interface

31 Search Results

32 Thank you!

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