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Unit 4: Astronomy Reading : How Life Began On the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4: Astronomy Reading : How Life Began On the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4: Astronomy Reading : How Life Began On the Earth

2 What have you seen in the video? amphibian(s) reptile (s) mammal (s)human (s) simple cells shellfish

3 Each religion and culture has its own ideas about how life began on earth. What ideas do you know?

4 Ideas about how life began on the earth Idea 3: God created the world. Idea 1: Pangu created the world. Idea 2: Nuwa made human beings.

5 the evolution of lifethe formation of the earth How Life Began on the Earth Prediction :

6 What’s the writing style of the passage? A.narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) B.expository writing ( 说明文) C.argumentative writing (议论文) report

7 Skimming: the formation of the universe the development of life (Para 2,3,4) (Para 5) part 1 part 2 main idea? (Para 1) part 3 the impact of human beings on the earth

8 Scanning : The universe began with__________. The earth began with__________. A. a cloud of dust B. small plants C. a Big Bang D. dinosaurs C A


10 Read from the illustration( 插图) Did life appear on land or in the water first? Why? line19: It was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.

11 small plants in water shellfish and all sorts of fish insects reptiles amphibians mammals dinosaurs humans plants animals green plants on land forests first next later after that finally How did plants and animals develop? para4, 5

12 Reading for speaking: M: Hi,Tom. I’m really confused about the development of life. What appeared first? T:Well. It’s small plants that appeared first. M:Why was that? T:They can produce oxygen, which… M:Next, what plants began to grow? T: … M:Later, when… T:… M:After that,… T:… M: Finally… T:…

13 Discussion: The impact of human beings on the earth: PositiveNegative nuclear pollution global warming

14 report According to the following linking words to give a report and the impact of human being on the earth. first, next, later, after that, before long, finally, in a word.

15 Save the earth!

16 1. Finish Ex.4 on P27 on Student’s book. 2. Go over the passage and pick out useful words and phrases. Homework

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