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US Spectrum Efficiency Initiatives Darrell Ernst October 2001.

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1 US Spectrum Efficiency Initiatives Darrell Ernst October 2001

2 Agenda l Background l DOT&E Spectrum Stewardship Initiative l Central Test & Evaluation Investment Program l Science & Technology Initiative

3 Background - DOT&E Mission l Mr. Tom Christie, Director, Operational Test & Evaluation l Responsible to SecDef, Congress for operational test & evaluation of all DOD weapon systems l Assumed responsibility for oversight of DOD test resources and test ranges in 1999

4 Background - Resources & Ranges l Mr. John Gehrig, DOT&E Deputy Director for Resources & Ranges (R&R) l Responsible for administrative oversight of DOD Major Range and Test Facility Base (MRTFB) l Manages research & development of technologies for T&E - Includes CTEIP and S&T programs

5 Background - T&E Encroachment l WRC 97: - Lost 2310-2360 MHz - telemetry - 1452-1492 MHz reallocated by other nations from telemetry to DAB (Set stage for expensive compromise with WorldSpace) l OBRA 93 - 235 MHz of Federal spectrum reallocated for auction to industry - T&E had operations in every reallocated band l BBA 97 - Lost 2385-2390 MHz - telemetry - Lost 1432-1435 MHz - last of TSPI band above 1390 MHz l WRC 2K/IMT-2000 - Loss of 1710-1770 MHz probable l T&E bandwidth requirements increasing exponentially

6 DOT&E Spectrum Stewardship Initiative l Dr. Pat Sanders, Director, Test, Systems Engineering & Evaluation (DTSE&E), directed R&R to devise initiative to respond to encroachment of T&E spectrum l R&R developed 3-pronged approach - Respond to imminent encroachments - Develop technological solutions for improved usage of spectrum - Devise new methods and technologies for addressing long-term needs l RSRWG established for coordination among major T&E spectrum users - DOD (represented by R&R) - NASA (represented by GSRC) - US Aircraft manufacturers (represented by AFTRCC) l CTEIP used for technology development

7 Central Test & Evaluation Investment Program l Develop technologies and capabilities needed by Services for T&E of weapon systems - $115M - $150M per year - $51M programmed for spectrum technologies in current 5 year cycle - Derrick Hinton is CTEIP PEM l Two CTEIP projects leading spectrum technology development - ARTM - Advance Range Telemetry - FIT - Flexible Interoperable Transceiver l Major new project in early formulation stage - RSWN - Range & Space Wireless Network

8 CTEIP - ARTM l 5 year project to develop spectrum efficient technologies for telemetry l First product being delivered now: FQPSK telemetry transmitter & demodulator - 100% improvement in spectrum efficiency l Second tier transmitter will provide 150 % improvement over current systems l Automated spectrum management tool in development - Phase II system delivered in June - Tool allows more users to be assigned to bands at same time l Bit reduction research being conducted - Data compression - Dynamic data set selection

9 CTEIP - FIT l 5 year program to develop standard spectrum-efficient data link standard for test & training ranges l Specification delivered this year - Being adopted by RCC as range standard l Shaped Offset QPSK prototype currently in testing by ranges - Efficiencies exceeding 100% gain over existing systems l FIT being used as design reference for two major CTEIP acquisitions - EnRAP - Enhanced Range Applications Program (TSPI data link) - MSTCS - Multi-Service Target Control System

10 CTEIP - RSWN l Early planning phase: Conceptually a high data rate wireless network for space and terrestrial T&E communications between ground networks and systems under test (SUT) - Telemetry, TSPI, targets, scoring, SUT commanding, simulation/HITL interface l Spectrum efficiency major objective. Efficiency gains across entire stack - On-board data processing - Dynamic data selection - Advanced data compression - Spectrum efficient transmission & security protocols - Error correction for reducing test reruns (reduced on-air time) - Spectrum mining (adaptive spectrum radios) - “Tier 3” waveforms (beyond ARTM) - Real time spectrum management

11 Test and Evaluation/Science & Technology Program l Initiated to expedite technology transition from S&T community to the T&E community l DOT&E T&E/S&T program is direct result of DepSecDef- directed Sustainable Ranges initiative - $16M authorized for OT&E technology development FY02 l $4M for spectrum technology - Planning to ramp program to $30M +/yr l Wynn Atterbury, DOT&E/R&R is Program Manager l Initial research topics include spectrally efficient bandwidth techniques at super high frequencies, adaptive spectrum utilization and directional antenna technologies l Final research plan will depend on proposals selected through Broad Area Announcements to be released in November

12 S&T Initiative - Technology Thrusts l Research areas include: - Spectrally efficient bandwidth techniques at super-high frequencies - Solid state technology for high power (5-10W) telemetry transmitters - Narrow or variable beamwidth directional antennas - Analysis of possibility of using current range infrastructure (L and S band antennas or their modifications) for super-high frequencies. - Smart (adaptive) array antennas - Digital beamforming array techniques - Low-cost RF chips for high-frequencies - Electronically-controlled phased array antennas using neural network beamforming array techniques - Piezoelectric aperture antennas providing the capability of electronically controlled antenna shape and radiation patterns - Effects of Doppler shift on receiver tracking for coherent receivers. (Coordinated with narrowing of antenna beamwidth investigation above). - Channel Characterization - Techniques for overcoming adverse channel effects

13 Summary l DOT&E has major initiatives underway for increasing the efficiency of spectrum usage by T&E systems - Development of capabilities using current state-of-the-art technologies - Research into advanced technologies for meeting future needs l Initial products beginning to be delivered l Projected expenditures of $80M + over 5 years

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