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Improving health REF2020 at LSHTM.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving health REF2020 at LSHTM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving health REF2020 at LSHTM

2 Improving health Please forward newly-accepted manuscripts to, enclosing: peer-reviewed accepted manuscript date of acceptance/acceptance email embargo terms, if applicable What?

3 Author manuscript

4 Where will my manuscript go? It will be deposited in LSHTM Research Online, the School’s open access institutional repository

5 Why? To fulfil its aim of increasing substantially the proportion of research that is made available by open access (OA) in the UK, the four UK higher education funding bodies have introduced a requirement that outputs submitted to the post-2014 REF be made available in an open-access form. Open access refers to unrestricted, online access to the published findings of research. In their role as a national funding body for research, HEFCE is committed to supporting successful approaches to open-access publishing and increasing public access to research findings.

6 This will: enable the prompt and widespread dissemination of research findings benefit both the efficiency of the research process and economic growth driven by publicly funded research increase public understanding of research. Why?

7 OA Citation Advantage tations/Swan%20-Trieste%20FEST.pdf

8 journal articles conference proceedings The requirement applies only to journal articles and conference proceedings with an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). It will not apply to monographs, book chapters, other long-form publications, working papers, creative or practice-based research outputs, or data. Exemptions: long-form

9 Exemptions: embargoes It is recognised that publishers often impose an embargo before repositories can make manuscripts openly available. In recognition of the embargoes applied by many publishers, the maximum permitted embargo is 12 months (for Panel A)

10 Exemptions: embargoes The embargo period does not provide exemption/extension from the requirement to deposit within three months of acceptance The article can be kept closed access until the embargo expires. (In such instances the article can still form part of the REF).

11 Exemptions: embargoes If the paper will not be made open access until after the maximum embargo, researchers must be confident that the journal/proceeding is the most appropriate publication for the work. How do I check if the journal is REF compliant?

12 Check compliance

13 Check compliance

14 What about paid OA? You still need to send your manuscript - we can replace it with the Gold OA version when it is published.

15 Are other universities doing this?

16 Reminder – don’t delay!

17 Information REF2020 at LSHTM: Complete list of FAQs:

18 Questions E-mail:

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