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Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Affirmative Action/Diversity Leave Program A Grant Program of the NYS/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committees (JLMC) Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Affirmative Action/Diversity Leave Program A Grant Program of the NYS/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committees (JLMC) Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Affirmative Action/Diversity Leave Program A Grant Program of the NYS/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committees (JLMC) Information Sharing Session September 9 – Noon to 1:00 PM Le Café – Morris Conference Center Oneonta Local 2190

2 OBJECTIVE The Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Affirmative Action/Diversity Leave Program enhances employment opportunities for Academics and Professionals who are preparing for permanent or continuing appointment with preference given to minorities, women, and employees with disabilities or with military status. The Affirmative Action/Diversity Committee seeks to promote a broad diversity of award recipients.

3 FUNDING BREAKDOWN A Drescher award AND campus funds support such costs as: Salary for the applicant during the leave + full cost of fringe benefits (campus = 100%) Salary and for a replacement (campus = 40% salary + full cost of fringe benefits / Drescher = 60% salary) during the proposed leave Other expenses for projects or activities related to scholarship and mastery of specialization (campus = 40% / Drescher = 60%)

4 ELIGIBILITY Full-time, term employees who are in a position eligible for continuing appointment (academic employees) or permanent appointment (professional employees) and have at least a one-term renewal, or prior service credit. A campus endorsement for a full-time leave. A campus financial contribution of a minimum of 40% of the cost of salary for a replacement for the duration of the leave and a minimum of 40% of the total project or activity expenses. An acknowledgement from the applicant of an obligation to return to the campus for a minimum of one year at the conclusion of the leave unless this obligation is waived by the campus president or designee.

5 ELIGIBILITY (cont.) A project or activity proposed for a leave must: Assist in meeting one or more criteria established in Article XII, Evaluation and Promotion of Academic and Professional Employees, of the Policies of the SUNY Board of Trustees.Board of Trustees Require full-time leave from professional obligations for at least one semester and a maximum of one year, including but not limited to a summer. Be completed prior to being reviewed for permanent or continuing appointment. Include a detailed timeline with dates for completing various phases of the project or activity.

6 TYPES OF PROJECTS Consideration will be given to areas of Scholarship and Mastery of Specialization including, but not limited to, the following projects or activities: Pure, applied and historical research. Preparation of manuscripts or other materials for publication. Invention or innovation in professional, scientific or technical areas. Course work not covered by Article 46 Program for Tuition Assistance, of the NYS/UUP Agreement, or a SUNY tuition waiver. Curriculum development for new or innovative programs. Grant proposal development. Internships/workshops/conferences specifically related to the approved activity.

7 APPLICATION DEADLINES For a Spring 2016 Semester leave – October 7, 2015 The above deadline is when the final application, including confirmation of campus financial contribution and signed endorsements from campus officials (UUP/administration), must be sent to the Joint Labor-Management Committee. Applicants should start planning well in advance of application deadlines!

8 CAMPUS ENDORSEMENT Because a campus commitment and signed endorsements from various campus officials are required, all applications must be coordinated through the Grants Development Office (GDO), whose staff will help facilitate confirmation of the required support and endorsement, and will help with narrative development and other components of the application. Consultation MUST take place with campus and UUP representatives at least two weeks in advance of submission (by September 23) to ensure campus and local UUP support. Email or call x2632 for an appointment.

9 APPLICATION ROUTING It is campus policy that all external grants must be ‘routed’ for relevant approvals at least 5 working days in advance of the deadline: ○ Department Chair ○ Dean ○ Provost ○ VP Finance & Administration After receiving the endorsement (department chair and dean) to proceed, the GDO will work with you to develop a budget, including the campus commitment. A routing form will be prepared by the GDO and circulated with the ‘final’ budget for required signatures. Signatures required on the application will be obtained.

10 APPLICATION FORM READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS THOROUGHLY AND CAREFULLY! Note: Entries to the application form cannot be saved, other than once it is complete and a PDF is generated. The PDF must be printed and signed by the applicant AND President Kleniewski or designee AND Bill Simons (UUP chapter president). PROGRAM – Choose Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Leave Program Part A: APPLICANT INFORMATION – Fill out the required information about yourself, and select ‘NYS SUNY Oneonta’ from the drop-down menu by clicking on “Select a campus.”

11 APPLICATION FORM (cont.) Part B: PROPOSAL INFORMATION – Complete all requested information. For 2.B. (describe the proposed project or activity), do not enter “See attached.” Rather enter (or copy and paste) a brief summary of the project or activity in 250 words or fewer. Drescher applicants must complete section 4: “Date of submission of tenure review file” is either the date an Academic’s file for Continuing Appointment will be submitted* to the departmental committee or the date a Professional’s supervisor will make a recommendation on Permanent Appointment. ( If you do not know the date of submission, you can obtain that information from your department chair, dean or Provost Office.)

12 APPLICATION FORM – Budget Part C: BUDGET SUMMARY – Enter the start and end dates for the proposed project or activity. If you are applying for a multi-semester project or activity, you must submit a separate Budget Summary for each semester. Expenditures: Section 1. Travel and Related Expenses: A separate entry must be made for each trip. (Additional trips are added by clicking on the green + button on the left of each category.) Section 2. Tuition (at SUNY rate): Expenses must be at or below the SUNY rate for the type of course [undergraduate or graduate courses will be reimbursed at the applicable SUNY rates].

13 APPLICATION FORM – Budget (cont.) Expenditures (cont.) Section 3. Registration Fees: Specify the conference, seminar, or workshop. Section 4. Other Expenses: List other expenses related to the proposed project or activity. A specific justification for these “Other Expenses” must be provided. (Phrases such as “needed for the project” are not acceptable justifications.) An amount must be entered, even if it is “0,” in both the “Campus” and “Other Sources” columns under the “Amount Requested From” section. Then click on the “JLMC Funds” space and the amount requested from JLMC funds will be calculated automatically. Leave blank any expense categories for which you are not requesting funding.

14 APPLICATION ATTACHMENTS The following attachments must be included with the application Copies of all appointment letters (initial, renewal, and current). If unavailable, a letter from the administration certifying the titles and effective dates of all letters listed above will be accepted. A signed certification from the campus president or designee attesting that the employee qualifies for preference as a minority group member, a woman, an employee with a disability, or an employee with military status. A letter of endorsement for full-time leave from the campus president or designee. A letter of endorsement from the department or program dean, chair, director or supervisor.

15 APPLICATION ATTACHMENTS (cont.) A letter from the campus president or designee indicating the campus's financial contribution of a minimum of 40% of the cost of salary for a replacement for the duration of the leave and a minimum of 40% of the total project or activity expenses. A financial statement from the campus fiscal officer indicating the cost of salary for a replacement for the duration of the leave. A proposed project or activity described under Eligibility. A detailed timeline proposed under Eligibility. Curriculum vitae (no more than three pages). Additional information may be requested by the Committee.

16 APPLICATION PROCESS Consult with department chair and Dean regarding intent to apply, including disclosure of required fiscal commitments. If endorsed, contact the GDO at least two weeks in advance of the deadline (by September 23, 2015 for the October 7, 2015 deadline); GDO staff will assist with budget development, application form and attachment preparation, and securing campus commitments and endorsements. Routing form will be circulated with ‘final’ budget to obtain required signatures. Print the PDF application form, and obtain the required signatures (campus president or designee and the UUP chapter president); coordinated by GDO. Compile all required documents and send the completed application (including all supporting documents) to the JLMC staff.JLMC staff.

17 REVIEW / AWARD / EVALUATION The decision to fund an application is at the discretion of the NYS/UUP JLMC (Affirmative Action/Diversity Committee). An approved application will be funded after the following are received by the JLMC staff: The applicant’s signed Acceptance of Award form. The campus’s appointment letter with the salary for the replacement of the applicant A Program Evaluation must be submitted within 30 days of completing the project or activity. If the funded project or activity has already been completed at the time of the award, the evaluation must be completed within 30 days of the award notification. The Committee may postpone taking action on subsequent applications submitted by the award recipient until the Program Evaluation is received.Program Evaluation

18 Questions? Bill Simons SUNY Oneonta UUP Chapter President (x3498) Lisa Wenck Sr. Executive Employee Services Officer (x2509) Chris Barberio / Kathy Meeker Grants Development Office (x2434) / (x2632) THANK YOU!!

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