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Lesson: “Stress”. Types of Stress Good Stress is Eustress Bad Stress is Distress.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson: “Stress”. Types of Stress Good Stress is Eustress Bad Stress is Distress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson: “Stress”

2 Types of Stress Good Stress is Eustress Bad Stress is Distress

3 Types of stress Stress: Combination of a stressor and a stress response. The response of the body to demands of daily living. Stressor: Any new or potentially unpleasant situation. (Physical, mental, social, or environmental) Stress Response: The mind and body’s reaction to a stressor.

4 General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) A Series of body changes that result from stress

5 Three Stages 1. Alarm Stage: quick action –A–Adrenaline –F–Fight or flight

6 2. Resistance Stage: regain internal balance - no longer in the emergency state

7 3. Exhaustion stage - wear and tear on the body increases the risk of injury

8 How stress affects your health status.  Mental and emotional health  Family and social health  Growth and development  Nutrition  Personal health and physical activity  Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs  Communicable and chronic diseases

9 How Stress Affects Your Health Status CConsumer and community health EEnvironmental health IInjury prevention and safety

10 Ways to cope with stress Physical activity Write a journal Breathing techniques Eat healthy Get plenty of sleep and rest Music Imagery Laughing

11 Science of Stress SQxqU SQxqU

12 Sleep (8 min) vUXTgDY

13 Sleep (2 ½ min.) mLXLdHU

14 Sleep (3 min) xiQlzI

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