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Your Final Project Write an application: Language of your choosing Occupies rest of semester Individual project May NOT be: a work-for-hire for another.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Final Project Write an application: Language of your choosing Occupies rest of semester Individual project May NOT be: a work-for-hire for another."— Presentation transcript:


2 Your Final Project Write an application: Language of your choosing Occupies rest of semester Individual project May NOT be: a work-for-hire for another course a work in progress except…. MAY be a continuation of the current assignment or any previous CS242 assignment

3 Your Project Must: Serve a purpose Learn new language What parts of this language are you going to learn? Be specific Learn GUI programming Must include a list of features Must include specific learning objectives Solve a specific problem State the problem Describe how you are going to solve it Be planned Purpose Milestones Completion dates Design

4 Proposal/Plan You must submit your idea with a plan to your moderator Your moderator will approve it based on their estimation of your ability this semester You will be expected to meet your moderator’s expectations each week

5 Plagiarism “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work “ Plagiarism is disrespectful of other students.

6 University of Illinois Academic Integrity Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility in scholarship. Students and faculty alike must obey rules of honest scholarship, which means that all academic work should result from an individual's own efforts. Intellectual contributions from others must be consistently and responsibly acknowledged. Academic work completed in any other way is fraudulent.

7 CS242 Turning in the work of others without citation Results in a 0 for each assignment Could result in a failing grade for the semester Could result in expulsion from the University Note: Turning in the work of others WITH citation may result in a reduced grade. This depends upon the degree to which it has been done.

8 Your Plan Overall description of application Feature breakdown Include milestones for each week

9 Overall Description What does it do? What are the features? Why are you doing it? What kind of user would you expect? What platform? What language(s)?

10 Feature Breakdown Describe what functionality this application will have Be specific Describe limitations What will it NOT do that someone might expect or ask for in a similar application?

11 Milestones Use your set of features Indicate dates for completion of each

12 Plan: Amortization Schedule Generator for Cell Phone Needs: Individuals that want to run scenarios of loans Financial planners Realtors

13 Plan: Amortization Schedule Generator for Cell Phone Resources needed: Compiler/editor or IDE Cell phone emulator Cell phone Interface hardware to port application to cell phone

14 Plan: Amortization Schedule Generator for Cell Phone End User Profile: End users are not expected to be experts in financial planning and analysis but are expected to know what an amortization table represents, how to read one, what information is required to generate the table End users need not have any specific technical knowledge about using applications on their cell phones therefore, application must be easy to start and finish using normal cell phone interface

15 Plan: Amortization Schedule Generator for Cell Phone Platform: Development platform – Java on Linux system, cell phone emulator, … Target Platform – Motorola cell phones with…

16 Plan: Amortization Schedule Generator for Cell Phone Acceptance Criteria: Application must be able to accept user input for initial loan amount number of months duration of loan interest rate starting month starting year Accept transmitted table data and display in tabular form upon request Output table header indicating all input parameters generate a table row for every month of the loan columns: payment number month year payment amount principle amount interest total interest paid to date balance of loan ability to email the resulting table in CSV form from phone

17 Plan: Amortization Schedule Generator for Cell Phone Testing Plan Automated test generate scripts to automatically run scenarios including those that should not generate valid tables User test use the cell phone emulator, find 5 people to try using the interface to calculate and generate loan tables

18 Plan: Amortization Schedule Generator for Cell Phone Project Milestones/Schedule: week one – user interface built and working on emulator week two – amortization table generator and test scripts working on emulator week three – email CSV file - transmit CSV file from phone to another phone week four – ported to phone

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