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Presentation on theme: "EDMD 6313 FALL 2011 11-28-2011 FINAL – PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 3 RD PARTY VENDOR WEBSITE."— Presentation transcript:


2 NEEDS ANALYSIS  Students at Arkansas Tech University that have their account paid by a 3 rd party are required to let Student Accounts know, in writing, which 3 rd party is paying the account.  Each student must be marked off the drop-for-nonpay list to make sure they do not get dropped for nonpay.  Contact names for the 3 rd parties are kept in a separate location, written instructions on how each 3 rd party pays is non-existent.  They system is inefficient at best, and could lead to a student being dropped for nonpay. Criterion:  Participants (employees in Student Accounts) should be able to view 3 rd party information and which students are being paid by 3 rd party vendors.

3  Develop the use of a website as a 3 rd party vendor information site to make sure that, if a student’s account is being paid for by a 3 rd party, that student does not get dropped for nonpay.  OBJECTIVES:  Enter vendor information (Name, Address, Telephone, Fax, Contact Name, Email) in one location.  After written notification is received from 3 rd party vendor, enter this information in the website. Information would include, but not limited to, Student Name, Student ID Number, Amount being Paid, the 3 rd Party Vendor that is paying that Student’s Account.  Invoice 3 rd Party Vendor  After payment is received for student(s), update website.  Run report from website to determine which student(s) have not been paid, contact those vendor(s). GOAL STATEMENT

4  The learning domain that the goal is classified into is Bloom’s Taxonomy Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills).  The learners will identify students that are being paid by a 3 rd party vendor, isolate those students so they are not dropped for nonpay, and select those 3 rd party vendors to receive invoices.  After using the website the leaners’ responses will become habitual and the movements will be quicker, better, and more accurate. LEARNING DOMAIN

5  Instructional Analysis Flowchart INSTRUCTIONAL ANALYSIS

6  The target audience is staff members in Student Accounts.  There are approximately 11 staff members.  These staff members answer multi-line phones and wait on customers at the front counter.  Their responsibilities include answering phones, handling customer complaints, gathering information in an efficient manner to solve customer problems and collections. TARGET POPULATION

7  The performance context will be in the Student Accounts Office. Management will be available after the training to help with any questions. Each staff member will use their own computer in the training. In the initial training, staff members will work together in small groups of 2-3. After training they will work at their own computers in their own cubicles or offices. Learning the psychomotor skills necessary to navigate the website is essential to staff’s day to day responsibilities. Providing quality customer service is essential to the office, so the staff members are motivated to learn this skills to provide quality customer service. It also makes them more confident in their jobs. PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING CONTEXTS

8  The learning context will be in the Student Accounts Office. The learning will take place in the Student Accounts Office. Each staff member will use their own computer in the training. In the initial training, staff members will work together in small groups of 2-3. After training they will work at their own computers in their own cubicles or offices. Learners will have the necessary conveniences available during the training, such as, restroom facilities, water fountains, and computers with Internet Access. PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING CONTEXTS

9  All skills will be Psychomotor.  Given a student’s ID number or name, the learner will identify which 3 rd party vendor is paying for that student.  The Learner will sign into the website, enter student’s ID number in Search area and identify 3 rd party vendor paying the that student.  Given a 3 rd party vendor name define the payment process of that vendor. Does the vendor pay by Check, Credit Card, or through the DFAFS account.  The Learner will sign into the website, enter a vendor name in Search area and identify payment method.  Upon completion of this website, the Learners will be able to identify all students’ accounts that are being paid for by a 3 rd party vendor, and those students do not get dropped-for- nonpayment.  The Learner will sign into the website, Identify students so they can be marked off the drop for nonpay list. SKILLS, OBJECTIVES AND ASSESSMENT

10  OBJECTIVES  Which 3 rd party vendor is paying for which student?  Identify those students that are being paid for by a 3 rd party vendor so that they do not get dropped for nonpay.  Payment process. Check, credit card, DFAFS account (Departmental Federal Assistance Financing System).  Identify method of payment so that staff members know where to look for answers. Example, if a payment is made through the DFAFS account, contact Accounting to see if payment has been received.  Timing of payment. Pay after 80% reduction is over or doesn’t matter.  Identify those vendors that pay after 80% reduction. This will give students an idea of when their account will be paid.  Amount of payment. Does vendor pay the remaining balance of account after Pell Grant and Scholarships have posted?  Identify those vendors that pay after Pell Grants and/or Scholarships. Students will know not to expect a refund from vendor payment. INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY

11  Procedures for proposed development of project would be to gather data about the learners and access how efficient they are in the use of websites. Conduct task analysis to see where hidden obstacles may be.  Do learners know how to type in a URL?  Have learners navigated a website before?  Task Analysis  Vendor Information  Student Name and ID number  Dollar amount being paid  Is information enough to invoice 3 rd party? PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURES

12  Preparation  Review instruction  Select learners  Develop agenda  Set up and test facilities  Implementation  Prepare subjects  Implement preparatory training  Conduct tests  Conduct interviews  Analysis  Conduct a survey to provide feedback about the Website.  It is easy to find my way around the site?  I can get to information quickly?  Information is layered effectively on different screens. PROPOSED FORMATIVE EVALUATION PROCEDURES


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