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RFA –DK-01-033: Workshop for Planning Grant for Diabetes and Science Education in Tribal Schools Denver, Colorado June 15, 2001 Mr. David Mineo Chief,

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Presentation on theme: "RFA –DK-01-033: Workshop for Planning Grant for Diabetes and Science Education in Tribal Schools Denver, Colorado June 15, 2001 Mr. David Mineo Chief,"— Presentation transcript:

1 RFA –DK-01-033: Workshop for Planning Grant for Diabetes and Science Education in Tribal Schools Denver, Colorado June 15, 2001 Mr. David Mineo Chief, Grants Management Branch National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

2 Outline l The NIH Extramural Team l Award Determinations l A Successful Application l Budgetary Considerations


4 What Determines Which Awards Are Made? Application Merit Application Merit Program Considerations Program Considerations Availability of Funds Availability of Funds

5 Components of a Successful Application Good Idea Good Idea Good Program Good Program Good Application Good Application

6 Modular Applications and Awards

7 Modular Grants Apply to all competing research project grant mechanisms (R01, R03, R15, R21, R41, & R43) and RFAs up to no more than $250,000 requested direct costs in any year.

8 Modular Features at a Glance l Applies to research grant applications requesting up to $250,000 direct costs per year. l Request total direct costs in modules of $25,000, reflecting appropriate support for the project. There will be no future year escalations. l A typical modular grant application will request the same number of modules in each year. l Provide budget narrative regarding Key Personnel by position, role, and level of effort. l Include a total cost estimate for any Consortium/Contractual arrangements.

9 Modular Features at a Glance l Additional narrative budget justification will be required in the application only if there is a variation in the number of modules requested. l Describe specific aims of research projects ongoing or completed during the last three years as part of the Biographical Sketch. The Biographical Sketch will be limited to three pages. l SRG Recommended adjustments of the budget in modules. l Request Other Support information “just-in-time” to determine overlap for likely award candidates.

10 Modular Features at a Glance l Request (prior to award) additional budget justification “just-in-time” only in exceptional circumstances. l Award at SRG recommended or IC cost management plan level, taking other support into account. l Make non-categorical, total direct cost awards. l Eliminate the 25% rebudgeting requirement. l Permit all types of administrative supplemental awards. l Checklist to be submitted with the application.

11 Objectives l facilitate science and simplifies administration l focus professional expertise (review) where it’s most required.

12 Modular Research Grant Summary - Application and Postaward Features l Total Direct Cost Applications and Awards l Expanded Authorities l SNAP Noncompeting Award Process l Final Financial Status Report Only l Outcomes Based on Scientific Progress l Institutional Compliance with Administrative and Cost Principles l Project Monitoring Based on Total Costs and Scientific Scope

13 Modular Research Grants Summary - Compliance and Oversight l Cost Principles and “CAS” apply l Costs must be allowable, allocable, reasonable, and consistently treated l Total costs monitored based on scope, scientific aims, rate of expenditure l Institution monitored on basis of administrative and financial systems

14 Information Sources l E-Mail l NIH Home Page l NIDDK Home Page l Other Information Sources NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts Modular Page- Modular Page- l Make a telephone call


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