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Child years In preschool, when it was hot he would go on the mats and stick the soles of his feet onto it to make them sticky. One day he was just sitting.

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2 Child years In preschool, when it was hot he would go on the mats and stick the soles of his feet onto it to make them sticky. One day he was just sitting on the living room floor, while his dad was making supper nobody saw it coming. “Bang!” he started having a seizure called “epileptic”. His brother was screaming and his dad came in, and saw that his son had turned blue. When they got to the hospital the doctors said that he was going to die if they didn’t start operating on him right away. Then the doctors gave him CPR and he stayed alive. video

3 Child years HHe started school In 1 984 WWhen he was in junior high his family didn’t have a lot of money. IIn high school his father became very ill HHe was the first one in his family to get a higher education and went to Kaunas DDuring his college years he had fallin love with Neil Mitchell HHe worked for the UK’s NAS [National Autistic Society]

4  He would bang his head for rhythms  He's an autistic savant [which means he’s really smart]  He would see colors for his letters and numbers and thought that each number and letter had a characteristic b 3

5 Adult years  He was on the news, in articles etc. in the UK  He left the UK to meet Kim Peek  Program makers challenged him to learn a new language from scratch in front of cameras  He went to Iceland to learn the language called “Icelandic”  He went on the letterman show  He met and learned the goals of the Red Hot Chilly Peppers

6 Adult Years HHe wants to continue to help the charities such as the National Autistic Society, and the National Society for Epilepsy. DDuring Christmas in 2002 Daniel became a christen. IIn 2005 an experiment was done on him to see how he processed certain types of sentence constructions. HHim and his partner Neil right now are running a successful web based business for language tutorials.

7 Interesting facts from adult life  dfOM&feature=player_detailpage dfOM&feature=player_detailpage o He met Neil's parents in 2001 around Christmas o He went to New York City and was in the New York times o He memorized and recited more than 22000 digits of pi, and setting a record

8 Bio poem D a n i e l L o v e r o f f a m i l y a n d N e i l W h o e x c e l s a t m a t h a n d s c i e n c e W h o f e e l s t h e n e e d t o h e l p W h o n e e d s r h y t h m W h o g i v e s t i m e a n d m o n e y W h o w o u l d l i k e t o s e e t h e E i f f e l t o w e r W h o b e l i e v e s t h a t e v e r y o n e h a s a c h a n c e W h o s t a n d s f o r h i s f a i t h T a m m e t

9 Compare and contrast between Daniel Tammet and Kim Peek  Similarities: They both are autistic savants.  They also are both similar by being world famous and can both memorize amazing things  They have both traveled the world meeting other autistic savants  They have both set many records Kim Peek Daniel Tammet

10 That’s the end  Anybody have any questions?

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