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1. Introduction 2. Fact or Fiction? 3. Identity 4. Relationships 5. Sexuality 6. Sadness and anger 7. Closing Thoughts.

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2 1. Introduction 2. Fact or Fiction? 3. Identity 4. Relationships 5. Sexuality 6. Sadness and anger 7. Closing Thoughts

3 [Video: Socioemotional development Introduction]
Instruction: Click to play video. This presentation on adolescent sociocultural development follows the adolescent search for identity, in addition to how parents and peers influence this quest. It considers the role of romance in adolescent lives, as well as sadness, anger, and despair. [Video: Socioemotional development Introduction] 3

4 Fact or Fiction? Fiction Fact
1. Generally speaking, parent-adolescent conflict is about routine, day-to-day concerns. 2. Early exclusive romance signifies maturity. 3. Thinking about committing suicide is actually quite rare among high school students. Instruction: Click to reveal each statement, then the category. 4. Major crimes are more likely to be committed during adolescence and emerging adulthood than in any other period of life. 4

5 On the path to identity, what roles do adolescents most often adopt?
Not yet Achieved identity versus role confusion: Erikson’s term for the fifth stage of development, in which a person tries to figure out “Who am I?” On the path to identity, what roles do adolescents most often adopt? Erikson’s term for the attainment of identity, or the point at which a person understands who he or she is as a unique individual. A situation in which an adolescent does not seem to know or care what his or her identity is (also called identity diffusion). Identity achievement Role confusion Instruction: Click on the identity roulette wheel to reveal information about each term. As today’s adolescents move toward achieving their identity, they should be aware that their context is not identical to that of their parents, and each person has a unique combination of genes and alleles. Common role confusion behaviors include mind-numbing bouts of video games or watching TV, jumping from romance to romance, disorganized thinking, procrastination, or avoidance of issues and actions. In foreclosure, teens might follow roles and customs transmitted from their parents or culture, never exploring alternatives; they also may choose oppositional, negative identities (for instance, as gang members). Societies provide many moratoria, such as college, that allow adolescents to postpone identity achievement, though moratorium often peaks at age 19 (Kroger et al, 2010). This respite allows an individual time to achieve identity in arenas described by Erikson—political/ethnic identity and vocational identity. And identity may not be achieved until after adolescence, as individuals emerge into adulthood. (INSTRUCTOR NOTE: You might have students give examples of identity paths they have experienced themselves or observed in others.) Click to play a video of an interview with a teen in role confusion. In this video clip, Derek talks about his feeling related to decisions he is being asked to make about his life. Click to play a video of an interview with a teen in foreclosure. In this video clip, Jared discusses who he is and influences on his sense of identity. Click to play a video of an interview with a teen in moratorium. In this video clip, Jodie shares her thoughts about careers. Click to play a video of a teen who has reached identity achievement. In this video, Cedric discusses his future and his sense of identity. Erikson’s term for premature identity formation, which occurs when an adolescent adopts parents’ or society’s roles and values wholesale, without questioning or analysis. An adolescent’s choice of a socially acceptable way to postpone making identity-achievement decisions, with going to college a common example. Foreclosure Moratorium , 5 5 5

6 Not yet Achieved [Video: Identity Status:
Instructions: Click to play video. What evidence do you see in this video that this young man has role confusion? Would the alternate term ‘role diffusion’ seem more appropriate? He seems to want to defer identity formation; does this qualify as a moratorium? Why or why not? [Video: Identity Status: Interview with Derek, Diffusion]

7 Not yet Achieved [Video: Identity Status:
Instructions: Click to play video. What comments does this student make that fit and don’t fit the definition of being in identity foreclosure? [Video: Identity Status: Interview with Jared, Foreclosure]

8 Not yet Achieved [Video: Identity Status:
Instructions: Click to play video. How do Jodie’s thoughts about her future career reflect her status in moratorium? [Video: Identity Status: Interview with Jodie, Moratorium]

9 Not yet Achieved [Video: Identity Status:
Instructions: Click to play video. How do Cedric’s responses in this video clip reflect his status of achieved identity? [Video: Identity Status: Interview with Cedric, Identity Achievement]

10 Four Arenas of Identity Achievement
How do the religious, political, vocational, and gender arenas of identity develop during adolescence? Instructions: Automatic animation. Few adolescents totally reject religion if they grew up following a particular faith, partly because religion provides meaning as well as coping skills (Kind & Roeser, 2009). Political identity brings up “identity politics,” which is the tendency to identify politically with others of one’s group, such as those of the same race, religion, ethnicity, or national origin (Bernstein, 2005; McClain et at., 2009; Monroe et al., 2000). A century ago, teenagers could more easily envision themselves in their future roles and jobs. But today, few if any are ready for a lifetime career at age 18. Erikson’s term sexual identity has been replaced by gender identity, which is a person’s acceptance of the roles and behaviors that society associates with the biological categories of male and female. What are some ways in which parents and peers play a role in the formation of these components of identity? Click to play a video about Nicholas from Great Britain. In this video clip, Nicholas is shown at several ages discussing his feelings about girls. Click to play a video about Tony from Great Britain. In this video clip, Tony is shown at several ages discussing his desire to be jockey. 10 10 10

11 Four Arenas of Identity Achievement
Instructions: Click to play video. What issues about identity do you observe in this video clip of Tony? How would you describe his identity status? [Video: Excerpts from the Up Documentary: Tony, the Boy Who Wanted to be a Jockey]

12 Adults and Teenagers What is a typical way in which adolescents and parents relate and adjust to one another? I don’t want to ask again. So, please clean your room Not later, now. Adolescent egocentrism A characteristic of adolescent thinking that leads young people (ages 10 to 13) to focus on themselves to the exclusion of others Bickering Peevish arguing, usually repeated and ongoing Granting greater autonomy As adolescents get older, parents may grant more autonomy, often with positive affect (Collins & Laursen, 2004., p. 337) Better communication and balance Both parents and teenagers try to balance the need for independence and closeness, with less disclosure but improved communication as the young person matures (Masche, 2010) Yes it does Why. It doesn’t matter. I’ll do it later I’m too tired, but…oh…okay Instruction: Click to reveal details about the development of a parent-adolescent relationship. Then click to animate conversation. Repeat for next categories and animation. Normally, parent-adolescent conflict peaks in early adolescence, especially between mothers and daughters. Keep in mind that some bickering may indicate a healthy family, since close relationships almost always include some conflict (Smetana et al., 2004). Click to watch to an interview about parent-adolescent relationships. This clip presents an interview with Anne Petersen, an expert on adolescent behavior. Click to see a video about an African people called the Chokwe. In this video, Chokwe adults initiate adolescents, who have reached puberty, into the adult life, according to their culture. Can do. No problem Dad. I’m going over to Dahlia’s house now. I’ll be back before dinner. You’re welcome Sounds good. See you later. If you could keep your room clean all school year, too, that would be great. Thanks for cleaning your room. That’s been helpful all summer. 12 12 12

13 [Video: Interview with Anne Petersen]
Adults and Teenagers Instructions: Click to play video. What does Anne Petersen say about the role of parents and community in helping children navigate through adolescence? [Video: Interview with Anne Petersen]

14 Adults and Teenagers Instructions: Click to play video. What do the adults in this culture do to prepare adolescents for their new role as adults? [Video: The Wisdom of Generations: Boys’ and Girls’ Initiations Among the Chokwe and Related People]

15 The Role of Peers Video Game Risk Taking, by Age Group
Number of crashes 3.4 peer pressure: Encouragement to conform to one’s friends or contemporaries in behavior, dress, and attitude. 2.9 2.4 1.9 How did an experiment indicate the effects of peer pressure on adolescent risk-taking? 1.4 0.9 Instruction: Peer pressure is usually considered a negative force, as when adolescent peers encourage one another to defy adult authority. This experiment in peer facilitation involved adolescents (ages 13 to 16), emerging or young adults (ages 18 to 22), and adults (over age 24). In this experiment, all of you will be randomly assigned to one of two conditions: playing a video driving game alone or with two strangers of the same age and sex. As you drive, every so often the screen will flash a yellow light, indicating that soon—in one of several seconds—a wall will appear. Your goal is to drive as long as possible but brake before crashing into the wall. Points are gained for travel time. A crash erases the points from that round. You will play this game for 15 rounds. Click to reveal the experiment results Playing alone, all the groups averaged one crash per 15-round session. What happened to adolescents when in the company of their peers? How, if at all, do you think peer pressure was involved? Click to watch a video about adolescent risk-taking. In this video clip, psychologist Anne Petersen discusses risk-taking behaviors with several teens. Click to watch another video about adolescent risk-taking. In this video clip, teenagers discuss experimentation with drugs and alcohol. Click to watch another video in which adolescents from Columbia support one another’s efforts in a war-torn country. In this video clip, you’ll meet the adolescents whose support of each other helped to push a movement for peace in their country. 0.4 Alone With peers Adolescents Young adults Adults Source: Adapted from Steinberg, 2007. 15 15 15

16 [Video: Risk-taking Clip A]
Peer Support Instructions: Click to play video. According to Anne Petersen, what factors are involved in decisions teenagers make about risk-taking? [Video: Risk-taking Clip A]

17 [Video: Risk-taking Clip B]
Peer Support Instructions: Click to play video. According to these adolescents, what role does peer pressure play in decisions they have made about experimentation with drugs or alcohol? [Video: Risk-taking Clip B]

18 [Video: The Children’s Peace Movement in Columbia]
Peer Support Instructions: Click to play video. [Video: The Children’s Peace Movement in Columbia]

19 Before Committed Partnership
What are some findings about sexual behavior and teenagers? Teens who have had sex by the end of high school 1991 2007 Sexually experienced girls reporting they were in a steady relationship when they first had sex Instruction: Click each category to reveal the survey results. For 30 years, the Youth risk behavior Survey has asked high school students from all over the U.S. dozens of confidential questions about their behavior. The findings in this survey indicate that in 2007 fewer young people were having intercourse; most first intercourse occurred in a committed relationship; also, most sexually active adolescents reported using condoms. Also every survey finds that norms vary markedly from crowd to crowd, school to school, city to city, and nation to nation. For instance, in 2009 twice as many ninth- through twelfth-graders in Milwaukee as in Seattle said that they have had intercourse—that’s 63 versus 29 percent (MMWR, June 4, 2010). Teens reporting using a condom during last intercourse Girls Boys 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Percent 19 19 19

20 5% 50% ? 50% ? ? ? 50% ? 38% ? 50% Learning about Sex
What have some studies shown about adolescents and sex? 50% Adolescents and Sex Percentage findings As a parent, you know your 12-year-old daughter hugged and kissed a boy “for a long time” (O’Donnell et al., 2008). As a 12-year-old, you have hugged and kissed a boy “for a long time” (O’Donnell et al., 2008). U.S. adolescent couples that have discussed the risks of pregnancy and disease before becoming sexually active. Approximately how much less rates of teenage pregnancy are in most European nations than in the United States, curriculum being one of the many reasons. In a longitudinal study, approximately the number of students who had sex by age 16 four to six years after participating in abstinence-only programs (Trenholm et al., 2007). In a longitudinal study, approximately the number of students who had sex by age 16 four to six years after not participating in abstinence-only programs (Trenholm et al., 2007). ? 50% ? ? ? 50% Instruction: Click each question mark to reveal percentage findings. The crucial test of sex education is not whether adolescents can learn facts (most pass multiple-choice tests) but whether their knowledge affects their behavior. A controlled study of sex education in the United Kingdom noted that whether or not an adolescent becomes sexually active depends more on family, peers, and culture than on information from classes (Allen et al., 2007). ? 38% ? 50% 20 20 20

21 Learning about Sex [Video: Adolescents Discuss Decision-making Clip C]
Instructions: Click to see a video about adolescents and decisions about sexual behavior. In this video clip, an adolescent couple discusses their decision to be sexually active. How would you compare this couple’s perspective about sexual behavior compared with overall teen decision-making about having sex, according to the information presented on this slide? [Video: Adolescents Discuss Decision-making Clip C]

22 Depression What might be the relationship between depression and crowds? crowd: A larger group of adolescents who have something in common but who are not necessarily friends. Feelings of depression High 9 8 Instruction: Click the graph key to reveal study findings for each category. Researchers tested children in grades 4 through 6; they then looked at the subjects’ depression levels in high school and explored participants’ particular high school crowds. “Popular/Jock” crowds became happier during high school. Children destined to be in the “Brains” crowd felt happiest during elementary school. “Burnouts” were more depressed than any other group both in late elementary and high school. Some adolescents sink down into a “clinical depression,” which is a deep sadness that disrupts all normal, regular activities. This kind of depression involves feelings of hopelessness, lethargy, and worthlessness that last for two weeks or more. Popular/Jocks 7 Brains Burnouts 6 5 4 3 Low Elementary school High school 22 22 22

23 Suicide What are suicide rates in the United States?
2006 1980 1962 Suicide Rate in the United States by Age Group, Suicides per 100,000 in age group 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 Instruction: Click 3 times to reveal the suicide rates for each year. Suicide ideation usually has some serious emotional and intellectual or cognitive overtones. Adolescents are less likely than adults to kill themselves. While suicide ideation during adolescence is common, completed suicides are not. The U.S. annual rate of completed suicide for people aged 15 to 19 (in school or not) is about 8 per 100,000, or percent. The term parasuicide is a preferred term because seriousness of intent is difficult to discern amidst the emotions typical in adolescence. 2 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 +85 Age group suicide ideation: Considering the possibility of committing suicide. parasuicide: Lethal action against the self that does not result in death. Sources: Maguire, 2010.

24 Destructiveness How is delinquency predicted?
From childhood: primarily brain-based From adolescence: primarily context-based short attention span, hyperactivity, inadequate emotional regulation, slow language development, low intelligence, early and severe malnutrition, autistic tendencies, maternal cigarette smoking and being the victim of severe child abuse deviant friends; having few connections to school; living in a crowded, violent, unstable neighborhood; not having a job; drugs and alcohol; having close relatives (especially older siblings) in jail Instruction: Click to reveal details about two clusters of factors that predict delinquency. Neurological impairment (either inborn or caused by early experiences) increases the risk that a child will become a life-course-persistent offender, or a person whose criminal activity typically begins in early adolescence and continues throughout life—a career criminal. Adolescents at all income levels may become adolescence-limited offenders, or a person whose criminal activity stops by age 21. These adolescents may outgrow their criminal behavior and may be protected from life snares such as quitting school, entering prison, drug addiction, or early parenthood.

25 Closing Thoughts Back in 1904, the psychologist G. Stanley Hall identified adolescence as a time of “storm and stress.” What, if anything, have you discovered about adolescence in this presentation that supports his idea?


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