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The Body At War. Disease Infectious Spread from one organism to another Common cold, influenza, chickenpox Pathogens requiring a host organism Non-Infectious.

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Presentation on theme: "The Body At War. Disease Infectious Spread from one organism to another Common cold, influenza, chickenpox Pathogens requiring a host organism Non-Infectious."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Body At War

2 Disease Infectious Spread from one organism to another Common cold, influenza, chickenpox Pathogens requiring a host organism Non-Infectious Developed within organism Arthritis, diabetes

3 Microbes Microscopic organisms Viruses Bacteria Protozoans Parasites Fungi PATHOGENS are harmful microbes.

4 Viruses Seen with an electron microscope H3N2 Bird Flu Electron Microscope Cross Sections CGI Molecular Model

5 Viruses Need a host to live

6 Myxomatosis Affects rabbits, but not humans

7 Warts

8 Rubella

9 Mumps

10 Polio


12 Bacteria Seen under light microscope Single cell organism

13 Useful Bacteria Organic matter decomposers Cheese and wine

14 Binary Fission

15 Bacteria Causes Disease They may produce a substance toxic to the host cells They may stop the host from doing normal activities

16 Food Poisoning

17 Strep Throats

18 Pneumonia

19 Pimples

20 Anthrax

21 Leaf Blight

22 Questions 1Diseases can be divided into two groups. What are the groups called? 2What is a pathogen? 3Not all bacteria are pathogens. Describe two ways in which bacteria can be useful. 4What are the two ways that bacteria can cause disease?

23 Questions 5What is the difference between the way that viruses and bacteria reproduce? 6Why is the cell invaded by a virus called a host cell? 7Over two million bacteria are found per square centimetre of skin under the armpits. Why don’t they cause disease more often?

24 Homework 1How does dental cavities or tooth decay form? Why is this related to a study of diseases? 2Often, after taking medicine or being ill, people are advised to eat yoghurt. Find out what the benefits of this food might be. How is yoghurt made?

25 Parasites Internal or external Protozoans – single celled animals e.g. malaria, dysentery Tapeworm + Roundworm Liver flukes Fleas Lice

26 Common Parasites ParasiteCondition Caused Source of Infection AmoebadysenteryFood and drink Malarial parasitemalariamosquito TapewormtapewormRaw meat Blood flukeschistosomiasiswater TicksSkin infectionScrub, bush LicepediculosisBeds, clothes FleasSkin irritationanimals

27 Questions 1What is a parasite? 2What is a protozoan? List some diseases caused by protozoans. 3What are some common tapeworms and roundworms that infect humans? How do we get infected. 4What is the difference between ticks, lice and fleas?

28 Review 1What is the difference between a bacteria, animal and plant cell? 2How are some bacteria good? Describe them.

29 Links Follow the links to help answer your questions. Cells The difference between bacteria, animals and plants Good bacteria Parasite Images Worm Lots of images!!!

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