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WHITETAIL DEER. DESCRIPTION u 3-3 1/2 feet tall u weight: 150 lbs (largest buck was 425lbs)

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2 DESCRIPTION u 3-3 1/2 feet tall u weight: 150 lbs (largest buck was 425lbs)

3 u color shading changes twice a year l spring - new coat is bright reddish brown l fall/winter - hair is blueish to grayish- brown

4 u albinism - genetic change that prevents pigments from forming in body l hair is white, eyes pink, hooves gray

5 Albinism (cont.) - more common is partial albinos - usually have hearing deficiency - normal deer avoid them

6 u walk on toenails, not toes, which allows them to move fast on well packed earth u have 32 teeth

7 u 4 glands l interdigital gland - between hooves l metatarsal gland - between hooves and heel on hind leg l tarsal gland - inside leg on hock l lachrymal gland- front of eye

8 u ruminants: 4 compartment stomach

9 DISTRIBUTION u found everywhere in WI u from middle Canada to southern US

10 TRAVEL u tend to move only in a 1 sq mile area u do not migrate - will starve to death, refuse to leave home range

11 HABITS u buck lives separate from doe/offspring except during rut u usually start to feed at 4:30pm till 7am

12 u creatures of habit - if not bothered will follow same routine, trails, etc. - will shift pattern due to weather and food availability

13 u require 10-12 lbs of food to satisfy needs u herbivores u startled deer will run to nearest cover, then stop to see if followed

14 BREEDING u bucks lose antlers in december/jan. u doe’s estrus cycle is in Oct. - heat period of 30 hours; come into heat every 28 days

15 BIRTH AND YOUNG u gestation period is 200-210 days u fawns born late May or June

16 u fawns weigh 4 1/2 to 8 lbs at birth u does leave fawns and come back to nurse 5-8 times/day u at 3-4 weeks fawn will go with doe

17 LIFE SPAN u life span of 8-11 year l most bucks killed before 5 yrs l does fertility decreases after age 9

18 SENSES u smell - greatest sense u hearing - flicker ears to get sound u sight - quick to notice slight movements

19 COMMUNICATION u fawn - bleats like a lamb u older deer sound like hoarse raspy sheep

20 u stamp feet when nervous which causes vibrations in ground u signal danger by flashing white hair on rump

21 LOCOMOTION u top speed is about 40 mph u can clear up to 8 feet from standing position

22 u can jump 28 ft in length u will seek water if they can’t out run predator - good swimmers

23 ENEMIES u original predators - mountain lion and wolf u today - man and dogs

24 u parasites l external: lice, fleas, mosquitoes, wood ticks l internal: lungworms, footworms, liver flukes, and tapeworms


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