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بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم.

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Presentation on theme: "بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

2 جدول زمان بندی درس انگل شناسی پرستاری

3 REFERENCES 1- Medical Parasitology; last edition
- Markell, Voge and John 2- Basic Clinical Parasitology; last edition - Brown & Neva 3- Clinical Parasitology; 4th edition - E. Saebi 4- Worms & Diseases

4 اهداف آموزشي جلسه اول آشنائي با عوامل بيماريزاي انساني
״ ״ ״ ״ انواع روابط تغذيه اي بين موجودات زنده تعريف انگل و ميزبان ،دسته بندي انگلها و ميزبان تعريف واژه ها و مفاهيم مصطلح در انگل شناسي راههاي ورود انگلها به ميزبان و خروج آنها اهميت بيماريهاي انگلي( انتشار جغرافيايي و......) نامگذاري انگلها، دسته بندي سيستماتيك انگلها( تك ياخته و ) كليات تك ياخته شناسي

5 Enviromental Agents: 1-Physical Agents 2-Chemical Agents Biological Agents: a-Viruses b-Prokaryotes c-Eukaryotes

6 Definition of terms Symbiosis: “close association of two organisms”
Different type of symbiosis: 1-Commensalism: “ eating at the same table” 2-Mutualism 3-Phoresis 4-Parasitism *Parasite *Parasitology *Host

7 Different kinds of Parasites (based on relationship between Parasite & Host)
1- Ectoparasite;……Fleas or Ticks 2- Endoparasite;…..Intestinal Amebae 3- Facultative-p. …..Free living Amebae 4- Obligate-p …..Filaria 5- Permanent-p. …...Intestinal Worms 6- Temporary-p. ….Anopheles spp. 7- Accidental-p Fasciola hepatica 8- Abberant-p. ……..Toxocara canis

8 Different kinds of Host
Definitive(Final) Host; ……Anopheles for Malaria p. Intermediate Host; …………Human for Malaria p. Reserervior Host;….………Beaver and cats for Giardia Paratenic Host;………Large Fish for Diphyllobothrium

9 -Vector: a- Mechanical Vector b- Biological Vector Source Life-Cycle
Carrier Life-Cycle Zoonosis Anthroponotic

10 1- Infestation 2- Infection: 4- Disease A- Super infection
B- Re infection C- Retro infection D- Auto infection 4- Disease

11 Sources of exposure to infection or infestation
1- Contaminated soil or water 2- food containing the immature infective stage of the parasite 3- A blood-sucking insect 4- A domestic or wild animal harboring the parasite 5- Another person, his clothing, bedding, or the immediate enviroment that has contaminated 6- One’s self

12 Portal of entry into the body
1- Mouth : - Water - Soil - Food 2- Skin : - from the soil - from the water - by blood-suking arthropods 3- Inhalation of air-born eggs or cyst 4- Transplacental infection ( congenital ) 5- Transmammary ( milk ) infection 6- sexual intercourse infection

13 Healthy Important of Parasitic Diseases:
1- Prevalence; ….. Malaria, Amebiasis, Giardiasis, Leishmaniasis 2- Incidence 3- Drug & Treatment 4- Vaccine & Control 5- Immunity - natural Immunity - Acquired Immunity 6-Immunosupressive Diseases

14 Systematic Classification of Living things and Nomination of parasites
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Strain

15 Living things Kingdom 1- Animalia: 2-Plants 3- Protista 4- Monera
Metazoa(many-celled animals) 1- Animalia: Protozoa(sigle-celled animals) 2-Plants 3- Protista 4- Monera 5-Fungi

16 Classification of Parasites
1- Ectoparasites (Arthropoda) 2- Endoparasites: A)- Protozoa - Using Light Microscopic ; (Amebae,Flagellates,Ciliates,Sporozoea) - Using Electronic Microscopic ; (Sarcomastigophora,Apicomplexa,,Microspora) B)Metazoa Helminthes; [ Nematoda, Platy-Helminthes(Trematoda,Cestoda)]

17 Protozoa Definition: “unicellular”, “acellular” or eukaryotic single cell-like micro-organismes Number: Size: Form: ectoplasm(gel state) cytoplasm endoplasm(sol state) Body of protozoa: protoplasm nucleoplasm

18 Nucleus: Containing chromosomes: Type of nucleus: 1- vesicular n.
reproduction Containing chromosomes: transmission of genes Type of nucleus: 1- vesicular n. 2- compact or graular n. similar n. 3- bi-nuclated: dissimilar n. : macro & micronucleus 4- multi-nuclated:

19 Ectoplasm Function Endoplasm Function
1-Protection of the organism Locomotor pparatus 3-Food ingestion Respiration 5-Discharge of metabolic wastes Endoplasm Function containing ; mitochondria,golgi, Glycogen vacuoles & chromatidal bodies , Food vacuoles... Food synthesis Excretory vacuoles(collection of fluid wastes) Contractive vacuoles(maintain osmotic pressure)

20 Vital function 1-Locomotion: locomotory organelles;
1-1 Pseudopodia Cilia Flagellum 1-4 Undulating membran without l.organell(gliding movement) 2-Respiration: aerobic(blood & tissue pro.) micro-aerophilic(intestinal pro.) 3- Nutrition: - liquid absorbtion cell mouth(cytostome) -pinocytosis phagocytosis

21 Reproduction of protozoa
Asexual: 1- Binary-fission : (amaebae) 2-Budding or Endodiogeny : Coccidia 3- Schizogony(merogony) : plasmodium Sexual: 1- Syngamy: Free-flagellates 2- Sprogony : Malaria parasites 3-Conjugation: Ciliata

22 Life cycle of protozoa Trophozoite transmission: Encystment factors:
(e.g.; Enta. Gingivalis) Encystment factors: -defieciency or overabundance of food supply -excess of catabolic products PH changes ………………… ………………….. Cyst transmission: 1-Free-living protozoa 2-Parasitic protozoa Excystment factors: -osmotic changes -enzymatic action -host enzymes ………………. ……………………


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