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Arthropods. Body Plans 3 main characteristics exoskeleton Chitin Can be hard or leathery Can be hard or leathery Used like armor Molting for growing.

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Presentation on theme: "Arthropods. Body Plans 3 main characteristics exoskeleton Chitin Can be hard or leathery Can be hard or leathery Used like armor Molting for growing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arthropods

2 Body Plans 3 main characteristics

3 exoskeleton Chitin Can be hard or leathery Can be hard or leathery Used like armor Molting for growing

4 Jointed appendages Arthro “joint” Pod “foot” ex. Antennae, claws, legs, wings, flippers

5 Segmented bodies Insects –3 Arachnids –2 Centipedes 100

6 Feeding Parasites, carnivores, filter feeders, herbivores

7 Respiration Aquatic arthropods Gills just under skeleton

8 Book gills (horseshoe crab) and book lungs (spiders) Appearance is book like Spiracle hole for air entrance

9 Insects Spiracle & Spiracle & Tracheal tubes Tracheal tubes Muscle movement pumps air

10 Internal transport Open circulatory system Blood out through arteries & then collect back

11 Response All have ganglia brain Body segments have brains Wasp w/out head can live Wasp w/out head can live

12 Sophisticated senses Compound eyes

13 Taste receptors On mouth antennae & legs (flies) On mouth antennae & legs (flies)

14 Movement Spider legs Spider legs flies flies

15 Growth & development Molting- shedding small shell Vulnerable time w/ soft shell

16 MetamorphosisEgg

17 Larvae

18 Pupa

19 Adult

20 Subphylums

21 Subphylum: Chelicerata

22 Characteristics 2 body parts CephalothoraxAbdomen

23 2 sets of appendages on mouth Chelicerae & pedipalps

24 Examples Horseshoe crabs

25 Arachnids spiders

26 Mites & Ticks

27 Scorpions

28 Subphylum: Crustacea

29 Over 35,000 species Water fleas.25mm Japanese spider crab 6 meters across

30 examples Crabs lobster barnacles crayfish shrimp

31 Characteristics Cephlothorax & abdomen Hard exoskeleton Calcium carbonate Calcium carbonate

32 2 pair of Antennae Used for sensory feeding or locomotion Used for sensory feeding or locomotion

33 Mandible- mouth part for feeding Short heavy structure

34 appendages Barnacles- filter feeding Crabs lobster claws swimmerets

35 Subphylum: Uniramia Insects & friends

36 examples Insects, millipedes, centipedes

37 Centipedes Carnivores w/ poison 15-170 pairs of legs Each segment has 1 pair of legs

38 Millipedes Scavengers 2 pairs of legs per segment

39 Insects 900,000 insect species New species found weekly

40 Body 3 part body Head thorax & abdomen 3 pairs of legs at thorax

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