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1 EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis National Environmental Protection Agency– Phase II”

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Presentation on theme: "1 EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis National Environmental Protection Agency– Phase II”"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis National Environmental Protection Agency– Phase II” Draft Technical Guidline Zur Methodologie, der Bewertung und Beurteilungskriterien zur Erfassung und Untersuchung von Altlasten Art.15 der Regierungsentscheidung 1408

2 2 EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis National Environmental Protection Agency– Phase II” World Bank Project National Strategy for the Management of Contaminated Areas in Romania, 29.May 2008 Royal Haskoning Nederland

3 3 EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis National Environmental Protection Agency– Phase II” National Inventory Scoring and prioritization system Compendium remediation techniques Training needs Compendium fieldwork techniques Technical guidline assessment,risk assessment Action plan Technical guidline historical investigation

4 4 EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis National Environmental Protection Agency– Phase II” Lessons from the German restructuring process Rough cost estimates are indispensable to budget planning (use of formalised procedures is helpful in attaining goals). The instrument of non-liability for site contamination is, in principle, anappropriate means of removing obstacles to investment and privatisation. Special and individual arrangements for financial compensation for expenditure for site remediation by the private investor is not unproblematic from the viewpoint of the environmental authorities. Permanently unsolved site risks and unpaid financial contributions from remediation projects cause a conflict of goals. Consensus between the financing parties is only possible on the basis of solid research dealing with hazards and a pragmatic search for solutions. The privatisation process has led to a surplus of former industrial sites. Intelligent use strategies must lead to the harmonisation of site attractiveness.

5 5 EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis National Environmental Protection Agency– Phase II” Historical Investigation Site inspections Main elements of a site inspection: Registering of the state of the area as a whole (applicable to former industrial sites and waste disposal sites); Investigation of the possibilities for sampling such as wells and level indication or foundations of buildings; Registering of the present condition of buildings in comparison to already existing plans; Photo documentation

6 6 EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “ Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis National Environmental Protection Agency– Phase II” Historical Investigation/ Site inspections The following checklist gives an overview of the data that could possibly be obtained during a site inspection: Drainage conditions (erosion pathways, discharges into water bodies etc.); Vegetation, damage of vegetation; Characteristics of the soil (morphology, odour, consistence, type of soil, humus content, etc.); Condition of water bodies; Use at the site; Use in the surrounding area; Containment against unauthorised access; Other remarks. Size and limits; Correspondence with available plans; External areas, internal premises (condition, odour, visible waste or harmful substances, etc.); Special features of construction, discolouration of buildings; Anomalies of the territory, strange topography; Leakage of seepage water and landfill gas (gas emissions are possible also in the farer surrounding);

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