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WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Clare Jarvis Bodleian Law Library Oxford University Library Services

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Presentation on theme: "WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Clare Jarvis Bodleian Law Library Oxford University Library Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Clare Jarvis Bodleian Law Library Oxford University Library Services Finding older printed material (pre-1850) in Oxford

2 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources OxLIP databases ESTCEnglish Short Title Catalogue HPBHand Press Book database NSTCNineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue IISTCIllustrated Incunabula Short Title Catalogue EEBOEarly English Books Online ECCOEighteenth Century Collections Online ILEJInternet Library of Early Journals

3 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Structure of session Introductions Aims and objectives Information sources The need to search a variety of sources OLIS How to find items which are in Oxford but not on OLIS The need to try different types of search 4 different styles of record you may see on OLIS Telnet OLIS and web OLIS: which version to use when Compare and contrast bibliographic records and holdings information in printed STC and Wing, OLIS, ESTC and HPB How to search EEBO and ECCO Demonstration of relevant search techniques: live examples Concluding remarks Exercises to practise searching OLIS, ESTC, HPB, EEBO & ECCO

4 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Finding older printed material (pre-1850) in Oxford Aim To introduce humanities scholars to effective ways of searching for older printed material in Oxford Objectives To introduce the main sources of information for finding older printed material To demonstrate relevant search techniques To promote the importance of searching a variety of sources and trying different types of search

5 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Information sources A.Try searching a variety of sources because: Apart from sources which are out of date, all the main catalogues and databases are works in progress, e.g. OLIS ESTC (English Short-Title Catalogue) HPB (Hand Press Book database ) Not all early printed books in Oxford libraries are yet on OLIS or the other main databases Books which do not appear in one catalogue can often be found in one or more other sources

6 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources To find items which are in Oxford 1. First try OLIS 2. To find items which are not on OLIS, try: a)Collection level printed resources b)Librarians c)Printed catalogues d)Inter-Collegiate Catalogue (ICC) e)English Short-Title Catalogue (ESTC) f)Early English Books Online (EEBO) g)Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) h)Hand Press Book (HPB) database

7 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources OLIS: a catalogue which is “work in progress” OLIS has evolved from a number of separate catalogues which were created at different times on different systems to different standards

8 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources OLIS cont. These separate catalogues have been added, mostly unchanged, into OLIS, and the records for early printed items are gradually being upgraded to the current Oxford antiquarian standard and merged into a single union catalogue. As work is still in progress, you will find some problems and inconsistencies when searching for earlier material.

9 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources OLIS: problems you may encounter when searching for earlier material More than one record for a single bibliographic item More than one record for an individual copy Style, amount of detail and quality of information in records vary Not all early books in Oxford libraries are yet on OLIS Some libraries conceal some of their holdings on the public version of the catalogue, for security reasons Library staff can see such holdings, but readers cannot If the only holding attached to a record is a hidden one, the message for readers is “There are no holdings for this title”

10 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources 2. For items not on OLIS, try: a)Collection level printed resources Walker, Gregory, Clapinson, Mary and Forbes, Lesley (ed.) The Bodleian Library: a subject guide to the collections. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 2004. Morgan, Paul. Oxford libraries outside the Bodleian: a guide. 2 nd ed. Oxford: Bodleian Library, 1980.

11 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources b)Librarians If you think a particular library has collections of interest to your readers, do contact the librarian as there are often excellent card catalogues or handlists, even if the collections are not yet entirely on OLIS

12 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources c)Printed catalogues For English material the most important are: Coates – Coates, Alan … [et al.] A catalogue of books printed in the fifteenth century now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Oxford University Press, 2005. Rhodes - Rhodes, Dennis E. A catalogue of incunabula in all the libraries of Oxford University outside the Bodleian. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982. Foxon - Foxon, David F. English verse, 1701-1750 : a catalogue of separately printed poems with notes on contemporary collected editions. 2 vols. London and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1975. STC - Pollard, Alfred W., and G. R. Redgrave. A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640. London: Bibliographical Society, 1926. Reprint, 1969. STC (2nd ed.) - Pollard, Alfred W., and G. R. Redgrave. A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640. 2nd ed., rev. & enl. London: Bibliographical Society, 1976-91. Wing - Wing, Donald Goddard. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700. 3 vols. New York: Index Society, 1945-51. Wing (2nd ed.) - Wing, Donald Goddard. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700 2nd ed., rev. and enl. 3 vols. New York: Index Committee of the Modern Language Association of America, 1972-88. Wing (2nd ed., 1994) - Wing, Donald Goddard. Short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and British America, and of English books printed in other countries, 1641-1700 2nd ed., newly rev. and enl. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1994.

13 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources c)Printed catalogues cont. There is an annotated STC with Bodleian shelfmarks in Duke Humfrey’s. There is an annotated Wing with college shelfmarks in the Lower Reading Room. For other printed catalogues, listed by country and by topic, see the bibliography of reference works used by antiquarian cataloguers: appendix 2 in:

14 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources d)Inter-Collegiate Catalogue (ICC) The ICC is a locally held database of pre-1641 foreign imprints held in Oxford libraries outside the Bodleian For information about this database or help with college shelfmarks, email the Project Manager of the Early Printed Books Project,

15 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources e) English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) “The English Short Title Catalogue provides extensive descriptions and holdings information for letterpress materials printed in Great Britain or any of its dependencies in any language—as well as for materials printed in English anywhere else in the world. Coverage is from the beginnings of print to 1800 including all recorded English monographs printed between 1475 and 1700. The English Short Title Catalogue is updated daily.” – OxLIP database

16 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources e)ESTC cont. Quirks and oddities STC liturgical works printed abroad (usually Paris) but for the use of Sarum or, occasionally, other dioceses Foreign translations of English works Foreign items reprinted from ESTC items Only partial coverage for engraved, ephemeral and musical items, but improving all the time Odd cataloguing rules for 18 th century material e.g. Roman numeral dates are transcribed in Arabic numerals

17 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources e)ESTC cont. What the letters mean S = STC items R = Wing items T = 18 th century items N = overspill 18 th century items W = American 18 th century items P = periodicals of all periods

18 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources f)Early English Books Online (EEBO) Major collection of primary source material Access to digital images of around 125,000 works Includes works printed in UK and North America, and works in English printed elsewhere, 1473-1700 Includes works listed in STC and Wing EEBO Text Creation Partnership is encoding 25,000 editions to make full text searches possible Use the EEBO-TCP link for full text searches

19 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources f) EEBO cont. Uses: As e-book interface To look at facsimiles of original texts To look at editions not available in Oxford For search tips, read introductory matter and help pages Printing Either individual/several images separately Or use Download PDF option to download and print the whole file

20 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources g) Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) Major collection of primary source material Access to digital images of around 150,000 works Includes English and foreign language titles printed in the UK, and many works from the Americas, 1701-1800 Full text searching is possible

21 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources g) ECCO cont. Use: Fuzzy searches to find variant spellings “Full Citation” option for bibliographical details about the work, including its location “eTable of Contents” to select a particular section of a work “Mark List” to save and email details of the records found Texts can be viewed and printed, but not emailed

22 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources h) Hand Press Book (HPB) database “The Hand Press Book file includes records for European printing of the hand-press period (c. 1455-1830) from the Consortium of European Research Libraries, whose 48 members represent national and university libraries in 25 countries.” – OxLIP database

23 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Information sources Try different types of search because: Within each catalogue, not all records contain the same features for you to search on, e.g. OLIS antiquarian standard records include:  STC, Wing and ESTC numbers  Uniform headings for printers’ names But brief OLIS Pre-1920 records lack these details Different versions of a catalogue, e.g. web OLIS and Telnet OLIS, offer different search options If your search does not succeed at first, try a different approach before concluding the item is not there

24 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources OLIS: 4 main types of record There are 4 main types of record you are likely to retrieve when searching for older material on OLIS 1.Bodleian Pre-1920 catalogue records 2.English Faculty Library basic records 3.ESTC eighteenth century records 4.Oxford antiquarian records Beware of duplication!

25 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources 1. Bodleian Pre-1920 catalogue records Unrevised records from the Bodleian’s Pre-1920 catalogue Very short records Only have Bodleian holdings

26 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources 1. Bodleian Pre-1920 catalogue Does not represent all BOD holdings of books published before 1920 Only contains books catalogued before 1989 On OLIS, the Pre-1920 catalogue does not contain all BOD books published before 1920 and catalogued before 1989 because work is in progress: As the records are upgraded or replaced by ones of better quality, the original records are gradually being deleted or transferred to the main database When other libraries create fuller records, they notify BOD of any duplication, the BOD holdings are transferred to the fuller records, and the original Pre-1920 records are deleted So the number of Pre-1920 records on OLIS is diminishing

27 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources 2. English Faculty Library basic records Basic records from an early retrospective conversion project Most EFL rare books have this type of record Many errors because information was not checked against the books before being loaded onto OLIS Usually only have EFL holdings If an item with an EFL basic record is also held by other Oxford libraries, there will be a separate record on OLIS for the other libraries’ holdings, if they are on OLIS

28 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources 3. ESTC eighteenth century records ESTC records for eighteenth-century material with Oxford holdings. Often detailed and reliable Lack some information included in the Oxford antiquarian standard e.g. standardised forms of printers’ names Different punctuation conventions from Oxford antiquarian standard

29 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources 4. Oxford antiquarian records Oxford antiquarian standard is used for all books published up to 1820 and for many up to 1850: When any of the earlier, more basic records are revised When any new records are created More information is included than for modern books Copy-specific notes are given about, e.g. Binding Provenance Imperfections of individual copies

30 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources 4. Oxford antiquarian records The extra information included in Oxford antiquarian records and the special searches which can be used to retrieve it are described in the 2006 revision to the yellow leaflet: OLIS: searching for older printed material (pre-1850) Available on the web as a link from: Bodleian Law Library web site: English Faculty Library web site: WebLearn, under M.St. in English Studies, 1550-1780: The Early Modern Web at Oxford (EMWO):

31 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Telnet OLIS and web OLIS: which version to use when/searching tips Telnet To place stack requests at the Bodleian for certain periodical parts To limit your search to a particular library Offers greater and more flexible search options than are currently available on the web OPAC, so better suited to the more complex searches sometimes necessary for antiquarian material See the OLIS Second Search Screen for further options highlight Further search options (second screen) from the 'Welcome to OLIS’ screen and press Return For additional search options which are not listed on the Telnet screens, see section 4 of the yellow leaflet and the revised handout When you have retrieved a record, highlight Full display and press Return in order to see the fullest version of the record

32 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Telnet OLIS and web OLIS: which version to use when/searching tips Web OPAC At the Choose Database screen, click on Both Oxford OLIS and Bodleian Pre-1920 Catalogues to avoid missing items. If you have a long list of results, you can sort them by date (provided there are not more than 500 results) and then use the Jump to option to move quickly to the early editions towards the end of the list. Once you have located a record, click on the Full Display and, if necessary, scroll up and down, to see the whole bibliographic record and the copy specific notes (lacking in the Normal Display) for each library with holdings. If an OLIS record has a link to an electronic resource, e.g. EEBO, you can click directly into the resource from the web OPAC version of OLIS.

33 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Demonstration of relevant search techniques: live examples How to find early editions of: authors titles subjects Compare and contrast the records and the holdings information in printed STC & Wing, and in OLIS, ESTC, HPB, EEBO & ECCO

34 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Demonstration of relevant search techniques: live examples Specific searching tips for Telnet OLIS and web OLIS See 2006 revision to the yellow leaflet: OLIS: searching for older printed material (pre-1850) Available on the web in a pdf version for printing at: and:

35 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Conclusion It is important not to rely on a single approach Particularly while the catalogues are in such a state of flux Try different ways of searching OLIS, ESTC, etc. A single source will not necessarily produce a comprehensive result Contact the libraries that have relevant collections

36 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Further sources of help Library staff Especially Duke Humfrey staff, who can provide expertise  not only on the Bodleian’s holdings,  but also on Oxford libraries in general ESTC and HPB directly via the online feedback facilities If you have a particular question about ESTC, Sarah Wheale, can pass it on to a member of ESTC

37 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Bibliography Reference works used by cataloguers See appendix 2 in

38 WISER: Workshops in Information Skills and Electronic Resources Exercises To practise searching the OxLIP databases ESTC HPB, try the exercises on the pink sheets Answers and searching tips are given on the blue sheets Try searching for the same titles on OLIS If you have any questions, please contact:

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