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Engineering World Health: Cold Box Josh Arenth, Cynthia Bien, Graham Gipson, Elise Springer, Brittany Wall Department of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering World Health: Cold Box Josh Arenth, Cynthia Bien, Graham Gipson, Elise Springer, Brittany Wall Department of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering World Health: Cold Box Josh Arenth, Cynthia Bien, Graham Gipson, Elise Springer, Brittany Wall Department of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN Advisors: Dr. Adam List, Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University Dr. Robert Malkin, Director of Engineering World Health, Duke University Project Importance and Description Engineering World Health was created in 2001 by Dr. Robert Malkin to use the resources of collegiate engineering programs for the benefit of hospital conditions in developing nations. EWH is now a leader in helping to improve and positively impact the quality of healthcare in disadvantaged areas around the world. Vaccines, blood, and other chemicals are kept in refrigerators mostly concentrated at the blood bank. However, these chemicals are sometimes needed on short notice and often in remote areas. In developing countries, they sometimes do not have a refrigeration area so they often keep a temporary supply of the most needed chemicals in the room. Due to heat or exposure to air, the chemicals tend to lose potency and prove to be no use to physicians. Our project will focus on designing a refrigerator of very small volume that is sufficient to store one day’s worth of supplies without the need for electricity or any outside fuel. The refrigerator needs to be portable and be maintained at about 10 degrees Celsius (50° F) for 12 hours. In addition, 500 units must be able to be manufactured for less than $100. Constraints Economic Analysis Acknowledgements Dr. Adam List, Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University Dr. Robert Malkin, Director of Engineering World Health, Duke University Dr. Joel Tellinghuisen, Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University Dr. Todd Giorgio, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University Dr. Robert Roselli, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University Dr. Paul King, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University While the final prototype did not reach our desired goal of 12 hours below 10° C, testing did reveal that we were successful in the design and construction of a working heat sink, an inner compartment which protects its contents while allowing for outward heat transfer, and effective UV shielding. The theoretical model and final laboratory test suggest that the component of our design in need of further improvement is the outer insulatory layer. Our future work will consist of continuing to increase this layer in size, and searching for a new, better insulating material that is as durable, light, and cheap as EPS. We will also be working to include radiative heating and our UV shielding into our theoretical model. Theoretical Model Final Results Materials The main purpose of the project is to develop a cold box with the following specifications: Keeps medical supplies (especially vaccines and blood) maintained at 10° C for 12 hours. Is as cost-effective as possible, so a manufacturer can produce 500 units for less than $100. Does not require electricity or outside fuel. Does not require highly skilled labor to assemble. storage cavity heat efflux heat sink heat-conductive inner wall insulating outer wall a + b + Δ → c Choosing Our Design Figure 5: In the cold box, an endothermic chemical reaction consumes thermal energy, thus drawing heat out of the inner cavity. This heat is trapped in the heat sink because of the outer insulating boundary Figure 6: Prototype B altered slightly from Prototype A since three foam cups were used instead of the single paper-foam composite cup. Insulating tape was also used to improve the seal between the cups and the lid. Prototype APrototype B Prototypes C & D ComponentMaterials ConsideredFinal ChoiceDesired Properties Outer casingExpanded polystyrene (EPS) Ceramic Vacuum Multilayered EPS (foam) sandwich Insulative Cost-effective Available Heat sinkNon-toxic, non-abrasive chemical compounds Heat-absorbing liquids Endothermic reaction WaterHigh thermal capacity Cost-effective Safe Available Inner casingGlass Non-reactive, corrosion- resistant metals AluminumLightweight Cost-effective Figure 7: Prototype C differed from those previous as it included an even thicker wall of nested foam cups. Prototype D differed from C by not using any adhesive materials. Prototype E Prototype APrototype BPrototype CPrototype DPrototype E MaterialQuantityCostQuantityCostQuantityCostQuantityCostQuantityCost Cardboard coffee cup1$0.04 $0.00 Aluminum can1$0.081 1 1 1 EPS cup - 8 oz. $0.00 1$0.021 $0.00 EPS cup - 20 oz. $0.002$0.075$0.193$0.116$0.22 EPS cup - 44 oz. $0.00 1$0.091 EPS - sheet30.25$0.3730.25$0.3730.25$0.3730.25$0.3730.25$0.37 Reflective duct tape $0.0074$0.16 $0.00 325.25$0.67 Gorilla glue $0.000.1$0.07 $0.00 Hot glue $0.00 1$0.26 $0.001$0.26 Aluminum Foil $0.00 405$0.19 Bubble wrap $0.00 144$0.13 Total Cost per unit $0.49 $0.75 $0.91 $0.67 $2.02 Figure 8: Prototype E utilized the nested foam cups used in previous designs, but also included bubble wrap and insulating tape to prevent radiant heat from entering the device. Lid Insulating Tape Heat Efflux Bubble Wrap Nested EPS Cups Conclusions Figure 3: Results from the test when the thermometer was placed inside the vial. Prototype C (green) performed the best, sustaining 10 o C for 4.48 hours. Figure 4: Testing constraints were changed in order to get these results, the thermometer was placed inside the inner chamber and measured the air temperature. Prototype E performed the best with ice, maintaining less than 10 o C for 10.1 hours. Time (hrs) Temperature ( o C) Time (hrs) Temperature ( o C) Ammonium Nitrate was chosen as the cooling agent. Salvation of solid ammonium nitrate in water is an endothermic process with an associated temperature drop. Below is the stoichiometric equation. Viewing the interior of the device as an essentially isolated system, equation 1.2 predicts approximately how much ammonium nitrate a specific temperature drop requires. (1.1) (1.2) It is assumed that the aqueous reaction system inside the device experiences a step change in temperature upon addition of ammonium nitrate. Though the aqueous reaction system may have an ambient temperature, but when ammonium nitrate is added, the system temperature instantaneously drops (equation 1.3). (1.3) Figure 1: Dark bold arrows represent thermal energy flows from the ambient environment (inf), aqueous reaction mixture (1), storage compartment (2), and biosample temperatures (3). It was assumed that heat accumulates only within the fluid in each compartment’s interior, and not in the walls. The end result of thermal-energy balances was a system of three coupled linear ordinary differential equations in 1.4. (1.4) Figure 2: Particular solution curves of equation 1.4 given the set of initial conditions displayed in 1.5 and parameter set for prototype C. The inset displays a zoomed-in view of curves during the first 30 minutes. Large circles/light gray line corresponds to the aqueous reaction mixture temperature T 1 ; small diamonds/medium gray line to storage container air temperature T 2 ; small triangles/dark gray line to bio-sample temperature T 3. (1.5)

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