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Scramble for Africa January 15-16, 2014

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2 Scramble for Africa January 15-16, 2014
Objective: Students will analyze the impact that the Berlin Conference and subsequent colonization had on African culture through map, text and written response. Warm-Up: next slides

3 Cecil Rhodes quotes “We must find new lands from which we can easily obtain raw materials and at the same time exploit the cheap slave labor that is available from the natives of the colonies. The colonies would also provide a dumping ground for the surplus goods produced in our factories.” “Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.” “I contend that we are the first race in the world, and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race...If there be a God, I think that what he would like me to do is paint as much of the map of Africa British Red as possible...”

4 Who was Cecil Rhodes? Cecil Rhodes ( ), British businessman and founder of the state of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). He profited greatly by exploiting Southern Africa's natural mine resources such as gold and diamonds. These profits funded the Rhodes Scholarship Program, a full scholarship for postgraduate foreign students to study at the University of Oxford in England.

5 Rhodes Scholarship For more than a century, Rhodes scholars have made major contributions in areas such as education, writing, medicine, scientific research, law, the military, and public service. Well-known Rhodes Scholars: Kris Kristofferson, Bill Clinton, George Stephanopoulos, Rachel Maddow, Myron Rolle

6 Warm-Up: Choose one to answer in your notebook
Warm-Up: Choose one to answer in your notebook. Use RACE in 5-7 sentences. How do these quotes relate to imperialism? Do you think Mr. Rhodes’ attitude toward imperialism had a positive or negative impact?

7 Read “Berlin Conference of 1884-1885”.
Turn to page 85 of the atlas. Using colored pencils and the text, map the colonial holdings that resulted from the Berlin Conference on your blank map of Africa. (Identify the countries that were colonized.) Create a legend to identify who the colonizers were. How will you label this page in your notebook?

8 assessment In one sentence on the paper I give you, describe the intentions behind the Berlin Conference. Turn in to Mrs. Dolinger.

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