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Project Starting a new school club. Words preview run host approve broadcast preparation close outing vt. 管理, 经营 n. 主持人 ; 主人, 东道主 vt. & vi. 批准, 通过 ; 赞成.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Starting a new school club. Words preview run host approve broadcast preparation close outing vt. 管理, 经营 n. 主持人 ; 主人, 东道主 vt. & vi. 批准, 通过 ; 赞成."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Starting a new school club

2 Words preview run host approve broadcast preparation close outing vt. 管理, 经营 n. 主持人 ; 主人, 东道主 vt. & vi. 批准, 通过 ; 赞成 vt. & n. 广播, 播放 n. 准备, 筹备 adj. 亲密的 ; 靠近的 n. 短途旅行, 远足

3 Words preview continue poet generation poem select require scary nature vi. & vt. 继续, 持续 n. 诗人 n. 一代, 一代人 n. 诗, 诗歌 vt. 选择, 挑选 vt. 要求 ; 需要 adj. 让人恐慌的, 吓人的 n. 自然, 大自然

4 school radio club

5 Read the first passage and answer the following questions: 1) Who started the radio club? 2) When did the radio club start? Kate Jones, the writer. Two years ago.

6 Read the passage again, and finish note-making. What the radio club does: every morning: during exam time: tell about the weather, the recent news, special messages the teachers want to broadcast the special programme telling students what they should and shouldn’t do

7 at the end of the school year: when parents come: graduating students giving messages to their friends and teachers playing songs sung by students, special messages to inform people about events

8 Find out as much information as you can about the school club. Poets of the Next Generation The name of the school club: Who started the school club: Poets of the Next Generation Mr Owen, the English teacher

9 When the members of the school club meet: What the members of the school club do: the last Friday of every month talk about poems and poets they like, select poems, read out aloud, write poems and read out

10 Phrases : 1. Our club is much more than just music. (P18) ① She is more than a teacher to the children, she loves them as if they were her own children . ② Peace is much more than the absence of war. 对孩子们来说,她不止是一位老师, 她爱孩子们,好像他们是她自己的孩 子一样。 和平不仅仅意味着没有战争。

11 ③ That’s more than I can tell you, sir. ④ The cold was more than the children could bear. 这是我不能告诉您的,先生。 寒冷是孩子们忍受不了的。

12 Make sentences with “more than” orally. 1. 她不仅仅是一个老师,她是我们的好朋友。 2. 他们非常乐意帮忙。 She is more than a teacher; she is our best friend. They were more than glad to help.

13 3. We meet on the last Friday of every month to talk about poems and poets that we like. (P18) that 引导定语从句,修饰 poems 和 poets ,不能 换成 which 或 who ,因为只有 that 可以既指人又 指物。 ① 他们经常谈论让他们感兴趣的作品和作家。 ② 你刚才提到的那所房子及其主人是我想了解的。 They often talk about the works and the writers that interest them. The house and its owners that you mentioned just now are what I want to know about.

14 4. When I attended the first meeting, I was required to write a poem and I had to read it out to the group. (P18) require vt. 需要,要求 (1) require + n. (2) require + doing (3) require + sb. + to do (4) require + that… ( 从句中用 should +v.)

15 ① 他们需要我们的帮助。 ② 这墙需要修。 ③ 全部会员均应出席会议。 ④ 法院下令他缴付罚款。 They require our help. The wall requires repairing. All the members are required to attend the meeting. The court required that he (should) pay the fine .

16 5. I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying. (P18) 手提箱那么重,我无法把它提到楼上 去。 他跑得那么快我们跟不上。 The suitcase was so heavy that I couldn’t carry it upstairs. He ran so quickly that we couldn’t keep up with him . so…that… 如此 …… 以至于 ……

17 ______ that Maric was able to set up new branches elsewhere. (2007 陕西 ) A. So successful her business was B. So successful was her business C. So her business was successful D. So was her successful business


19 Clubs Basketball club Boxing club

20 Reading clubEmbroidery club




24 English club

25 Other clubs ……

26 Planning 1. What kind of club do you want to start ? 2. Why do you start such a club? The tasks you have to take before you start the club: tasksPerson in charge Research informationStudent A and B Make a posterStudent C Present the posterStudent D

27 Preparing 3. What does your club do? Student A and B need to design activities and write them down. The club has______________________ ___________________________ _____________ special training, organizes activities, and ……

28 4. How can you attract other people? Student C needs to make a poster. contents (内容) of the poster: two parts: what we do; the importance of …

29 Producing Poster maker (student C) should draft ( 起草 ) the poster based on the ideas from discussion.

30 Presenting Student D needs to present. The presentation should include: Name of the club: The reason you start this club: What does your club do: More about your poster:


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