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TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 MaY 2014 Vanda Caramelo TAIEX Workshop on Preparation of Explosion Protection Document Istambul,

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1 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 MaY 2014 Vanda Caramelo TAIEX Workshop on Preparation of Explosion Protection Document Istambul, 26-27 May 2014 Risk assessments of explosive atmospheres Vanda Caramelo Diretor of Department Working Conditions Authority Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity Portugal

2 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo Summary : Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas  General observations  Important Considerations Online interactive Risk Assessment (OIRA) - EASHW Summary : Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas  General observations  Important Considerations Online interactive Risk Assessment (OIRA) - EASHW TAIEX Workshop on Preparation of Explosion Protection Document Istambul, 26-27 May 2014

3 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 The evaluation of the risks to the safety and health of workers (article 6, 3 (a) Framework directive ) should: Consider two fundamental principles Be structured so as to ensure the approach to all relevant hazards; Question, systematically, the possibility of risk can be eliminated. Include two essential steps: Risk analysis (identify hazards, estimate the risk and identify exposed workers); Valuation of risks (valuing and decide what to do …) Risk assessement General Observations Risk assessement General Observations Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo Following the general principles of prevention: 1.º Once identified the ATEX risk, it should be avoided; 2.º The risks that can not be avoided must be assessed. Following the general principles of prevention: 1.º Once identified the ATEX risk, it should be avoided; 2.º The risks that can not be avoided must be assessed.

4 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 hazard identification risk estimation valuation risk secure process risk control risk analysis risk assessment controlled risk risk management Steps of the Risk Assessment Risk assessement General Observations Risk assessement General Observations

5 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 The evaluation shall operate in methodologies and procedures based on:  Regulations (legal);  Standards(NP, EN, ISO,...);  Guides/Guidance documents  Manuals of machinery and equipment;  Safety data sheets;  Questionnaires/interactive tools;  Cheklists;  Sectoral prevention manuals; …Qualitative, quantitative or semi- quantitative methodologies, since adequate, consistent and substantiated. Guide to good practice for implementing the European Parliament and Council Directive 1999/92/EC Good practice manual - Industry of Wood and Furniture Risk assessement General Observations Risk assessement General Observations Which methodologies can be applied to perform a risk assessment in a potentially explosive atmosphere?

6 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo It is usually sufficient to determine and assess the explosion risk by working systematically through a set of focused questions: Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations

7 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo Source:Guide to good practice for implementing the European Parliament and Council Directive 1999/92/EC Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations

8 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo Following the usual basic principles of prevention, the RA should include: Identification of the hazards Determination the possibility of formation of a hazardous ATEX Identification and analysis of possible sources of ignition Determination the probability of presence and activation of ignition sources Estimation of the possible effects of the explosion Definition of measures to eliminate or reduce the risk Estimation/valuation of the ATEX risk Updating and review Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Technical Note Prevention - 876 NT – Assessment of specific risk from explosive atmospheres National Institute of Safety and Hygiene Spain

9 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo This stage involves the identification and analysis of risk explosion, either by formation of a possible ATEX or presence/activation of ignition sources (electric-electrostatic, mechanical, chemical origin); All substances and products flammable should be considered. Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Identification of the hazards Determination the possibility of formation of a hazardous ATEX The key point to determine the possibility of ATEX formation is the knowledge of the parameters: inflammability and explosivity of the products involved in the various stages of the process production (raw materials, intermediates, end products,...); The possibility of forming an ATEX is determined by the degree of dispersion and concentration of the flammable substance or product. This calculation is based on the frequency and duration with which occurs ignitable mixture with the air.

10 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo We must assess all sources of ignition that may appear in areas where ATEX can be formed. These sources of ignition can be fixed (equipment and fixed equipment in areas of risk) or may be introduced in the areas of risk because other activities developed. Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Identification and analysis of possible sources of ignition Determination the probability of presence and activation of ignition sources Estimation of the possible effects of the explosion When studying the consequences or severity of the effects of a possible explosion, it must be taken into account, among other things: Extent and nature of damage (personal, material, environmental, etc..); Effectiveness of prevention and protection measures existing; Reliability of security systems; Possibility of existing security measures being neutralized; Possible domino effect if secondary explosions occur.

11 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo Matrix combining the probability and duration of ATEX (parameter estimated from the classification of the risk areas) and the probability of presence and activation of the ignition source; Matrix that represents the product of the probability of the risk to the severity of the consequences: Slight Hazard: No specific action is required urgently; Medium risk: should establish and adopt, in a period fixed, measures to reduce the risk of explosion; High risk: As a priority, it requires a immediate action; Very high risk: You should not start or continue the work until the risk is reduced. the situation requires an urgent correction absolute. Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Estimation/valuation of the ATEX risk

12 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo Technical measures: Prevent the formation of hazardous explosive atmospheres; Avoid the ignition of hazardous explosive atmospheres; Mitigate the effects of explosions so as to ensure the health and safety of workers. Organisational measures: Operating instructions; Worker competence; Training of workers; Worker supervision; Permit-to-work system; Maintenance; Inspection and checking; Marking of hazardous places. Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Definition of measures to eliminate or reduce the risk

13 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo  Risk assessment must be kept current and reviewed periodically, especially before any new activity and/or process, or before changes and/or amendments in any proceedings or process existing;  RA has to be documented and available to the labor authority.  The result of this assessment and report will be part of the explosion protection document, which will be developed before work begins and always revised when it made ​​, extensions or major changes in place of work, work equipment or organization job. Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Risk assessement of explosive atmosferas Important Considerations Updating and review The complexity of this type of document is extremely variable, depending on the number of ATEX zones covered, the existing / identified risks, the specific characteristics of each site / task, among others aspects.

14 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo Risk assessement of explosive Summarizing Risk assessement of explosive Summarizing Summarizing… Risk assessment is the essential first step in the prevention of occupational accidents and ill health; There are many risk assessment tools and methodologies available to help enterprises and organisations assess their health and safety risks; The choice of method will depend on workplace conditions (the number of workers, the type of work activities and equipment, the particular features of the workplace and any specific risks).

15 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo More information on risk assessment:  Guidance on risk assessment at work: European Commission has produced a guidance to help Member States, as well as employers and employees, to fulfill their risk assessment duties;  Online interactive Risk Assessment (OIRA) - A European initiative lead by the European Agency for Safety and Health at work. OiRA is a European online platform to create free and easy-to-use sectorial risk assessment tools for small and micro-companies. The OiRA web application helps Sectorial Social Partners (employers' and employees' organizations) and National Authorities (Ministries, Labour Inspectorates, OSH institutes, etc.) to produce sector-specific risk assessment tools (RA tools) targeting small businesses. Published tools by different sectors in different EU Member states and EU organizations: hairdresser; forestry; construction; administration of the state; telecommunications; residential care activities ; water transport ; air transport … Tools under development in Portugal: Hairdressing; Road transport Leather and tanning.

16 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 The path is made by walking Fernando Pessoa Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo

17 TÍTULO DA APRESENTAÇÃO 12 de Dezembro de 2008 Thank you for your kind attention! Turkey, 26 May 2014 Vanda Caramelo Vanda Caramelo Diretor of Department Working Conditions Authority Ministry of Economy and Employment Portugal

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