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Report 22 Anti heat stress clothing for construction workers in hot and humid weather 27 May, 2013.

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1 Report 22 Anti heat stress clothing for construction workers in hot and humid weather 27 May, 2013

2 Aim and Objectives of the research
Part one Aim and Objectives of the research Aim of the research The aim of the study is to assess the effects of heat stress on construction workers and to design clothing which is suitable for work in hot and humid weather.    Objectives Examine the current dress patterns of construction workers in hot and humid weather;_Jackie, previous study, video, photo, papers, report Identify the shortcomings of these current dress patterns in dealing with hot and humid weather; _Jackie, previous study, video, photo, papers, report Determine the physiological conditions of construction workers when subject to different degrees of heat and humidity exposure; _Jackie, team members, previous study, video, photo, papers, report, cooling vest field study results and report Design and engineer clothing for construction workers which is appropriate for extreme physiological conditions; Evaluate the effectiveness of the newly designed clothing for construction workers. To be done

3 Part two Main work tasks Design and engineer clothing for construction workers which is appropriate for extreme physiological conditions; Evaluate the effectiveness of the newly designed clothing for construction workers.

4 Anti heat stress clothing development and evaluation
Phase 1: field survey on construction workers’ requirement for clothing _Done --- to be reported by Jackie Phase 2: Fabric and garment objective measurement_ be in progress Phase 3_1: computer simulation for screening new fabrics _Guo YP ---waiting for fabric testing results Phase 3_2: Design, pattern and production of new clothing _ Han Xiao --- to be started Phase 4: Evaluate the effectiveness of existing clothing and newly designed clothing for construction workers Phase 5: Design evaluation field wear trials

5 Phase 1: Field survey on construction workers’ requirement for clothing

6 Phase 2: Fabric and garment objective measurement
Collecting existing clothing and recruited new fabrics according to the requirement Testing items: Fiber content;_Song Thickness_ Jackie Weight per unit area_ Jackie Thermal conductivity _ Jackie Air resistance_ Jackie Water vapour permeability _Song Moisture management capacity _Guo UV-Blocking _Song IR Radiation _Song Anti-static properties_ Jackie Hand properties _Guo Contact angle_ Jackie

7 Objective Measurement
Basic characters Protection Weight per unit area Thickness_ Thin UV protection factor (UPF) IR Radiation Thermal function Anti-static properties 耐磨性质测试 Water vapour permeability(↑ )_Vapour permeable(↑ ) Air resistance(↓ )_Breathability(↑) Thermal resistance(↓ ) _ heat dissipation (↑ ) Handle properties Thermal insulation (CLO) Stiffness Overall moisture management capacity (OMMC) (↑ )_ sweating transfer function(↑ ) Fullness and softness Smoothness

8 Phase 3_1: computer simulation for screening new fabrics

9 Simulation results

10 Phase 3_2: Design, pattern and production of new clothing

11 Long sleeved T- shirt and long trousers
Possible style Short sleeved T- shirt and long trousers To be decided

12 Phase 4: Evaluate the effectiveness of existing clothing and newly designed clothing for construction workers Lab study Heat stress Physiological stress Psychophysical evaluation

13 Phase 5: Design evaluation field wear trials
Clothing: Newly designed clothing 1 type and existing clothing Experimental location: selected construction workplaces Protocol: follow daily routine activities with filling questionnaires and feedback comments after wearing each time.

14 Part three Review of the project

15 1. Existing construction uniform in the whole world

16 Existing uniform 1: Long sleeved shirt and trousers

17 Existing clothing 2: Short sleeved T- shirt and long trousers

18 Existing clothing 3: Cooled garments

19 2. Existing construction uniform in the Hong Kong

20 2.1 地盤工制服 千瘡百孔搞成年 Existing uniform 成本: 長袖及短袖T 恤每件成本為五十七元及五十二元

21 Existing uniform Long sleeved T-shirt 短袖T 恤制服  反領T 恤以棉質為主, 衣領以橙色和藍色分

22 風褸制服

23 2.2

24 成本: 長袖及短袖T 恤每件成本為五十七元及五十二元


26 2.3 Construction workers

27 3. Guidelines/Publication on clothing requirement for construction workers

28 Assessment of Risks for heat stress (C IC, 2008, Guidelines on Site Safety Measures for Working in Hot Weather) The following factors are particularly relevant to risk assessment for heat stress – (a) high temperature resulting from work in hot weather, or heat generated by plant and machinery; (b) exposure to direct sunlight; (c) high humidity resulting from humid weather or plant or processes generating moisture; (d) insufficient ventilation in enclosed areas; (e) heavy physical work; and (f) wearing of protective clothing which affect heat dissipation from the body.

29 Mitigation of risks (a) elimination of risks - for example by re-scheduling the construction works, using mechanical aid to replace manual work and providing adequate ventilation for enclosed environment; (b) reduction of risks – for example by using equipment that generates less heat to reduce the temperature of the works area; (c) administrative controls and safe work practices – for example by providing appropriate training and work instructions; and (d) personal protective equipment – for example provision of light clothing or face shields.

30 Risk Assessment for the Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work (http://www
Risk factor Examples of specific control measures for risk factor

31 Risk factor Examples of specific control measures for risk factor


33 Work clothing Protective clothing can be water-cooled garments, air-cooled garments, ice-packet vests, wetted over garments, heat reflective aprons etc. Work clothing should not be any more than a long sleeved shirt and trousers (NIOSH, 1986) .

34 Clothing and protective equipment (Construction Industry Council (2008), Guidelines on Site Safety Measures for Working in Hot Weather, Publication No. 2. Version 1, available at: Publications/Working_in_hot_weather.pdf) (a) encourage workers to keep their shirt or other top on and to wear clothing that is – (i) light-coloured (to minimize heat absorption and enhance heat dissipation); (ii) loose-fitting (to enhance perspiration. However, clothing that is too loose are not suitable because of the risk of entangling in the moving parts of machines); (iii) made of natural materials (to enhance heat dissipation); and (iv) long-sleeved (to minimize exposure of the skin to sunlight when working outdoors); (b) encourage the use of naturally ventilated helmet to enhance perspiration; and (c) encourage the use of helmet with broad brim to provide better shade to the face, neck and back.

35 地盤工制服 千瘡百孔搞成年



38 Clothing requirement from guide/publication and strategy
Full cotton/close to full cotton_fabric choice Thin_ testing Light-coloured_fabric choice Sweating absorbent_ testing Sweating transfer to environment from skin and clothing microclimate easily_testing Vapour permeable_ testing Breathability_ testing Collarless?_design Loose-fitting_design

39 4. Works done Collecting fabrics for newly designed uniform

40 Fabrics of T-shirt Company Fabrics Composition & Construction G/M2
Price KEI NGAI CLOTHING COMPANY LIMITED k17110 kitting 60%Cotton, 6% Spandex,34% polyester 170 HK$ 30.00/Y k3559 95%Cotton, 5% Spandex k3159 220 HK$ 43.00/Y k3431 180 HK$ 40.00/Y k2990 100%Cotton 140 HK$ 25.00/Y

41 Fabrics of trousers Company Fabrics Composition & Construction Price
YU TEX COMPANY A-5525 Woven, 100%Cotton HK$ 35.00/Y K-4484 JCYO TEXTILE J-1061 Woven, 95%Cotton, 5% Spandex HK$ 24.00/Y J-2081 HK$ 26.00/Y Bao Rong Woven, Twill 98%Cotton, 2% Spandex HK$ 25.00/Y 100%Cotton

42 Retroreflective strip

43 Objective measurement -basic characters (1)
1. Weight (g/100 cm2) Experimental procedure i) cut 10 pieces of rounded fabric, each piece is 100 cm2 ii) measure the weight of each piece Tool: Circular Cutter (Schroder GSM); Electronic scale (Smart Grid, METTLER TOLEDO)




47 Objective measurement -basic characters (2)
2. Thickness (mm) Experimental procedure i) select a piece of flat fabric, about 10×10 cm2; ii) measure the thickness on 10 different places of that piece of fabric Tool: Thickness apparatus (AMES-SDL).




51 Part four Progress

52 Field study on the three construction sites during 2012 summer
Jackie Field study on the three construction sites during 2012 summer Descriptive statistics Age Height (cm) Weight (kg) Working experience (years) Mean±SD 43.3±14.07 168.4±5.84 65.0±11.00 17.1±12.33






58 Air resistance



61 Thermal conductivity



64 Progress of fabric testing
Testing items Progress Estimated completion time Action by Fiber content In progress This Friday Dr Song Thickness Nearly completed This Wednesday Jackie Weight per unit area Thermal conductivity Air resistance Water vapour permeability Next Wednesday Moisture management capacity Dr Guo Anti-static properties Not yet start Next week Hand properties Contact angle Fabric abrasion Next Thursday

65 Further search on fabric_Song Wen Fang
Manufactory Component Weight Property announced Price Dupont (Zhangjiagang Shijiapeng textile company) Coolmax 100% polyester (Knit) 140g/m2 Excellent hygroscopic and sweat releasing property, non sticky and excellent anti-static property HK$25/Y Dupont (Qingdao Jia Nuo Cheng company) 88%polyester* 12% Spandex 175g/m2 Excellent hygroscopic and sweat releasing and not sticky HK$43/Y Far eastern group (Changshu Xundayi company) Topcool 180g/m2 Excellent hygroscopic and sweat releasing property, UV blocking property, and air permeating property HK$30/Y N U of Taiwan Supercool 100%Polyester with Jade powder inside _ Better hygroscopic and sweat releasing property than coolmax and topcool, higher heat conductivity property and much quicker drying rate that cotton HK$345/T-shirt







72 Thanks

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