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Annual Median Gross Pay Coventry working age residents by protected characteristics Data source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings and Annual Population.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Median Gross Pay Coventry working age residents by protected characteristics Data source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings and Annual Population."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Median Gross Pay Coventry working age residents by protected characteristics Data source: Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings and Annual Population Survey Office of National Statistics

2 Annual median gross pay – Year on year dataAnnual median gross pay – Percentage difference over time

3 Take me home What is this telling me? Annual median gross pay for males between 2008 and 2011 is consistently higher than for females. Take me back to the data

4 Take me home What is this telling me? Between 2008 and 2011, annual median gross pay for all workers resident in Coventry has increased by 8%. Looking at the difference between male and female workers, women have seen an 11% increase in annual median gross pay compared to just 0.3% increase for men. Overall, annual median gross pay for Coventry people working full time has increased by 10% between 2008 and 2011. Females in full time employment have benefitted the most, seeing an increase of 12% in their annual median gross pay while males working full time saw no increase (annual median gross pay for men £10 less in 2012 than 2008). Annual median gross pay for part-time workers has increased by 2.2% overall between 2008 and 2011. Looking at the gender breakdown for part-time pay, females saw little change (just 0.1% increase) and data for male part-time workers has been suppressed as it statistically unreliable due to small numbers in the survey sample. Take me back to the data

5 Take me home What is this telling me? In 2011 the annual median gross pay for male workers in Coventry was £9,270 more than for females. This gender gap persists even if part-time workers (predominantly female) are taken out of the equation and only those in full-time employment are considered; annual gross pay for men working full time was £5,420 more than that for women working full-time in 2011. Take me back to the data

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