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LARGE HADRON COLLIDER Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the European Union : LARGE HADRON COLLIDER Anastasia Andrianova Ilia Dorchanov Department.

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Presentation on theme: "LARGE HADRON COLLIDER Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the European Union : LARGE HADRON COLLIDER Anastasia Andrianova Ilia Dorchanov Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 LARGE HADRON COLLIDER Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the European Union : LARGE HADRON COLLIDER Anastasia Andrianova Ilia Dorchanov Department of Comparative Political Studies

2 STRUCTURE: 1.Discovery of Higgs boson 2.Background 3.Fears and rumors around the LHC 4.Administrative aspects 5.Russia’s contribution to the LHC research work

3 BACKGROUND Large Hadron Collider (LHC) went live on 10 September 2008 runs for 27km (16.5m) in a circular tunnel 100 metres weighs more than 38,000 tonnes produces about 5.8 quadrillion particle collisions each year was built in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists from over 100 countries over 700 Russian physicists from 12 research institutes are involved

4 DISCOVERY OF HIGGS BOSON Prime goal - to find the Higgs boson, an elementary particle. The Higgs boson plays a unique role in the Standard Model, by explaining why the other elementary particles, except the photon and gluon, are massive. was announced at CERN, 4 July 2012. has been called "monumental“.

5 FEARS AND RUMORS AROUND THE LHC ran at 7 trillion electron- volts (TeV) in the year 2012, the highest energy level ever. 1 TeV - about the energy of motion of a flying mosquito. the machine could produce a black hole that could eat the Earth or something equally catastrophic.

6 ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTS Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire CERN is run by 21 European member states (each has two official delegates) Five countries has observer status :

7 RUSSIA’S CONTRIBUTION LHC has cost 6 billion Swiss francs. Russia’s contribution is over 150 million francs. 250 scientists at one time and about a thousand annually present Russian scientific community in CERN (the whole number of researchers - about 11 thousand)



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