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Climate Change Impacts and Urban Migration: Confronting the Looming Crisis Mohammad Zaman, PhD Social Policy/Development Specialist & Executive Director,

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change Impacts and Urban Migration: Confronting the Looming Crisis Mohammad Zaman, PhD Social Policy/Development Specialist & Executive Director,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change Impacts and Urban Migration: Confronting the Looming Crisis Mohammad Zaman, PhD Social Policy/Development Specialist & Executive Director, Society for Bangladesh Climate Justice Vancouver, B.C., Canada e-mail:; website:

2 Rural-Urban Migration: An Overview Studies on rural-urban migration typically focuses on the slums and bastees, particularly in Dhaka City The massive demolition of “illegal structures” by the Caretaker Govt. (2006-08) turned out a highly charged political issue due to Displacement of the urban poor and their resettlement Vis-a-vis the rising tide of new in-migrants Today, 1 out of every 3 persons lives in Bastees in Dhaka Migration to cities will increase manifolds in the future due to climate-induced displacement in Bangladesh 2

3 The Urban Poor: Issues and Complexities Issues surrounding the Urban poor are extremely complex – involve Social, economic, political rights Provision for security of tenure Better living environment with adequate services My paper is not on urbanization per se Paper addresses risks associated with sea level rise Population displacement Involuntary Migration - internal and cross-border Resettlement and livelihoods 3

4 Climate Risks – the Scenario Bangladesh is the epic centre of the climate disaster Most densely populated deltaic country with low lying coastal zone About 23%of the country’s area is vulnerable due to sea level rise If the water level rises by one meter, 30 million people will be displaced by 2030 4

5 Wide ranging Impacts: Displacement and Migration  Risks and impacts are multidimensional –  Millions will be displace and forced to move  Agriculture, food production, fishery, forestry affected  Adverse impacts on human health and well-being Climate change will make millions homeless and refugees in their own country 5

6 Key Elements of Environment/Climate Migrant or Refugees Involuntary in nature Sudden displacement Lack of preparation No resources People displaced are poor and need urgent support and assistance 6

7 Is Migration a Climate “Solution”? Huge migration of rural, climate-induced migration to cities – Create gigantic problems in all respects Many difficulties in developing sustainable urban living Cities in Bangladesh can’t cope with such migration Need a paradigm shift – In our approach to planned city Search for climate solution Adaptation strategy by GOB won’t be easy or cheaper – awareness, capacity building, housing, shelter, livelihoods must be addressed 7

8 Future Challenges First, communities at risks must be mobilized “ground- up” thru community-led actions Second, ground-up must be complemented by integrated approach to floodplain and coastal development Third, disaster mitigation policies must spend more resources for studying climate “solutions” and promoting indigenous ways to deal with calamities Finally, a strong, participatory, and responsive local govt system must be ensured for sustainable reconstruction and development in an era of climate change 8

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