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First Two Sections. Come In & Follow Directions! Come In & Sit Down Quietly Pass Out Journals.

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Presentation on theme: "First Two Sections. Come In & Follow Directions! Come In & Sit Down Quietly Pass Out Journals."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Two Sections

2 Come In & Follow Directions! Come In & Sit Down Quietly Pass Out Journals

3 CNN Student News ---Take notes in Journal---

4 Essential Question How have physical geography and history interacted in Southwest and South Asia?

5 Objectives  Describe the physical features of Southwest Asia.  Compare ancient and modern techniques of providing water to the people of the region.  Identify reasons why Southwest Asia is prone to earthquakes.

6 Today’s Assignment Turn to page 308 in your textbook. Read pages 308- 313 Do the Section Assessment on Page 313 Numbers 1-7 WE WILL GO OVER THESE IN CLASS!

7 Now Let’s Answer The Questions!

8 1. Explain The Importance Of…  Arabian Peninsula  Plateau Of Iran  Euphrates River  Oasis

9 1. Explain The Importance Of…  Arabian Peninsula- lies in Southwest Asia between the Red Sea and Persian Gulf.  Plateau Of Iran- lies in central and eastern Iran and is surrounded by mountains.  Euphrates River- flows from a plateau on the Anatolian peninsula to the Persian Gulf  Oasis- a fertile or green spot in the desert created by underground water coming to the surface.

10 Use your completed chart to answer the following question: What are some possible solutions to the problems caused by living in such an ari region? SOUTHWEST ASIA EarthquakesPhysical Features Water

11 2. Find Main Idea: Answer To Question: Quanats, Irrigation Canals, Dams, Pipelines, Tunnels & Huge Projects To Bring Water To Dry Areas. SOUTHWEST ASIA Earthquakes: Collision Zone, Improved Building Construction Physical Features: Peninsulas, Plateaus, Deserts, Mountains Water: Arid, Oasis, Quanats, Water Projects

12 3. Key Ideas How do the mountains of Southwest Asia affect its culture?

13 3. Key Ideas How do the mountains of Southwest Asia affect its culture? A: They block moisture- bearing winds, making the region more arid

14 4. Key Ideas How did people in ancient times move water from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to their crops?

15 4. Key Ideas How did people in ancient times move water from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to their crops? A: by irrigation canals; qanats

16 5. Key Ideas What might be done to limit earthquake damage in the region?

17 5. Key Ideas What might be done to limit earthquake damage in the region? A: Faulty building construction might be improved.

18 6. Make Inferences When two countries rely on the same river, what issues might arise?

19 6. Make Inferences When two countries rely on the same river, what issues might arise? Possible Answers: 1. There could be a conflict if the country that lies upstream pollutes the river. 2. There could also be disputes about transportation rights. 3. A country might fear that they wouldn’t receive enough water.

20 7. Compare & Contrast How is a qanat different from a surface irrigation system?

21 7. Compare & Contrast How is a qanat different from a surface irrigation system? Example Answer: A qanat uses an underground tunnel.

22 Come In & Follow Directions! Come In & Sit Down Quietly Pass Out Journals

23 CNN Student News ---Take notes in Journal---

24 Essential Question How have physical geography and history interacted in Southwest and South Asia?

25 Objectives  Identify the physical features of the Indian subcontinent.  Describe the extreme weather and natural disasters that are common in South Asia.

26 Today’s Assignment Turn to page 314 in your textbook. Read pages 314- 319 Do the Section Assessment on Page 319 Numbers 1-8 WE WILL GO OVER THESE IN CLASS!

27 Now Let’s Answer The Questions!

28 1. Explain The Importance Of…  Himalayas  Ganges River  Cyclone  Tsunami

29 1. Explain The Importance Of…  Himalayas- the highest mountains in the world, stretch along northern India, separating it from the rest of Asia.  Ganges River- flows southeast from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal  Cyclone- a violent storm with fierce winds that rotate in a circular pattern  Tsunami- a series of giant, destructive ocean waves caused by an underwater earthquake, landslide, or volcanic eruption.

30 2. Compare & Contrast Use your completed chart to answer the following question: What are some of the differences between South and Southwest Asia in terms of physical features and climate?

31 2. Compare & Contrast Use your completed chart to answer the following question: What are some of the differences between South and Southwest Asia in terms of physical features and climate? A: South Asia has higher mountains and is subject to monsoons and cyclones.

32 3. Key Ideas Why is India considered a subcontinent?

33 3. Key Ideas Why is India considered a subcontinent? A: It is part of Asia but a separate landform because of separated mountains from the rest of Asia.

34 4. Key Ideas Why is the winter monsoon dry and the summer monsoon wet?

35 4. Key Ideas Why is the winter monsoon dry and the summer monsoon wet? A: Winter monsoons crosses land and mountains before reaching India; Summer monsoons crosses ocean.

36 5. Key Ideas Why is South Asia so prone to earthquakes?

37 5. Key Ideas Why is South Asia so prone to earthquakes? A: Several plates of Earth’s crust collides there.

38 6. Make Inferences How might farmers in a monsoon climate plan their work around the seasons?

39 6. Make Inferences How might farmers in a monsoon climate plan their work around the seasons? A: The farmers will probably plant at the beginning of the rainy season or right before it.

40 7. Evaluate What might be some advantages and disadvantages of living in Bangladesh?

41 7. Evaluate What might be some advantages and disadvantages of living in Bangladesh? A: Fertile soil of delta is an advantage, but occurrence of floods and cyclones is disadvantage.

42 8. CONNECT To Today Many scientists claim that the global climate is getting warmer and polar icecaps might melt, raising the level of the oceans. Predict how that might affect the Maldives and Bangladesh.

43 8. CONNECT To Today Many scientists claim that the global climate is getting warmer and polar icecaps might melt, raising the level of the oceans. Predict how that might affect the Maldives and Bangladesh. A: Since the islands of the Maldives barely rise above sea level, higher ocean levels might cause them to disappear. Bangladesh is also low lying so that rising sea levels will cause severe flooding.

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