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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0126793, 0341468 and 0717624. Any opinions, findings, and.

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Presentation on theme: "This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0126793, 0341468 and 0717624. Any opinions, findings, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0126793, 0341468 and 0717624. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation Self Published Textbooks In 2007, Radiohead made history when an established musical group self-released their CD and allowed their fans to pay as much as they think their CD is worth. In a similar spirit, in March 2008, we self-published a book on Introduction to Matrix Algebra, while a book on Numerical Methods with Applications will be self-published on December 10, 2008. University of South Florida and Arizona State University will start using the Numerical Methods book in Spring 2009, while Florida A&M and Old Dominion University will adopt it in Fall 2009. Advantages of self-publishing thru a company such as include the following. 1)There is no need to take content off the web, while you retain the copyrights and publishing rights. 2)The content is accessible to all students whether the professor chooses a different textbook or if the content is a pre-requisite. 3)There is no dead period between book proposal and print time, and there is no dead-update period either between editions. 4)You can provide a print version and/or downloadable version with different cost structures. 5)There is no upfront or backend cost except for a $100 ISBN number application fee. 6)You get to choose the level of your royalty to self-sustain the dissemination. 7)Printed books are inexpensive – a 700-page book with perfect binding would cost less than $40 including S&H and royalties. Conclusions The development of Numerical Method resources has been funded by three consecutive NSF CCLI grants since 2002. To maximize our audience, we have not only used the traditional dissemination avenues such as presentations at conferences and publishing journal articles, but also put the complete resources in multiple formats on the web, used blogs, uploaded videos to YouTube, self-published textbooks, and made contributions to Wikipedia. Many of these avenues were assessed for their effectiveness. The feedback from the assessment is used to further enhance the quality and availability of these resources. Blogging Many students ask me questions during the lecture period, via email, or during office hours. Also via personal response (clicker) quizzes conducted in class, I find out the concepts that most of them do not understand. Students at USF are no different than in many other institutions. They too must have similar questions and misunderstandings. In May 2008, a blog was started and many of these questions are now readily answered on the web. Questions include why higher order interpolation is a bad idea (see figure below) to quantifying advantages of LU Decomposition method. Wikipedia and Wikis Rather than making your own Wikis which can get time consuming so far as developing and moderating is concerned, we have found that contributing to Wikipedia itself is a better choice. You can choose the pace and level of contribution.

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