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November 2001 WELCOME TO ISECON 2001 Information Systems Education Conference “Technology in the 21 st Century, Where Innovation and Information Converge”

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1 November 2001 WELCOME TO ISECON 2001 Information Systems Education Conference “Technology in the 21 st Century, Where Innovation and Information Converge” November 1 - 4, 2001 Cincinnati, Ohio

2 November 2001 THE TWO AND FOUR YEAR INTERNET/WEB PROGRAMS AT PURDUE UNIVERSITY CALUMET By Charles Winer John Maniotes Information Systems and Computer Programming Department ISECON 2001 Purdue University Calumet Hammond, IN 46323 USA

3 November 2001 TOPICS IS programs offered Goals of the Internet/Web programs The 2-year Internet/Web program The 4-year Internet/Web program A description of some of the courses Business/industry advisory committee Challenges faced by the program Retention rates of Internet/Web majors Conclusions


5 November 2001 IS Programs Offered by Purdue University Calumet A 1 year Certificate in Office Automation Technology A 1 year Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Information Systems A 2 year AS degree in Office Technology An AS and BS in Computer Information Systems An AS and BS in Software Development An AS and BS in Systems and Networking An AS and BS in Software Engineering An AS and BS in Internet/Web A MS in Technology – Information Systems

6 November 2001 Goals of the Internet/Web Programs (1 of 3) Development of system methodologies to analyze the needs for corporate Web sites Development of corporate Web sites, using a wide variety of languages and tools, including but not limited to C++, Visual Basic, JAVA, HTML, scripting languages, and FrontPage Implementation and maintenance of corporate Web sites Evaluation and recommendation of new technology for corporate Web sites

7 November 2001 Goals of the Internet/Web Programs (2 of 3) Selection and utilization of appropriate Web server technology Installation, maintenance, and management of Web servers Evaluation and recommendation of Internet solutions to workgroup, enterprise, and inter- enterprise problems and opportunities Intranet and extranet concepts and technologies

8 November 2001 Goals of the Internet/Web Programs (3 of 3) Evaluation and recommendation of E- Commerce solutions Installation of effective security measures at corporate Web sites

9 November 2001 Purdue University Calumet A.S. Degree Internet/Web First Semester Credits CIS166Introduction to C++ I3 CIS210Personal Computer Technology3 COM114Fundamentals of Speech Communications3 ENGL104English Composition I3 MA 153 Algebra and Trigonometry I __3__ 15

10 November 2001 Purdue University Calumet A.S. Degree Internet/Web Second Semester Credits CIS240Introduction to Networks3 CIS252Systems Analysis and Design 3 CIS266Introduction to C++ II3 ENGL105English Composition II3 MGMT154Algebra and Trigonometry II __3__ 15

11 November 2001 Purdue University Calumet A.S. Degree Internet/Web Third Semester Credits CIS217Object Oriented Programming3 CIS241Web Development I3 CIS253Applied Database Techniques3 MGMT200Introduction to Accounting OR MGMT224Introduction to Marketing3 Social Science Elective __3__ 15

12 November 2001 Purdue University Calumet A.S. Degree Internet/Web Fourth Semester Credits CIS242E-Commerce Architecture 3 CIS263JAVA Programming 3 CIS286Operating Systems I3 Humanities Elective3 Open Elective __3__ 15

13 November 2001 Purdue University Calumet B.S. Degree Internet/Web Fifth Semester Credits CIS341Web Development II3 CIS342Multimedia for Web Designers3 CISElective 3 ENGL302Publications Design3 MA 214 Linear Algebra and Linear Programming __3__ 15

14 November 2001 Purdue University Calumet B.S. Degree Internet/Web Sixth Semester Credits CIS323Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design3 CIS356Topics in Database Programming 3 CIS363Advanced JAVA Programming3 CISElective3 MGMT225Fundamentals of Managerial Statistics __3__ 15

15 November 2001 Purdue University Calumet B.S. Degree Internet/Web Seventh Semester Credits CIS442Internet/Web Security3 CIS457Database Administration3 CISElective 3 Management Elective3 General Education Elective __3__ 15

16 November 2001 Purdue University Calumet B.S. Degree Internet/Web Eighth Semester Credits CIS427System Development Project3 CIS441Web Server Management 3 CISElective 3 MGMT354Legal Foundations of Business 3 Natural Science Elective __3__ 15

17 November 2001 BUSINESS/INDUSTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Composition of Committee Number of industries represented Number of meetings held during the academic year Recent issues discussed by the committee

18 November 2001 CHALLENGES FACED BY THE PROGRAM Staffing/recruiting Instructional materials Funding issues Partnering with vendors

19 November 2001 RETENTION RATES OF INTERNET/WEB MAJORS Current rates Number of majors Closed lab format Staffing changes

20 November 2001 CONCLUSIONS This is the fastest growing program at our University Students “learn” in a lecture/lab environment, instead of just being “taught” in a classroom The demand exceeds the supply of A.S. and B.S. graduates The Internet is here to stay The Web is growing exponentially, IPv6


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