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Dutch Barn in America: Survival of a Medieval Structure Frame Theodore H. M. Prudon.

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Presentation on theme: "Dutch Barn in America: Survival of a Medieval Structure Frame Theodore H. M. Prudon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dutch Barn in America: Survival of a Medieval Structure Frame Theodore H. M. Prudon

2 Who is Theodore Prudon? MA. Architecture. University of Technology Delft (Holland). MS, Architecture. Columbia University PhD Architecture. Columbia University Architect and principal of Prudon & Partners Preservation of Modern Architecture. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2008. James Marston Fitch: an annotated bibliography. New York: Garland Publishing, 1983 With Kyle C Normandin. Restoring postwar heritage. International DOCOMOMO Conference (8th : 2004 : New York, N.Y. DOCOMOMO, 2008. "Architectural terra cotta and ceramic veneer in the United States prior to World War II: a history of its development and an analysis of its deterioration problems and possible repair methodologies." Ph.D. Thesis, Columbia University, 1981. Terra cotta as a building material : a bibliography. New York : Association for Preservation Technology, 1976 “The Dutch Barn in America: Survival of a Medieval Structural Frame.” New York Folklore Quarterly 2-3(winter 1976): 123-147. With Little, J. G. Exterior restoration of courtyard, Old Mint, San Francisco, California. Washington, D.C. : Universal Restoration, 1974 Historic hardware in the United States and Canada. Ottawa : Assoc. for Preservation Technology, 1974 Architectural preservation in the Netherlands. New York : American Museum of Natural History, 1973. “Low cost housing: the work of J. J. P. Oud architect, 1911-1931." MA Thesis, Columbia University, 1971.

3 More Bibliography Prudon, Theodore H.M. "Simulating Stone, 1860-1940: Artificial Marble, Artificial Stone, and Cast Stone." APT Bulletin 21, Nos. 3/4 (1989): 79-91. Prudon, Theodore H.M. "The Restoration Process." APT XVIII:4(1986), pp. 71-76. Prudon, Theodore and Steven Dalton. "The Accessible Path in Historic Properties." APT XIII:2(1981), pp. 31-39. Prudon, Theodore H. M. "In-Situ Injection of Wood Preservatives." APT XI:1(1979), pp. 75-80. Prudon, Theodore H. M. "Installing Non-Corrosive Anchors in Old Masonry, Some Examples." APT XI:3(1979), pp. 61-76. Prudon, Theodore H. M. "Wooden Structural Members: Some Recent European Preservation Methods." APT VII:1(1975), pp. 4-11, See also VII:3(1975), p. 1. Prudon, Theodore H.M. "Deafening: An Early Form of Sound Insulation." APT VII:4(1975), pp. 5-13. Prudon, Theodore H.M. "Boulderberg: A Neo-Gothic House of Poured Concrete." APT V: 4(1973), pp. 28-39.





8 Raising Holes in Dutch barns Dutch Barns Preservation Society

9 Decker Barn John Fitchen, The New World Dutch Barn; A Study of Its Characteristics, Its Structural System, and Its Probable Erectional Procedures. Syracuse University Press, 1968. John Fitchen, Greg Huber editor, The New World Dutch Barn: The Evolution, Forms, and Structure of a Disappearing Icon. Syracuse University Press, 2001.








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