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The Age of Napoleon Begins

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1 The Age of Napoleon Begins

2 Napoleon’s Rise to Power
Born in Corsica, a French island in the Mediterranean Trained from the age of 9 to be in the army Had success in the army during the French Revolution Officer in the French army

3 Self-Made Emperor Overthrew the directory and set up The Consulate- A three-man governing board Two years later, he assumed the title Emperor of the French Pope came to coronate him, but he took the crown from the pope’s hands and placed it on his own head– to show he owed his throne to no one but himself He held a plebiscite- Ballot in which voters say yes or no, and France strongly supported him as emperor

4 France Under Napoleon Reforms
Built roads & canals Set up system of public schools under strict government control Made peace w/ Catholic Church Gave land to peasants Napoleonic Code- New law code that embodied Enlightenment principles: equality of all citizens before the law Undid some reforms of the French Revolution (women lost power they had gained)

5 Building an Empire Napoleon created a vast French Empire & added lands to France: Netherlands, Belgium & parts of Italy Controlled much of Europe through forceful diplomacy Tactic: Put friends & relatives on throne of Europe His successes boosted French nationalism

6 Napoleon’s Power in Europe

7 France vs. Britain Britain remained outside of Napoleon’s European empire Britain relied on its navy to stop Napoleon Napoleon attacked by sea & failed Waged economic warfare: closed European ports to British goods Britain responded w/ blockade- shutting off ports to keep people or supplies from moving in or out Napoleon failed in bringing Britain down

8 Causes & Effects of French Revolution
Long-Term Causes Immediate Causes Corrupt leadership Members of Third Estate resent privileges of First and Second estates Spread of Enlightenment ideas Government debt Poor harvests and rising price of bread Failure of Louis XVI to accept financial reforms Formation of National Assembly Immediate Effects Long-Term Effects Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen France adopts its first written constitution Monarchy abolished Reign of Terror Napoleon gains power Napoleonic Code established French conquests spread nationalism Revolutions occur in Europe and Latin America

9 Answer in your spiral.. Why do you think that the French, who overthrew and executed their monarch, would return enthusiastically to a monarchy under Napoleon Bonaparte? Be prepared to discuss

10 Flow-Chart With a partner, create a flow-chart of Napoleon’s rise to power Choose the SEVEN most important events from Napoleon’s rise to power and his actions while ruling France. Explain why each one is one of the most important. You and your partner must each have one in your spiral, but you can work on it together. You will get a stamp at the end of the period.

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