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“R EVOLUTION AND R EFORM IN F RANCE ” 1815 TO 1873 Chapter 15 Section 3.

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2 “R EVOLUTION AND R EFORM IN F RANCE ” 1815 TO 1873 Chapter 15 Section 3

3 I.) B ACKGROUND A. Congress of Vienna restores Louis XVIII to throne in France 1. accepted constitution which limits his power 2. kept reforms made by previous revolution (1789-1815) 3. dies in 1824 B. Charles X becomes king of France (brother) 1. believes in absolute monarchy 2. get rid of liberal reforms 3. raises taxes to repay nobles Outcome: Revolution of 1830 forces Charles gives up throne

4 II.) R EVOLUTION LEADS TO C HANGES A. Louis Philippe is chosen to be king of France after revolution 1. calls himself “Citizen King”……….. 2. but represents landowners w/policy B. Bonapartists were those in France who opposed Louis Philippe & wanted to revive Napoleon’s empire

5 C. Revolution of 1848 erupts after freedom of speech is restricted (food shortages & unemployment high also) 1. riots take place & troops sent in 2. Louis Philippe abdicates the throne (flees to England) 3. Second French Republic established

6 D. Second French Republic: 1. republican form of govt. 2. president (one term limit) 3. legislature (all males can vote) 4. “national workshops” created E.Louis-Napoleon (nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte) chosen by voters as president

7 III.) L OUIS -N APOLEON ’ S R ULE A. Goal: Amend constitution so he can serve more than 1 term 1. National Assembly vote no Result: coup d'état 2. New vote approves new constitution (10 years)

8 B. 1852: declared “emperor” 1. citizens loose basic rights 2. authoritarian rule 3. domestic affairs stable

9 IV.) F OREIGN C ONFLICTS A. Crimean War 1. Why? Land disputes in Palestine between Russia, Ottoman Empire, and France 2. Who & When? Alliance between France, Britain, Ottoman Empire declares war on Russia in 1854 3. What? Russia defeated & France gains military glory

10 B. Overseas Empires Created 1. France gains control of:

11 C. Franco-Prussian War 1. Prussia trying to unite all 39 German States 2. France was against the union 3. Prussia lead by Otto von Bismarck “egg on” Louis-Napoleon to declare war in 1870 4. Prussia invades France, 5. Paris falls in 1871 and war ends Outcome: Treaty of Frankfurt: forces France to give up territory & pay reparations to Prussia

12 V.) T HE T HIRD R EPUBLIC A. Third Republic 1. Constitution of 1875 officially makes France a “Republic” 2. President (7yr term) and two house legislature 3. Two parties: Conservatives and Republicans B.Reforms in the late 1800’s 1. legalized trade unions 2. free education (13 & under) 3. coalitions form in govt.

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